
Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi

author:Huangshan Net

The west of the famous city of Tunxi, Longfu Old Street on the bank of the Hengjiang River, is a well-known ancient commercial port street.

Longfu Ancient Town, as one of the settlements of famous and prestigious families in Huizhou such as Dai, Wu, Luo and Jiang, has a long history. Next to it, yiqi, the cultural relics excavated from the ancient tombs of the Western Zhou Dynasty have proved that the production and living standards of the ancestors of the Wushan Yue ancestors in this area more than 3,000 years ago have been "no less than the northern Central Plains civilization". According to the "Genealogy of the Jingdunmen of the Dai Clan of Xiuning Longfu" in the forty-eighth year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty (1709), the Dai clan "moved from the Southern Tang Dynasty" and "Zhonggong Gong" Dai An to Longfu, "so far there have been more than a thousand years". It can be known that the ancient town of Longfu was a clan settlement in the huizhou domain at least a thousand years ago. Longfu is anhui, Zhejiang, Ganyi Xin'an River waterway traffic trade must pass through the place, since the Ming and Qing dynasties Longfu along the river has more than a dozen large and small docks, day and night boat berthing busy.

Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi

It is said that the name of "Longfu" is because many ships are mostly close to the shore here and the business is prosperous. With the prosperity of Huishang, Longfu Ancient Town became a prosperous town under the wing of the famous city of Tunxi at that time, with "Longfu Floating Lan, Xiangshan Evening Cui, Zhuli Pingwu, Langjiu Ancient Wood, Yumen Hook Moon, Mao Shui Miao, Ancient Temple Morning Bell, Leisurely Night Reading" and other "eight scenery", in the embrace of this Bright Mountain, "Longfu" Old Street has long been famous.

Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi

Map of the upper, middle and lower sections of Longfu Old Street (picture from the "Longfu Village Residence Map" of the "Xiuning Dai Clan Genealogy")

Starting from the "Jingdun Ancestral Hall" of the Dai Clan Ancestral Hall at the mouth of the village east of Longfu, from the "Yunqi Pavilion" through the stone square of "Running Water Bell Spirit", entering the "Limen", you will come to the main street of "Longfu". Tunxi Old Street is "four miles long", and "Longfu" old street is also more than three miles long. From east to west, longfu lower street, longfu middle street, longfu upper street, along the street, at least 30 or 40 large and small, one after another.

Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi

The "Yunqi Pavilion" at the east end of Longfu Old Street (picture from the Internet) and the street scene of Middle Street of Longfu Old Street

Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi

Advertisement of a Chinese medicine store in Longfu Old Street Middle Street and Longfu Old Street Street (Image from the Internet)

In the upper, middle and lower streets, the stone steps of "Eighteen Lanes" lead to the shipping docks along the Hengjiang River. In several shipping docks on the street, the red linen stone steps that remain today, and the wear marks of the freight years can still make people imagine the busy scene of the "Longfu" old street in that year. Between the "Shurenli Pier" and the street entrance, there were two strong and tall stone warehouse doors, which could be closed at night. This is the most original Huishang Wharf preserved in the upper reaches of the Xin'an River. On the steps of the "Main Store Wharf" passage of Middle Street, the building of the street building of that year is still preserved, with a unique type system, the river and the street are connected, and the scenery is particularly beautiful.

Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi

In 1924, Chen Xuezhao, a famous modern female writer on the mainland (the author of the book "Working is Beautiful"), was a Chinese language teacher at the "Anhui Provincial Fourth Girls' Normal School", and he often crossed from here to the "Huayuanba" in the river, and never returned. In 1981, Professor Kenjiro Doda of Waseda University in Japan was amazed to see this beautiful view. Due to the rolling pressure of various unicycles year after year, the deep rut marks of the noodles of Longfu Old Street have been left behind, witnessing the prosperity of "Longfu" Old Street. "Longfu" old street along the river has preserved relatively well-preserved "Shurenli Wharf", "Main Store Wharf", "Chuandu Wharf", "Shangcuntou Wharf", "Houdi Wharf" and other Huishang Wharf, which have become rare and rare Cultural and Ecological Material Resources in Huizhou.

Like Tunxi Old Street, Wan'an Old Street, Longchuan Ancient Street, etc., Longfu Old Street is another important existing huishang ancient street in Huizhou at present, and it is also a cultural ancient street with a particularly rich history. As early as more than a thousand years ago, its ancestor Nantang Yinqing Guanglu Dafu Shangzhu Guo inspector Yushi Dai'an and his son Dai Hao, after moving from Huangdun in Shexian County to settle down, left a large number of footprints of "Longfu Dai" writing the history of life struggle in the upper, middle and lower sections of this ancient street. There have been many high-ranking officials and eunuchs in the past. Dai Chun of the Southern and Northern Dynasties was a mighty general who joined forces with Xin'an Cheng Lingxue (the ancestor of Chinese Taijiquan) to fight against Hou Jing's rebellion and protect the border and the people. The great painter Dai Benxiao of the Ming and Qing dynasties, as well as the famous Danqing artists Dai Sheng, Dai Wenying, and Dai Siwang, are also the glory of "Longfu Dai".

Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi


In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the "Four Dais of Jiangxi" (Dai Diyuan, Dai Junyuan, Dai Xinheng, and Dai Quheng), who moved from Longfu Old Street to Jiangxi, was even more famous in the country. Qianlongjian (1736-1795), Dai Diyuan of Longfu Old Street, moved to Dayu, Jiangxi, Zhongjinshi, official editor, diligent for officials, and shaoqing of Taibu Temple. His younger brother Dai Junyuan, his sons Dai Xinheng and Dai Quheng also successively entered the army, entered Hanlin, and served as the chief examiner and scholar of politics, and their official reputation was better. In particular, that Dai Quheng, who was intelligent and studious from an early age, could write poetry at the age of 6, studied at the White Deer Cave Academy, and was talented. Legend has it that the county commander at that time was dimwitted and mediocre and refused to take him, Dai Quheng did not win the xiucai until he was 30 years old, and the children were uneven, tried their best to help each other, donated a xiucai for him, and obtained the qualification for the township examination. Dai Quheng was inspired to read hard, and indeed lived up to expectations, and then in the next 80 days, with his thick academic skills and full of wizards, he actually won the crown in one fell swoop from the township examination to the examination and the temple examination, all the way to the pass, even the examination and the victory, the field won the championship, and even the middle three yuan, and won the crown in one fell swoop. It is said that the county grand master with no eyes and no pearls heard about it, and was so frightened that he abandoned his official position and fled overnight. When Dai Qu Hengrong returned to his hometown in Longfu, Huizhou, he specially wrote a couplet in the "Red Temple" of the Dai Family Ancestral Hall on Longfu Lower Street: "Thirty years of county examinations are nameless, the government examinations are nameless, and the Taoist examinations are also nameless, and people's eyes are not open to the sky; the first in the eighty-day township examination, the first in the Beijing examination, and the first in the palace examination, and the blue robe takes off the purple robe and returns", expressing his resentment of despising the mediocre officials and burying talents and his cheerful mood after he is satisfied. Although the legend may not all be true, Dai Quheng was later awarded the title of Editor, the main Jiangnan and Hubei township examinations, the governor of Shanxi and Guangdong Xuezheng, the official cabinet bachelor, the concurrent Hanlin Academy, the president of Wenyingge, the scholar of Tirenge University, and the president of the Chonghui Examination. All kinds of huge productions of the imperial court ceremonies were handed out. Dai Quheng's human nature is clear, his silent color is good, his heart is frank, he is cautious and self-guarding, and he is a good official who is clearly recorded in history.

As for Dai Zhen (1724-1777), a well-known outstanding Chinese thinker and encyclopedic university scholar in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, he was a star of the century rising from the famous city of Tunxi Longfu. Dai Zhen's former residence is in the three gates on the side of Longfu Middle Street. He was born in a family of Huishang merchants, at the age of seventeen, he was interested in hearing the Tao, advocated seeking truth from facts, "on the rule of the rich people as the basis", and had outstanding academic achievements in language and writing, astronomy, geography, arithmetic, phonology, exegesis, examination and other aspects, and the most remarkable thing is that he put forward the philosophy of "unifying reasons" of "feeling for the people and fulfilling the people's desires" in philosophy, advocating "forgiveness", bravely criticizing "post-Confucianism killing people with reason", questioning the feudal hierarchical order of "respect and inferiority" for thousands of years, and speaking for the common people. Became a pioneer of early Enlightenment ideas in China. At present, the "Dai Zhen Library Building" rebuilt by the "Shaobi Building" in 1924 still stands on the street, with pink walls and tiles, and the stone library door is mottled, which is still the style of the "Longfu Dongyuan Private Library". There are also stone stele such as the ruins of Dai Zhen's former residence, the remains of Dai Zhen's washing pond, the "Longfu Dai Family", and Huang Yanpei's handwriting of "Mr. Dai Dongyuan's Reading Office", all of which make people intuitively feel the history of Longfu Old Street.

Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi

After Dai Zhen, the "Longfu Dai" who moved to Zhejiang Tokaihua also produced a Shangshu Dai Dunyuan of the Punishment Department, who was a qingzheng official and advocated that "for the sake of the official food" it is necessary to "do things for the people.", which is another historical celebrity who went out of the old street of Longfu.

