
Zhang Tinglin Ruiyang's latest news, the MLM company's new building 96 properties were seized, worth 1.7 billion yuan

author:Lu Tōyū

Since last year, the well-known star Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang this couple can be regarded as the whole network famous, because they opened a company with the identity of the star, wantonly amassed wealth, the victims are countless, there are many people who have been deceived by them, after the incident at the end of last year, the news about Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang is also more and more, the relevant departments have taken measures to deal with the assets of Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang in a timely manner, and now the two of them have been punished as they deserve.

Zhang Tinglin Ruiyang's latest news, the MLM company's new building 96 properties were seized, worth 1.7 billion yuan

According to the surging news, the Dalway company founded and operated by Zhang Tinglin Ruiyang and his wife was engaged in pyramid schemes, resulting in the seizure of 96 properties held by the company's wholly-owned subsidiaries Shanghai Zhenhong Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Juju Yiwang Industrial Co., Ltd., worth 1.7 billion yuan, and the date of seizure was July 20, 2021. This news really surprised many netizens, Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang are also too rich.

Zhang Tinglin Ruiyang's latest news, the MLM company's new building 96 properties were seized, worth 1.7 billion yuan

There are countless examples of celebrities leaving the entertainment industry to open companies, but assets of this level like Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang, I am afraid that the entire entertainment industry can not find a few, and they are not yet that kind of traffic stars, can only say that the brainwashing of pyramid schemes is really terrible. Originally, investors thought that they could trust the public figures, so they invested with them, and as a result, the people who made money in the end were empty, and they could only say that they really should polish their eyes.

Zhang Tinglin Ruiyang's latest news, the MLM company's new building 96 properties were seized, worth 1.7 billion yuan

Previously, when the brand of Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang was exposed to suspected pyramid schemes, they once spoke out on social media as a legal business, until the "People's Daily" came out to speak out, the majority of netizens saw their true face, and the social platforms of the two of them were all banned at the beginning of this year, but they could still speak through their so-called "apprentice" platform, and even Lin Ruiyang also released a New Year's video during the New Year.

Zhang Tinglin Ruiyang's latest news, the MLM company's new building 96 properties were seized, worth 1.7 billion yuan

The way they brainwash can really control investors firmly, and even some investors treat them as parents, and the videos circulating on the Internet are treated as if the audience under Lin Ruiyang's words cheered on the mountain and tsunami, like being beaten with chicken blood. There were even people who were willing to kneel for them, and if it were not for the true faces of these two people being corrected, I don't know how many others would have been deceived by them.

Zhang Tinglin Ruiyang's latest news, the MLM company's new building 96 properties were seized, worth 1.7 billion yuan

On April 9 of this month, Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang's company's TST court was secretly identified as a pyramid scheme, and all of their illegal gains of 19.2799 million yuan were confiscated and fined 1.7 million yuan. It can only be said that the so-called rumor-busting of Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang before was simply blind talking with their eyes open, and they were not blushing when they told lies, they were people like them, and as stars, they used their influence to cheat money, which was really more hateful, and those victims were really miserable.

Zhang Tinglin Ruiyang's latest news, the MLM company's new building 96 properties were seized, worth 1.7 billion yuan

The companies under their name can be said to be countless, but the revenue of a company has reached the level of tens of millions, and it is only a few months, and now more than ninety properties under their name have been investigated and punished, perhaps these are just the tip of the iceberg of their MLM group, there may be more things behind it that people are worth digging deeper, and this is still a very typical case, even if it is a star, we absolutely cannot be gullible.

Zhang Tinglin Ruiyang's latest news, the MLM company's new building 96 properties were seized, worth 1.7 billion yuan

However, even if Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang are so evil, but the two of them do not seem to be in the mainland, and there are rumors that the assets transferred by the two to foreign countries are enough to have tens of billions of yuan, I have to say that the two of them are really pure-eyed, perhaps they have long been ready to leave, they also know in their hearts that their own industry is so big that it is impossible not to be discovered, but even if they run now, things have been seized a lot, and they still earn a lot of money.

Zhang Tinglin Ruiyang's latest news, the MLM company's new building 96 properties were seized, worth 1.7 billion yuan

In the end, only their investors can be hurt, their agents can be said to be cheated of the family ruined, only hope that our netizens can polish their eyes, do not be cut as leeks, these so-called stars are really not as we believe in the golden signboard!

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