
The secret of the longevity of the mother-in-law, often eat "fairy vegetables", the ingredients are very ordinary, three high normal legs and feet are good

author:Big Mouth Chef

The secret of the longevity of the mother-in-law, often eat "fairy vegetables", the ingredients are very ordinary, three high normal legs and feet are good

Most young people do not care about their own bodies, often eat and drink heavily, and as a result, they have a "rich disease". But elderly people want to "live a long life", pay special attention to eating, drinking and other aspects, eat lightly, less oil and less salt, hope to have a good body, and do not add trouble to their children.

The secret of the longevity of the mother-in-law, often eat "fairy vegetables", the ingredients are very ordinary, three high normal legs and feet are good

My mother-in-law is 95 years old this year, I often go to visit her, she has strong legs and feet, often takes me up the mountain to dig wild vegetables, I climb breathlessly, but my mother-in-law is like no one, laughing at my lack of exercise, working too busy every day in the city, exercising time is indeed a little less.

I asked my mother-in-law what the secret of health was, and she smiled and said that she liked to eat 3 kinds of ingredients, that is, eggs, fungus, and onions, and she could ensure her health by eating them regularly.

These 3 ingredients are very ordinary, cheaper than pork, but the nutritional value is very high, many people do not know it.

The secret of the longevity of the mother-in-law, often eat "fairy vegetables", the ingredients are very ordinary, three high normal legs and feet are good

Eggs contain lecithin, which can make the particles of cholesterol and fat smaller and keep them in suspension, thus preventing the deposition of cholesterol and fat in the walls of blood vessels, which is too good for the elderly. Wood ear fungus is rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B, vitamin C and other substances, known as the intestinal "cleaner", is also an ideal tonic food.

The most worth mentioning is the onion, it is an excellent health dish, can be sterilized, promote digestion, reduce blood pressure and lipids, rich in selenium, has anti-cancer and anti-cancer, anti-aging effects, while calcium content is also very high, can increase bone density, prevent osteoporosis.

Elderly, eat more of these 3 ingredients, has a good protective effect on cardiovascular disease, maintains three highs normal, and is comfortable in the whole body.

The secret of the longevity of the mother-in-law, often eat "fairy vegetables", the ingredients are very ordinary, three high normal legs and feet are good

The grandmother often stir-fried these 3 ingredients together, which she called "fairy vegetable", which has a light taste and delicious taste, suitable for all ages. Below I share the preparation of this dish to everyone, interested friends to learn, often make a family to eat, have a good body, quick collection.

【Health Immortal Vegetable】

Prepare 1 onion, 2 eggs, 1 handful of dried fungus, 1 pepper, salt, soy sauce, chicken essence, starch, garlic.


1. Prepare these ingredients. Pepper is not spicy, the taste is sweet, put in the dish is to increase the color, like to eat spicy can use pepper, green pepper and other peppers. The nutritional value of pepper is also very high, rich in vitamin C, and has a good antioxidant and bactericidal effect.

The secret of the longevity of the mother-in-law, often eat "fairy vegetables", the ingredients are very ordinary, three high normal legs and feet are good

2: Remove the stems and seeds, wash and cut into triangular pieces. Peel off the outer skin of the onion, wash it with water and cut it into large pieces. Soak the dried fungus in warm water for 30 minutes, soak the hair and remove the roots, wash them with water.

3: Pour some water into the wok, add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of oil, pour in the fungus blanching water for 3 minutes, cook and remove, drain the water. Peel the garlic and cut the garlic slices for later.

The secret of the longevity of the mother-in-law, often eat "fairy vegetables", the ingredients are very ordinary, three high normal legs and feet are good

4: Beat the eggs into a bowl, add a small amount of salt and stir into egg mixture. Pour the right amount of oil into the pan, heat it up and add the egg mixture, fry on high heat until set, sauté into large pieces and serve.

5: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in the blanched fungus, then add the chili pepper block, onion block, stir-fry quickly for half a minute on high heat, let the ingredients break off.

The secret of the longevity of the mother-in-law, often eat "fairy vegetables", the ingredients are very ordinary, three high normal legs and feet are good

6: Mix a bowl of sauce, add salt, soy sauce, chicken essence, starch to a small bowl, and then pour a small amount of water and stir well. Pour in the scrambled eggs, add the sauce in a small bowl, continue to stir-fry on high heat, and turn off the heat after the soup is strong.

This "fairy dish" has a light taste, crisp and sweet onions, tender fungus, soft eggs, suitable for people of all ages, especially recommended for middle-aged and elderly people. The method is very simple, the ingredients are also very ordinary, the nutritional value and health value of onions, fungus and eggs are very high, so let's make it for the family.

The secret of the longevity of the mother-in-law, often eat "fairy vegetables", the ingredients are very ordinary, three high normal legs and feet are good


This dish should be "less oil and less salt" so that it is healthy. Think my article is good, please give me likes, comments, forwards, favorites, follow, see you next time.