
Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

Author: Little Black Box - Misplaced and Unable to Change (Authorized)

Today we will talk about the conspiracy of Black Knife Night, there may be many loopholes, but I try to make the story reasonable (there is a small theater in the back).

Say in the front: In fact, according to these updates, as well as some of the content is insufficient, the npc branch line is broken, it can be seen that the epidemic has caused a relatively large impact on the FS society, many plots have been cut, which also brings a lot of difficulty to the background inference, so wait for the update and DLC!

Well, without further ado, let's go straight to:

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

The incident occurred after Radagan became king, and Malika gave birth to twin sons Mikaela and Malelia, and the demigod family gradually grew.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

Two fingers may have discovered Malika's strange appearance, as Malika Proverbs says: the era of blind obedience has passed.

The fear of two fingers is also unfounded, and Malika exiles the original king, Greire, for no reason, taking back their blessings, but allowing them to return to the tree after death. So much so that Radagan wanted to return to the royal city and hurriedly become a king to stabilize the situation.

Two Fingers found three people: Lani, Maleia, and Mikaela, and elected them as candidates for the Gods, hoping that they would compete for the position of God-Man in order to take Marika's place.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

[La ni, who believes in the starry sky, is extremely disgusted with the Golden Law]

If it weren't for the desire to replace Malika, I really couldn't think of any other reason. Under the protection of the Golden Law, the demigods are immortal, not to mention Malika, who is a goddess. If two fingers trust Marika enough, Marika will definitely be able to keep doing it.

When we talk to Lanny, she confesses to stealing the Dead Rune fragment, but does not mention that he killed Gold Godwin. La ni's reason for killing Gurdwen is not sufficient, and the black knife is not La ni's power, but a rare woman like Malika, but La Ni does have a rebellious heart.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

[Item that can play anti-black sword attack]

Death Loon is kept by the Black Sword Malikas, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people. During the founding of the Golden Dynasty, it was also Marika who entrusted the Black Sword to rob the Queen of the Night's Eyes of the Destiny of death.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

[Killed by the death of Destiny, Black Flame also lost the ability to hunt gods]

The Black Sword is the shadow of Malika, and Malika and the Black Sword become brothers, thus subjugating the Beast Clan. The black sword functions similarly to Blazer, a subordinate of La ni, who kills his master when he violates the rules, and the first premise of the Golden Law is to kick out the death of Destiny. Being able to steal the Death Loon Fragment should be secretly helped by Malika.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

[Remembrance points out: Malika betrayed the Black Sword]

Therefore, the more The Two Fingers maintain the Golden Law, the more Malika is dissatisfied and knows that the Two Fingers are ready to replace her plan.

But even with so much information, we can't be entirely sure of Malika's purpose, which is an important basis for unlocking the Night of the Black Knife, leading to very different claims, so I'll extrapolate separately.

First, we can guess that Malika's purpose was to perfect the Golden Law.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

[The Dead Prince's Restoration of Luen, made from a combination of two halves of a hundred feet]

Prince of Death's repair of Lune, who has the ability to return to death, may be because Ofvin's special physique, so he wants to find Godwin to open the knife.

We can argue that Malika felt that the Golden Law without death was imperfect, so he exiled Greire and let them experience life, old age, illness and death, and those who were taken after death will be returned, so that the golden tree has a dead part. But the front foot banished Gevere, the back foot Ladagan returned to the throne, and Malika also perceived the extremes of two fingers and her other half: the Golden Law was sacred and unchangeable. So it's unrealistic to rely on this method to achieve the goal, so Malika goes to extremes.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

[Poor Godwin, who unknowingly died]

As a goddess, Malika was not easy to use, so she directly or indirectly used Lani. It is not clear whether Marika contacted Rani directly or was secretly contributing, but according to the actions of the black knife, it is likely that the two secretly joined forces. Through the ritual, Lani places the power of Death Lune on the blade, and then the black knife goes to assassinate Godwin.

But this raises the question, which side does the black knife belong to? It shouldn't be Rani, because in the end the Black Knife also hunted down the blacksmith and Blaiseer and the like, and Lani could only do this to kill someone who might be affected by the two fingers, but here we don't think of her so darkly. Marika is even less likely, after the ring was broken, Marika has been secretly executed (doubtfully, the old lady of the round table said that Malika was the vessel of elden's ring and let us become her king, maybe she is not dead yet, and then her body is completely destroyed after being used by Ladagan, or is Malika finally resurrected?). Death Lune runs straight through the chest. If the Black Knife is a two-fingered force, why go on an assassination operation and then fight against Rani?

