
AIS Preschool Education | creates a personalized space for young children

AIS Preschool Education | creates a personalized space for young children
AIS Preschool Education | creates a personalized space for young children

Kindergarten is the beginning of basic education, and it is important and indispensable for children to have a positive start in their growth. This is why Australian International School (AIS) in Singapore pays so much attention to early childhood education, and for children aged 2 months to 6 years old, the potential for learning, motivation and development is unlimited.

Providing a suitable educational environment for young children is essential, and AIS creates a customized environment for the youngest students to nurture these bright and curious minds through new, immersive educational approaches.

AIS Preschool Education | creates a personalized space for young children

The world's largest Early Learning Village, run by AIS and SAIS in partnership, covers an area of 50,000 feet, equivalent to the size of seven football fields, providing a well-equipped facility for babies aged 2 months to 6 years old and an interactive and participatory preschool education.


3-18 months

The Dedicated Infant Care Cabin in Early Childhood Village provides a safe and comfortable nurturing space for our youngest learners to explore and grow in.

AIS Preschool Education | creates a personalized space for young children

A dedicated team of early childhood care staffed by childcare educators aims to provide an environment conducive to the growing needs of young children. The koala cabin is designed according to the family environment, which feels like an extension of home, so that children can feel the warm care of home here. Each child is seen as an individual with their own schedules, preferences, and tendencies, and learning is tailored to their individual needs.


18 months - 6 years

AIS Preschool Education | creates a personalized space for young children

Kindergarten children have an exclusive space where they can explore, play, create and develop basic motor, language and social skills under the leadership of highly professional early childhood teachers.

Inspired by Reggio Emilia's teaching philosophy, the Early Childhood Village places children at the centre of learning and sees the environment as the "third teacher".

AIS Preschool Education | creates a personalized space for young children

Each classroom has its own outdoor area full of creative and somatosensory play equipment. The space on the sky playground is flooded with natural light and can be accessed through a child-sized door, so that each child's imagination in learning is not limited. Young children also enjoy 1500 square meters of play space, a professional swimming pool, a library and counseling centre, a dance studio, a large smart step exercise room and 3 other multi-purpose rooms – all specially designed to support physical and cognitive development.

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