
Ten little things to regret this spring

Ten little things to regret this spring

Poster | Cool - Oh


"Life is always such a confusion, looking forward to the spring, and then to let the spring down."


Some people say: "Youth is only a few years, the epidemic is three years." ”

Unconsciously, it is now gu rain. The third spring stolen by the epidemic is also coming to an end.

The psalmist said, "Spring has come as promised, and it has never betrayed the waiting of all things for it." "But this year, we seem to have failed the spring again. The warm breeze of April blows across your cheeks, looking back on this spring, do you have any regrets?

A while ago I chatted with a few friends about ten little things I regretted this spring. On the day of Gu Yu, I would like to share with you and greet this spring day that is only once in this life.

Ten little things to regret this spring

Figure | Cool - Zhao

Ten little things to regret this spring

How many times have you packed your bags and put them down? How many times have the booked tickets been cancelled?

Once, the epidemic in 2020 came suddenly, and we thought we had understood the impermanence of life. But in the spring of 2022, I understood that the impermanence of life was really caught off guard. Everything is slowly getting better, but it's not as fast as we thought.

Can't see this spring, the first newly opened magnolia on the red wall of the Forbidden City. I don't know, Jiangnan is full of weeping willows, and the appearance of pink apricot powder this spring. Those places that can't be visited really become far away.

I am reminded of the poet Zhou Yunpeng's poem: "Spring, blame those who have no soul." Blame me for not blossoming, not flourishing..." When can I go out and play?"

Ten little things to regret this spring

Figure | Chen Lizi

Ten little things to regret this spring

Unfortunately, I was unable to travel this year. Regret to miss this spring Xinjiang Ili blossoming apricot blossoms.

Always listen to "apricot blossom smoke and rain Jiangnan", always feel that the apricot blossom has a small bridge like the gentleness of the water, but if you have seen the original wild apricot blossoms in Xinjiang, you will know that nothing can stop a flower from blooming, and spring will never be locked.

Among the rolling mountains, there are large expanses of apricot groves. I don't know what signal I heard, but they bloomed and blossomed vigorously, and within a few days, they spread all over the mountains. When the morning sun casts an undulating golden shadow in the folds of the green mountains, turning over the mountain, we see a sea of pink and white apricot blossoms rushing towards us with great momentum, and the grand spring embraces us.

Five thousand years, years old. They all live up to the spring light and grow savagely.

Especially this year, when the difficulties come back over and over again, and the world is not always as beautiful as imagined, I really want to see the sea of apricot blossoms, to see the most vigorous vitality of this spring, to remind myself: to love, to take root, to grow wildly towards the sun.

Ten little things to regret this spring
Ten little things to regret this spring

Figure 1 2| Chen Lizi

Ten little things to regret this spring

For people living in distress, going out to enjoy the spring is a luxury. A friend, because of a business trip, quarantined for a week.

I couldn't go out for a few days, I could only open the curtains and look at the scenery outside. Only to find out that there was an evening cherry tree on the street nearby. When it was first isolated, the branches were only dotted with a few pink buds. Behind, a cluster of powder slowly grew, swaying with the wind.

Later, the friend remembered that the tree had been planted for several years, but he didn't care too much, "We haven't seen a flower bloom for a long time." ”

If it weren't for that time, he wouldn't have found himself so negligent in dealing with spring. What about you? This spring, even if you can't go out, have you ever taken a good look at the green leaves and flowers around you?

Ten little things to regret this spring

Figure | Qingke

Ten little things to regret this spring

Every spring, Dafan is a little obsessed with the sound of rain.

For in the spring season, there is rain: rain and valley rain. Because in the poetry of the ancients, spring always comes with rain. As Du Fu said: "Sneak into the night with the wind, and the moisturizer is silent." ”

But in today's life, I hardly ever hear about it. Occasionally glimpse the sky and the earth are hazy, close the doors and windows, live in high-rise buildings, only to hear the noise of cars and horses, and the inner anxiety about the unknown.

Maybe it's not just the silent spring rain, it's that we owe a moment of peace, a night with a yard, listening to the rain fall on the eaves, watching the rain fall and blossom, swinging in a circle of ripples.

