
Looking for the twelfth division craftsman 丨 Wang Ge: the pen and ink are simple, quiet and long

# Opening column #

Do you remember a group of people who walked the streets with simple lines, or sat quietly in a small workshop, indulging in the work in their hands... They are ordinary people without aura, but they are all skilled and are called "craftsmen". They hold fast to a craft, a tradition, which is especially precious in this environment where everything is moving forward.

In the land of the Twelfth Division, there are also many unknown "craftsmen", and the Twelfth Division Rong Media Center specially planned the "Looking for the Craftsmen of the Twelfth Division" column to understand the persistence and dreams of the craftsmen of the Twelfth Division, and walk into the world of "Shouyi" with everyone.

Spread out the rice paper and dip in the ink

After seemingly randomly drawing a few strokes

The ink blooms layer by layer on rice paper

Ink color stacking, penetration

For a moment

The buds, stems and leaves of the rape flower jump on the paper


It was his daily life

He was a craftsman of the Twelfth Division

Wang Ge

Wang Ge's paintings originate from life

I still remember when I was a child

There is a piece of rape flower in front of the house

Every year in March and April

The canola blossoms are very beautiful

Wang Ge often catches bees among the flowers

Looking for the twelfth division craftsman 丨 Wang Ge: the pen and ink are simple, quiet and long


Wang Ge settled in Sanping Farm

Rarely return to their hometowns


He pinned this thought on the painting

Looking for the twelfth division craftsman 丨 Wang Ge: the pen and ink are simple, quiet and long
Looking for the twelfth division craftsman 丨 Wang Ge: the pen and ink are simple, quiet and long
Looking for the twelfth division craftsman 丨 Wang Ge: the pen and ink are simple, quiet and long

Wang Ge was born in 1968

Shaanxi Baoji people

His uncle was a home improvement designer


Wang Ge often plays in his uncle's company

I often learn the way my uncle looks

On the door panels and walls of the home

a sketch

Looking for the twelfth division craftsman 丨 Wang Ge: the pen and ink are simple, quiet and long

Wang Ge after adulthood

I chose the same job as my uncle

Engaged in arts and crafts design

Due to the needs of the work

He came into contact with Chinese painting

Then the learning begins

At work

Thanks to the guidance of the seniors

Wang Ge's Chinese paintings started quickly

But his Chinese painting skills have been continuously improved

Or from the later research and diligence

Looking for the twelfth division craftsman 丨 Wang Ge: the pen and ink are simple, quiet and long

Wang Ge passed

Read books on Chinese painting and teach yourself

He just started working

Monthly salary

It's basically used to buy books

Wang Ge said

In the era of material scarcity

He often learned through books

Painting techniques and creative techniques

This habit has remained so far

As of today

He bought it

There are hundreds of books on fine art

Looking for the twelfth division craftsman 丨 Wang Ge: the pen and ink are simple, quiet and long

Learning to paint Chinese painting requires hard work

I go home to practice after work

Painting all night was the norm for him at the time

Wang Ge said

Even so

He also never felt hard

Instead, have fun

Looking for the twelfth division craftsman 丨 Wang Ge: the pen and ink are simple, quiet and long

In order to paint a good Chinese painting

Wang Ge was at home

Chicken crown flowers, orchids, etc. were planted

Multiple varieties of plants

Observe often

Learn about their different postures

So that you can do it when you draw

Looking for the twelfth division craftsman 丨 Wang Ge: the pen and ink are simple, quiet and long

In addition to self-study

He also used to "go out"

He has visited and studied in professional academies of fine arts many times

See an exhibition of excellent paintings

Kung Fu pays off

After years of unremitting efforts and persistence

Now, Wang Ge has stepped on

Paint the road full-time

And with the help of the regimental field

He has held many solo exhibitions

The works are also sold online

Very popular with everyone

Looking for the twelfth division craftsman 丨 Wang Ge: the pen and ink are simple, quiet and long

Painting has become me

A part of life

More and more inseparable from it

this year

I intend to create 100 works of fine art

Tribute to the Twentieth National Congress of the Party


Reporter 丨 Jia Lutong Li Yangle

Video 丨Li Yangle

Correspondent 丨 Liu Jingjing

Editor 丨Hu Zewei

Responsible editor 丨 Guo Lili

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