
Takuya Kimura's 20-year-old eldest daughter gave her voice as the voice of "Meat Sauce in the Fishing Port" and played the flute accompaniment

author:Times Entertainment

On April 21, according to Japanese media reports, Cocomi, the 20-year-old eldest daughter of Takuya Kimura, the King of Japan, gave her voice for the first time as a voice actor in the cartoon "Meat Sauce in the Fishing Port" and also scored a flute accompaniment for the film. Shinmi Kimura, who is an anime fan herself, went to a dubbing training class to learn professional dubbing when she was in high school. This time, with a beautiful voice, she perfectly presented the 11-year-old obedient girl "Kikuko" in the cartoon. When asked by the media about her most similarities with the voice role, Kimura Said: "When I perceive that the atmosphere of things becomes a little tricky, I will face the current situation, which is very similar to me!" ”

Takuya Kimura's 20-year-old eldest daughter gave her voice as the voice of "Meat Sauce in the Fishing Port" and played the flute accompaniment

"Meat Sauce in the Fishing Port" is about a mother and daughter whose appearance and personality are very different, and for some reason they settle on a fishing boat in a small fishing port in the countryside, Kimura Shinmi voices the smart and cute and somewhat precocious "Kikuko", and her mother "Meat" who lives with her is voiced by Otake Shinobi. Meat works at an izakaya and is still very cheerful every day after being cheated on by many men, and although the mother and daughter fight all day, they live together and take good care of each other. Natsuki Hanae, the voice actor of "Devil's Blade", voiced Natsuki Hanae for Kikuko's "weird coffee" classmate "Ninomiya", because of an accident, Kikuko discovered a surprising secret.

Takuya Kimura's 20-year-old eldest daughter gave her voice as the voice of "Meat Sauce in the Fishing Port" and played the flute accompaniment

The producer of "Meat Sauce in the Fishing Port" is the well-known host Akashi family saury fish, who is also a close friend of Takuya Kimura, who grew up watching Kimura Shinmi. Therefore, with his rich experience in film and television production, he directed Kimura Shinmi's recording. Kimura Shinmi's language in the film has a certain accent, only the dialogue with her mother uses Osaka, and she also admits that such language switching requires high requirements for accent, tone and range, and almost was overwhelmed. However, she listened to the radio and video programs to learn, changed the original accent, and corrected it in time with Akashi's saury, and the presentation effect was very ideal.

Takuya Kimura's 20-year-old eldest daughter gave her voice as the voice of "Meat Sauce in the Fishing Port" and played the flute accompaniment

The musically talented Kimura began learning violin at the age of 3 and the flute at the age of 11, and is the disciple of the principal flute player Kanda Hiroaki of the NHK Symphony Orchestra. She not only made her voice debut in this cartoon, but also served as a flute player on the film's soundtrack. She flipped through the original novel "Meat Sauce in the Fishing Port" over and over again, figuring out Kikuko's voice. She said: "Because when I was dubbing audition, I was very worried about how to express Kikuko's voice, and I could only think about it myself, which was difficult in short. Including subtle reactions and ventilation, it really made me nervous to rely on sound alone, but fortunately what I learned in the dubbing training class came in handy. ”

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