
The person whose heart is not in you, no matter how good you are to him, cannot be moved

Fish yearn for life

Live the life you yearn for and let others say go!

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The person whose heart is not in you, no matter how good you are to him, cannot be moved

Some people say: The world is unfair. All fickle people get along well, and affectionate people are miserable.

All the people who try to maintain a relationship, the relationship ends up consuming only yourself.

Those good relationships are relaxed and casual and never tired.

Once a good relationship, suddenly it is not good. Someone has taken your place. "

Don't think that if you treat him better, he will be moved and then change his mind.

You know, no matter how good you are to a person whose heart is not on you, you can't be impressed.

Because, in this world, not everything can be obtained through hard work.

The person whose heart is not in you, no matter how good you are to him, cannot be moved

Some people, some feelings, no matter how hard you try, can only move themselves, but they can't touch the person who doesn't care about you.

People say that uselessness is amorous, disdain is lovesickness.

Some things, if they are not yours, are not yours; there are some people who do not love you or do not love you. No matter how much they keep, no matter how much they ask for, it doesn't matter.

Because they don't belong to you, those who have gains and losses don't have to be sorry.

The person whose heart is not in you, no matter how good you are to him, cannot be moved

In the emotional world, we can like someone and be nice to her, but don't be too attached. If we are too attached, we will suffer and trouble in the center of gain and loss.

We can be angry, we can cry, but we have to learn to let go and learn to explain ourselves.

In the future, the bridge returns to the bridge, and the road returns to the road. You are yours and I am mine. We don't involve each other or disturb each other. We will only stay in our own world and enjoy our blessings.

Not just forgetting, but already cherishing.

Take the wrong road and remember to look back, love the wrong person remember to let go, so that you will not be hurt, the whole body is injured.

Since the flowers bloom in the sun, people look forward and move forward.

It's ours, it can't run away; it's not ours, we can't want it, and we can't keep what we want to keep.

May you, me, and all of you, truly be let down, be treated kindly, and know how to love yourself when you are loved and loved by others.

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