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

[Malika hanging from Lune's arc, fragments of death from Lune running through her body]

Therefore, for the time being, we will not judge the origin of the black knife, which is both the name of the weapon and the name of the organization, and may be temporarily formed for the purpose of assassination operations. It is also possible that only a part of the members were assassinated, and the overall owner was violated (after all, the head of the black knife is still locked up).

Marika wants to kill Godwin with a black knife and then get a repair to Lune to perfect the Golden Law, but something goes wrong. Godwin was indeed killed by the black knife, but it was Godwin's soul that was killed, and the body was still struggling, what was the reason for this. Not only was Godwin killed by the black knife, Lani also used the black knife and killed her own flesh, which also led to the separation of the hundred foot rings, repairing Lune did not get, and the son died in vain (the text says that Malika collapsed because of her son's death, which may be the reason, under the blessing of the Golden Law, the demigod is not dead and can be resurrected by the golden tree, but it is not clear whether the Golden Tree of Godwin, who was killed by the black knife, has the ability to resurrect, Malika may not want her son to really die, just want to get Lune) Malika's plan is bankrupt. Simply break the jar and smash it, directly smash the Eldon Ring, and vent his anger over the years.

What exactly does the black knife do? Even if it is a fragment of death, it should be okay to kill the demigod, not to the point of being half-dead. Maybe Rani had swung Marika together to separate the power of the black knife used for the assassination, and the rest was used for her own personal use.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

[Black knife made from special rituals]

There was also the idea that Malika's purpose was to completely crush the Elden Ring of Law, and to plot against it.

First, let the Golden Law have a vicious bug that separates the physical and spiritual dead. Then, taking advantage of the fact that the golden Godwin was killed, the royal city was in chaos, and he secretly smashed the Ring of Law himself. She had long entrusted the rare people to build a sledgehammer that could break the ring of law.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

[Rarely crafted sledgehammer, Malika or premeditated]

Entrusted with a rare warhammer, it has the power to break the Ring of Law, and Malika is also an outsider, not belonging to the natives of the border area.

Eventually, Elden's Ring of Law is shattered by Malika, and Radagan's rescue is to no avail. After that, the junction fell into chaos, and the fragment war broke out.

As for why the supreme will recalls the faded one, it is actually because no one among the demigods becomes king, not the one who wants to fade becomes king. The ruins of the battlefield outside the city have proverbs saying:

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

[Remains of the battlefield outside the city, the Second Battle of Roddell]

If the war ends with no one becoming kings and no one becoming gods, then the demigods will be abandoned and become sacrifices.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

[After the Great War, no demigod has the ability to become a king]

The Nightmare Twins are in the Furnace of Hundred Phases, Mikaela is abducted by Monge, Malelia is scarlet and corrupt and seriously injured and comatose, Rataen loses his mind, Lakad is devoured by a large snake, and Lani wants to escape control.

Before we confront Ho lailu, we will be blocked by Baizhi, who reveals to us Malika's last wish: to maintain the status quo. And it says: Man cannot kill God. The blacksmith Shugu was commissioned by Malika to create a god-killing weapon for the Faded, probably as planned before, Marika originally wanted to kill the Eldon Beast, but the plan was broken and could only shatter the Ring of Law.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

[Originally the director of the round table, but in the end he was with the faded warrior blade in the direction]

At the end, Baizhi glimpses Malika's last wish, and Malika does not want anyone to rebuild the Golden Age.

The following are small theaters:

bang! bang! bang!

Ladagan: What a thing that rings all the time at night, I can't sleep well.

Ladagan: I go, isn't that my great Eldon Ring? Malika, what are you doing with this guy.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

Ladagan begins to compete with Malika for control of her body.

Malika: Ah, Ladagan, the loyal dog of the Golden Law, you are not me, you are not a god, smash each other.

Ladagan: What, you still scold me? Malika I put up with you for a long time Ha, ah has been looking at me I am not happy, you see what you gave me a baby? One is missing arms and legs, and one is half-life. Are you okay and still want to smash the ring? Beautiful for you.

Malika: If you can't change it, then destroy it completely!

bang! The Falun Gong is broken by one point.

bang! The legal ring repairs one point.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

Malika and Ladagan, in an argument...


Finally, Marika struggled with a hammer, and the Shards of eldon's Falun Were splashed.

Ladagan: Oh, my king's power!

Ultimate boss battle. Ladagan: Well, Malika, you didn't expect it, I'm not dead.

Eldon's Ring of Law, Malika and La ni, who is using whom? Explain the plot of Black Knife Night in detail

After the Faders defeated Radagan. Ladagan: Good fellow, just a few minutes to experience the card is it, good you Eldon beast, call me out and get beaten.

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