
Qingming cut off snow, valley rain breaks frost

author:Master Bi's story collection

Friends, yesterday said Ha, after every solar term we will write an article to say, you see this is a coincidence, today is April 20, is the sixth of the twenty-four solar terms - gu rain, it is also the last festival in the spring, let's talk about it!

Qingming cut off snow, valley rain breaks frost

What is "Valley Rain"

On April 19, 20 or 21 of the lunar calendar every year, it rains when the sun reaches 30° ecliptic longitude. The Huainanzi Astronomical Training says: "(Qingming) plus fifteen days douzhichen then valley rain". Valley rain, the valley is born of rain, take the meaning of rain and a hundred valleys. At this time of year, the willows fall, the peonies spit out, spring will bid farewell to us, and the rain will gradually increase. "Qingming cut off snow, valley rain breaks frost", valley rain means that the cold wave is about to end, the temperature will continue to rise, all these changes are conducive to the growth of crops.

Qingming cut off snow, valley rain breaks frost

Phenological phenomena of valley rain

Qingming cut off snow, valley rain breaks frost

Gu Yu, Chu Hou, Ping Shi Sheng

The "Explanation of the Seventy-two Waiting For the Moon Order" says: "The first waiting, Ping shisheng." Ping, water grass also, and the water is flat Ping, drifting with the wind, so it is also known as drifting. The idiom we are familiar with, "Pingshui meets", is related to this: the original meaning of the idiom is that duckweed is wandering around because of water, gathering and scattering. The metaphor is that people do not know each other, and they meet by chance.

Qingming cut off snow, valley rain breaks frost

Gu Yu, Erhou, and Ming Dove whisks its feathers

The "Explanation of the Seventy-Two Waiting For the Moon Order" says: "Second waiting, the singing dove whisks its feathers." Dove, the eagle incarnated Cuckoo also. Whisk, over-hit also. "Due to the increase in precipitation during the rainy season, the wings and feathers of the cuckoo are less waterproof, so there is a habit of whisking feathers after rain.

Qingming cut off snow, valley rain breaks frost

Gu Yu Sanhou Dai Sheng descended on Sang

The "Explanation of the Seventy-Two Waiting For the Moon Order" says: "Three waits, Dai Sheng descended to Sang". Dai Sheng, The migratory bird of silkworm affairs, bird like a with a short tail, blue color, a fur crown with ornamentation, and a flower with a katsu (a kind of jewelry for ancient women). During the rainy season of the valley, the mulberry leaves are delicate, the trees are full of mulberries, and they begin to mature, and the scene of Daisheng birds pecking at the mulberries can often be seen.

Folk customs of the valley rain festival

Admire the peonies

Qingming cut off snow, valley rain breaks frost

Peony cultivation originated from Heluo, and the valley rainy season is an important time for peony flowers to bloom, and peony flowers are also known as "valley rain flowers". "Gu Yu San Dynasty Looking at Peonies" has a history of thousands of years. Unfortunately, due to the epidemic, it is impossible to get out of the customs, otherwise it is a good time to go to the ancient capital Luoyang to see peonies. At this time, a song came to mind: "Ah ~ ah ~ five rings", no, start again: "Ah ~ ah ~ peony"!

Gu Yu Tea

Qingming cut off snow, valley rain breaks frost

After a winter of rest and recuperation, the tea plant buds at this time are fat, emerald green, rich in a variety of vitamins and amino acids, so Guyu tea and Mingqian tea are the best tea of the year. However, the real Guyu tea is difficult to drink, according to the custom, Guyu tea is guyu picked on the same day, the day to kill, the same day to drink, of course, this does not mean that you can not buy guyu tea, but from the custom of the best guyu tea on the same day.

Matsuri Kurashi

Qingming cut off snow, valley rain breaks frost

The Qing Ming Sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor and the GuYu Sacrifice to Cangjie are folk traditions that have been passed down for thousands of years since the Han Dynasty. More than 4,000 years ago, our ancestor Cangjie created words based on observing the movement trend of the stars and the footprints of birds and beasts, which touched the heavens, so he threw grains to the world, and the grains in the sky were like rain, which is a romantic legend about "valley rain". After Cangjie's death, people buried him in his hometown of Baishui County, and every year in the valley rain, the "Cangjie Temple Fair" will be held as scheduled in Baishui County, Shaanxi.

What to eat during the "valley rain" season?

Qingming cut off snow, valley rain breaks frost

That must be toon ah, haha, this is the time when toon is on the market, toon has stomach, antidiarrhea, emollient and other effects, nutritional value is also very high, but Xiaobian himself is not accustomed to toon, it is really a sin!

Well, about the "valley rain" we will talk about this first, the next festival we "Li Xia" to see.

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