
Burning Will: Test suit Hawkins skill set gameplay intelligence

Hello, everyone, I'm Gerald, and this issue is ahead of you to understand the upcoming limit of this Thursday - Hawkins, so how Hawkins is playing. He is a partial functional auxiliary limited, the core is to rely on the order of release of 2 active skill combinations to trigger other skill effects, just like we play cards, the effect of double matching.

Burning Will: Test suit Hawkins skill set gameplay intelligence

Hawkins skill release effect is very complex, through the three active skills of the first level of skills to select the order of the release of 2 of the skill order + Upanishads will trigger one more derivative active skill release,

Burning Will: Test suit Hawkins skill set gameplay intelligence

This derived active skill effect is the auxiliary skill or output skill of Hawkins core, but hawkins's core in the ladder is mainly auxiliary effect, which is the skill effect of the right side of the Upanishads. There are 6 combination effects, in order to let everyone know more about the effect of skill matching and release order, to sort out the following small copy notes you need to hit the ladder:

Burning Will: Test suit Hawkins skill set gameplay intelligence

Playing the game requires small copy, high!

Attack + God = Pope's Inthestal

Mi + Attack = Rice Handle Grass Knife

Attack + Speed = Voodoo Doll

Speed + Attack = Scarecrow

Speed + O = Fool's Inthingrade

Imperial + Speed = Doom Comes (Ladder Summons Scarecrow Core)

Mi + Attack = Rice Handle Grass Knife

Burning Will: Test suit Hawkins skill set gameplay intelligence

Game strategy

Burning Will: Test suit Hawkins skill set gameplay intelligence

The blue word part is the commonly used skill matching effect of the ladder, if you want to play the ladder 3 active skill effects, the memory is good to match all, the memory is not good, it is matched with the skill + speed of the skill, but then Hawkins can not play the combination of skill damage, all go auxiliary effect, then it depends on how you choose!

Of course, there are also talents who match skills with the palm of the writer's hand, admiration and admiration, and the math teacher is moved to cry when he sees it


Hawkins exclusive equipment

Game strategy

The Swift Suit, a core acceleration auxiliary set, can effectively match some characters whose active skills cannot produce damage, such as: Brinn and Hawkins

Burning Will: Test suit Hawkins skill set gameplay intelligence

Well, the above is the core content of the hawkins of the test suit, but the above gameplay is limited to the test suit, and it may be slightly adjusted, and the final effect is subject to the online suit.

Bless the captains greatly, this draw card:

Congratulations captain *** for getting Hawkins

Congratulations captain *** for getting Hawkins

Congratulations captain *** for getting Hawkins

Congratulations captain *** for getting Hawkins

Congratulations captain *** for getting Hawkins

Congratulations captain *** for getting Hawkins

Congratulations captain *** for getting Hawkins

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