Ten little things to regret this spring

Figure | Qingke

Ten little things to regret this spring

This spring, the poem that touched my heartstrings the most was "Spring, Then Remember" in Yu Guang, that sentence: "Spring, then think of Jiangnan, Jiangnan in Tang poetry." ”

Why the heartstrings? Because I can't go.

Someone said, "If you don't say a word of spring, I will arrive in Zhenjiangnan." Some people said, "You don't say a word late in spring, I do nucleic acid all night; as soon as I arrive in Zhenjiangnan, I will quarantine for fourteen days." "It's hilarious and poignant, but it's the truest portrayal of this spring."

When I picked tea before the Ming Dynasty, I regretted that I couldn't go to Jiangnan, where the pink wall was deva, I couldn't see the green colors of the thousand peaks and the weeping willows everywhere, and I couldn't drink a cup of spring tea soup in the smoke and rain of Jiangnan. The more you don't get it, the more you remember it.

Ten little things to regret this spring

Figure |

Ten little things to regret this spring

The other day, I turned over an old photo of a concert with my friends.

For a moment and a half, I couldn't remember what year and month it was. Friends are sure that it is the spring of 2019, because they do not wear masks and can still gather and sing freely.

Memories are really cut down by the epidemic into a clear river.

Unfortunately, this spring, I did not have to go to a concert, go to a music festival, and sing loudly in the sun.

Ten little things to regret this spring

Figure | Cool - Zhao

Ten little things to regret this spring

In the winter, a friend sent a thought: "When the spring is warm and the flowers bloom, let's meet." ”

But now, the rain is coming, we are trapped in our respective cities, we have not seen each other for three years, all the joys and losses experienced, have not been able to accompany and witness, can only chat in the mobile phone screen.

I remembered that day I accidentally saw a picture shared by netizens. At the gate of the closed university, there is a couple, each carrying a small maza, one sitting outside the door and the other sitting in the doorway. It was freezing cold and there were few pedestrians, but they had been whispering.

Shen Congwen said: "On a sunny day, with a beautiful and sincere wish, go to see a person. ”

I hope that when the next spring arrives as promised, you and I will be able to reunite for a long time.

Ten little things to regret this spring

Figure | Cool - Zhao

Ten little things to regret this spring

The writer Maugham once said: "Any moment of heartbeat is not easy, do not neglect it." ”

Spring is always gentle, everything is orderly, the grass and trees are tender, it allows the heartbeat, allows the unexpected to meet, allows the careful thinking that life occasionally deviates.

However, in this era, it is easy to throw yourself into a hot love, but it is difficult to really be moved. It is like the moment when the young leaves sprout, the moment when the begonia wakes up in spring, the moment when a drop of rain falls into the spring water, only you know, the heart ripples.

But if you snub it, blink of an eye, there is no trace.

Flowers blossom and fall, people come and go, some moods, missed, will not come again.

Ten little things to regret this spring

Figure |

Ten little things to regret this spring

Tao Yuanming has a poem: "Timely encouragement, the years do not treat people." ”

Every spring, I will seriously take it out and read it. Spring always carries bright hope, convincing that everything is a new beginning if we want to.

But when it comes to the concrete and real daily life, it is often tired, and it is said that it is spring sleepiness. Sometimes lazy, the blame is back to the south of the day heavy humidity. It's late spring, and I hate that time is too hurried, too many things I want to do have not been done, the flowers I want to see have fallen, and the people who can't forget have gone far...

No wonder, Guo Moruo said: "Life is always such a confusion, looking forward to the spring, and then to let the spring down." ”

Ten little things to regret this spring

Figure | Cool - Zhao

Ten little things to regret this spring

Spring is truly a very special season, and it contains all our little emotions of joy and sorrow. When the flowers are not blooming, I feel that spring is delayed. When the flowers are thankful, they hate the short spring.

Especially this spring, do you have any regrets?

What was your biggest impression of the third spring stolen by the epidemic?

Do you remember what you were doing in the spring of 2019?

If you wish, you can leave a message in the comments section.

No matter how spring passes, it seems that there will be regrets.

We always seem to be like this, year after year, looking forward to spring coming early, failing the spring, and wishing the spring to go late...

Ten little things to regret this spring

Figure | Cool - Zhao

The text is the original of the object, please contact the author for reprinting.

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