
Northeast girl worships the Sanda King "Famous Mouth", she created three first accidents in the Chinese martial arts industry, and became a professional player who could not fight but practice hard!

author:Sanda King
Northeast girl worships the Sanda King "Famous Mouth", she created three first accidents in the Chinese martial arts industry, and became a professional player who could not fight but practice hard!

Donkin has the same name as the famous American boxing promoter "Donkin", and is also destined to form an indissoluble relationship with the ring. It is worth mentioning that Donkin is the first person in China to sign a contract with a professional MMA event.

Northeast girl worships the Sanda King "Famous Mouth", she created three first accidents in the Chinese martial arts industry, and became a professional player who could not fight but practice hard!

Born in Heilongjiang in 1985, Tang Jin, unlike other delicate girls, has loved to read martial arts novels by Jin Yong and Gu Long since she was a child, and has dreamed of one day being able to walk the rivers and lakes to be happy and revenge.

Donkin once said that his personality is similar to that of boys, climbing trees and skating. If you live in the period of the War of Resistance, you must go to the army to fight. Although dreams are dreams after all, Donkin dares to pursue them.

Northeast girl worships the Sanda King "Famous Mouth", she created three first accidents in the Chinese martial arts industry, and became a professional player who could not fight but practice hard!


< h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > an accident and became a professional player</h1>

In 2007, Tang Jinbai studied YiQuan under the famous martial arts master and famous host of Sanda Wang, Mr. Liu Pulei. Because of the late entry, Donkin's daily training was extremely hard, and he had a huge passion for martial arts.

Soon after, an Agent for an American Martial Arts Tournament asked Mr. Liu Pree to help introduce female players who look like models, look like actors, and can compete in the ring. Under the recommendation of Teacher Liu, the other party took a look at Tang Jin, who was training. The conditions in all aspects are simply in line!

At this time, Tonkin had only just started and had not yet practiced any confrontation techniques. But when asked for Donkin's wishes, Donkin agreed. Teacher Liu Pre asked worriedly, "Do you know how to fight?" Donkin replied, "I'll hit her as much as someone else hits me!" ”

Northeast girl worships the Sanda King "Famous Mouth", she created three first accidents in the Chinese martial arts industry, and became a professional player who could not fight but practice hard!

Liu Pre (center) and Donkin (left)

Three days later, Tang Jin was sent to a professional sanda training camp in the mountains of Changping, Beijing, and began to receive closed special training. In order to better accumulate experience in the ring, Tonkin then transferred to the Armed Police Sports Team to practice Sanda.

At that time, Donkin trained harder, and in order to adapt to the confrontation as soon as possible, Donkin, who was more than 50 kilograms, often fought with the 80 kilogram male members of the professional team. The other side was not soft on the shot, often kicking Tonkin to the thigh.

On January 10, 2009, Tang Jin made his debut in the Foshan Liu Hailong International Fighting Championship, which was a comeback battle for Sanda Wang Liu Hailong and received great attention.

The opponent was an experienced professional team player, and after 3 rounds of hard fighting, Donkin lost the points, but he did not lose the momentum, leaving a deep impression on the audience of more than 7,000 people. After stepping down, many people asked Donkin to sign and take photos, and Donkin turned out to be a world.

This battle allowed an event company to see the huge potential of Donkin and decisively signed a contract with her, and Donkin became the first female professional fighter in China to sign a contract.

Northeast girl worships the Sanda King "Famous Mouth", she created three first accidents in the Chinese martial arts industry, and became a professional player who could not fight but practice hard!

Donkin (Blue Fang)

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > can't beat it! </h1>

At that time, domestic mixed martial arts had just started, and she was the only female player in the training ground.

A month later, Donkin participated in the company's first mixed martial arts competition. At this time, Donkin was completely unfamiliar with ground fighting techniques, and the opponent was a veteran with 4 years of Sanda and more than 1 year of Brazilian jiu-jitsu combat experience. Despite the closeness of strength, Tonkin once again lost by points.

Two consecutive failures hit Donkin hard. She started training like crazy, and when others practiced for 4 hours, she practiced for 6 hours. Others rest on weekends, she is still training. During those days, the Daily Life of the Tang Family consisted only of eating, resting and training.

There will be a reward for the effort, and Donkin's efforts have not been in vain. Soon, Donkin achieved a series of achievements: the five consecutive championships of the Ultimate Martial Arts Mixed Combat Competition, the champion of the Mixed Martial Arts International Confrontation Between the United States, the champion of the WulinFeng Sino-US International Confrontation...

Northeast girl worships the Sanda King "Famous Mouth", she created three first accidents in the Chinese martial arts industry, and became a professional player who could not fight but practice hard!

At the 2011 WBC Muaythai International Professional Fighting Championships, Donkin defeated "American Karate Prodigy" Tefani in just one round, followed by a draw with British MMA "Undefeated Female Boxer" Claire Hagen in the World Cage Championship.

In 2014, Donkin successfully defended the title in the first leg of the WCK women's MMA intercontinental championship defending the title.

The impressive record has finally made Donkin one of the most talked about female fighting stars. She is the first professional female fighter signed in China, the first female fighter in China to fight cage fighting, the first commentator among Chinese women's professional fighters, and it can be said that she has been the first person to eat crabs repeatedly. And the hardships behind it are known only to Donkin himself.

Her eyebrow arch has been cracked 5 times, her nose bone has been broken twice, and her ribs have been fractured, and no one can succeed casually.

Today, Donkin's career in various fields is thriving, from a "fledgling" dreamer to today's heights, Donkin lives up to his dream.

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Original/Responsible Editor: Izumi Jiao

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