"Longfu Dai" is a famous Wang ethnic group in Huizhou, and in the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were many Hui merchants and rich households from the Dai family. The folk proverb says: "The south of the two rivers in Shexian County cannot reach Xiuning Yishang Mountain; Xiuning Yishang Mountain cannot reach Longfu YidaiJia." "During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty (1403-1424), there was a Longfu wood merchant Dai Lang who was engaged in business in Huzhou and Deqing. Tunxi Old Bridge "Zhenhai Bridge", is the Ming Dynasty Jiajing five years (1526) Longfu Dai Guangxian and his nephew and other ethnic donations to build, this seven-hole bridge, 130 meters long, 6 meters wide, 9 meters high, the Tunxi Old Street bustling urban area and Liyang Old Street into one, is now a national key protected cultural relics. To this day, the "Dai's Seven-Room Hall" in Longfu Middle Street is still there, with a grand volume, special internal structure and exquisite carving, and it is still one of the few surviving huipai ancient residential masterpieces in Huizhou. The "Dai Family House" is also being protected. Longfu old street merchants and rich people many people, when longfu lower street Cao family garden, big iron gate, Wanhetang, etc., are their masterpieces, from Qingyang to Huizhou Cao Li'an, the purchase of a large number of artificial rocks left by the Dai family to create the famous Longfu old street "Cao Family Garden", this batch of rockeries later scattered to Hong Kong, in 2015 in the Garden of Royalx Castle in Belgium, in 2018 to France, and back to Hong Kong, in 2019 Guardian Auction House auction, the reserve price is 940 million!

Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi

From November 5, 2018 to June 2, 2019, the entire garden rockery was moved to the exhibition on the banks of the Coson River in France, next to the Château de Chambord, which Leonardo DaVinci participated in the design and construction of.

Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi

In modern times, Cao Zhizhai, the big boss of the Tunxi Electric Light Factory and the president of the Tunxi Chamber of Commerce, is also a hui merchant who came out of Longfu Old Street. There is also a folk proverb: Longfu Old Street "The Wu family has a Wu Nianliang, and the amount of pearls in the family" shows its wealth in business. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Longfu Old Street was also one of the bases for making "Tun Green" in Tunxi, the "Tea City", close to the "Tea Shop" of "CaoJia Garden", "the scale is almost the size of two or three production teams".

Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi

Longfu Old Street is also famous in modern culture and education. Longfu people have always attached great importance to culture and education, and there have been at least many private schools in history (Dai Dongyuan's "Amusement School", Cao Fugao Private School, Lü Peiji Private School, Mengzilin Private School, etc.). Later, Jiang Tonghou, Tao Xingzhi, Hong Fanwu, Hu Jinjie, Fang Xin and others founded the Anhui Provincial Fourth Girls' Normal School at the former residence of Dai Dongyuan in the three gates of Longfu Old Street, which was very angry. In 1914, Mr. Huang Yanpei gave a high evaluation after his inspection. Dai Ying also founded the "Xiuning County Agricultural Elementary Primary School". It is known that by 1949, there were 12 primary and secondary schools in Longfu. Since modern times, Longfu's literacy education for civilian culture has also been very successful, and from 1923 to 1924 alone, more than 2,000 people were educated in civilian schools. At that time, Tao Xingzhi was very happy to learn that a 69-year-old lady in Longfu had also participated in literacy and literacy, believing that this was "called the illiterate Longfu and became a literate Longfu" and the hope of "bright Longfu". Tao Xingzhi also presented a "Great Wall Brick" to the Longfu female teacher who took to the streets of Longfu.

Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi

Infographic The same applies below

Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi
Fang Li Shan: Longfu Old Street in the famous Chinese city of Tunxi

Longfu Old Street is famous around the "stage singing" and "Longfu Tai Pavilion", at that time in the Longfu lower street to build the Longfu flower stage, the rich people competed to show off their wealth, competing for the beauty, it was "gold bracelet knot railing, pearl string couplet", "the theater is magnificent, the people and horses fighting dance is also the same", attracting the people from all over the world to flock to see the wonder. In order to commemorate wang Hua, the duke of Yueguo, the "Longfu Tai Pavilion" is even more ingenious, the upper, middle and lower three floors, handsome children playing, flowers, colorful lanterns, six and eight parades, is the longfu old street famous characteristics of folklore.

Longfu Old Street is also an ordinary and lively people's life street, so far more than 3,000 residents of the four communities live together day and night, accompanied by "day and night outside the threshold of the river".

Longfu Old Street is an important cultural business card of the famous city of Tunxi.

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