
Anti-epidemic supplies family reserves, are you ready?

author:Magic Capital Old Week

The epidemic in Shanghai is still continuing, it has been sealed for nearly a month, and there is a long way to go to clear it, according to the actual personal feelings and what you have seen and heard since this period, I will share some relevant material reserves and other precautions for everyone.

1. Basic materials (grain and oil, food and vegetables)

(1) Rice noodle oil, salt soy sauce vinegar curry and other spices

The most basic rice, flour and cooking oil, in the usual as much as possible to reserve more, according to the amount of one to two months, in addition to salt, soy sauce (soy sauce, soy sauce), vinegar, chicken essence, curry, soup treasure, five-spice powder and other seasonings, as well as ginger, garlic and other stir-fried ingredients also need to be prepared,

Correspondingly, refrigerators and freezers for storing food also need to be prepared.

This is deeply appreciated, because the double-door refrigerator bought at home, there is also a small freezer, and what foods that need to be refrigerated (such as meat, eggs, soy products and vegetables that are not tolerated) are directly placed inside, and the space is large, and you can put a lot of them. In addition, seafood products are recommended to be stored in small quantities, and if they are not fresh, they are easy to eat bad stomachs.

(2) Resistant to vegetables and green leafy vegetables

1, resistant vegetables, such as potatoes (black garbage bags or cartons are packed well, to prevent the light from turning green), onions, lettuce (a little cool, can be supplemented by peppercorns, garlic peppers), cabbage, radish, cabbage, yellow cabbage, green onions, garlic, ginger, etc.

2, meat, eggs, soy products, a small amount of milk

(Milk can be properly prepared, the child's long body is necessary, but the hospital is not good to go under the epidemic, this time to drink less as well, the sex is cold)

3, baked cakes, sacs and other dry food, biscuits, bread, cakes.

4, bacon, bacon, sausage, dried vegetables, dried mushrooms, dried kelp, etc. During the New Year, the family brought more bacon, and this time it is not worrying about meat to eat.

5, the family likes a number of snacks. Eat less and drink less cool.

6, cigarettes, liquor, love to drink alcohol, beverages, etc. can be prepared appropriately, this is a mental emergency need, not necessary. Tobacco and alcohol are harmful to health, and moderation is good. However, special periods can be used to barter.

Second, drugs, traditional Chinese medicine prevention or intervention class

1, usually used often used cold fever medicine, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs need to be prepared, the expiration date as far as possible to choose longer, in case of expiration.

  1. Other basic disease drugs, such as gastrointestinal, hypertension, pain plasters, etc. also need to be prepared.
  2. Masks, disposable protective equipment are stored according to the number of people in the family.

4, ginger peppercorns, green onions, garlic pepper, cinnamon, etc. These can be used as spices, can also be boiled in urgent need of water to drink or soak feet slightly sweaty, but also to prevent and restrain cold and humidity caused by the early stage of cold and other health problems. There are no similar drugs that can be used adjunctively.

5. Mugwort, Mugwort. It has a relatively good health care effect

6, positive chai hu granules, small chai hu granules, huoxiang positive qi liquid (diarrhea heat stroke cold and wet, etc.) and pills, jinkui kidney qi pills, etc.

7, fitness exercise skills.

On weekdays, I learn a set of things that I am willing to do and do, and practice often when I am closed and bored. Only by strengthening physical exercise can we resist the invasion of the virus.

3. Vegetable garden planning (for those with balconies, small yards and self-reserved vegetable fields)

1, flower pots, soil, fertilizer, rapeseed.

According to the season of planting, it does not matter whether you eat or not, the key moment is emergency. For example, cultivate your own garlic seedlings.

2, or soilless cultivation water circulation system.

3, leeks, potatoes, small greens, are very good to grow, fast hair growth.

4, pickle skills, usually white radish, Chinese cabbage, etc. can be used for pickling, delicious emergency. The storage time is also relatively long.

Fourth, children's education exercise and entertainment

1, education class.

Internet lessons TV computers, PAD, books, teaching aids, printers, inks, printing paper and other consumables, mobile phone charging treasures.

2, entertainment class

Extracurricular books, fiction books, audio-visual, toys

3, fitness equipment, family indoor fitness content game preparation, etc.

Fifth, daily necessities inspection and recharge.

Gas and natural gas recharge, electricity and water bills broadband bills mobile phone bills are paid, and they remain sufficient.

In particular, necessities such as gas and natural gas cannot be recharged directly online.

Every time my family recharges gas is charged according to one year, don't worry about no gas, if you can't open the fire at the critical moment, you will be mad.

Household refrigerators, water heaters, rice cookers and other electrical appliances should be checked frequently to prevent sudden failures. In addition, the battery must be prepared, our gas above the battery with No. 5, once used for a long time, gas water heater and gas stove are not on fire, looking for batteries everywhere. It is best to borrow it at a neighbor's house. So this is a place to be aware of.

Sixth, pure water and drinking water, as well as the preparation of emergency shelter materials

Prepare resistant pure water for emergency reserves.

In addition, large bath tubs and large empty barrels of mineral water (flood or water use can be emergency), life jackets, raincoats, etc.

Seven, pet food supplies.

If there are pets at home, pet dry food and daily necessities, and commonly used medicines are fully prepared. Some of the chinese medicine reductions commonly used by humans are also applicable.

Eight, baby or elderly daily necessities.

If you have children at home, you can't do without daily necessities. Such as diapers, milk powder, commonly used medicines, spare bottles, etc.

If there is an elderly person in the family, special necessities and emergency supplies are also prepared.

Nine, sanitary toiletries

Toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, toothpaste, soap, shampoo and other daily necessities. Sanitary napkins for women.

Ten, outdoor survival supplies

Solid alcohol, small gas canisters, outdoor stoves, charcoal, tent sleeping bag night lights, etc.

Eleven, join the owner group, wild survival skills to learn to master

Remember 1: Be sure to establish or join the existing owner group, corridor group, group purchase group in the community as soon as possible!

This time, at home to grab vegetables and buy eggs and rice, all rely on the help of the neighbors in the community and the owner of the community supermarket in front of the door, otherwise the emergency need will be helpless.

If you are not with your parents, you must also join the parents and owners group, and you can help the elderly through the neighbors at key moments!

Remember two: Don't put all your hopes on the neighborhood committee property and a single other person's channel.

And be sure to leave food for more than a week, because in the face of disaster, no one can predict when it will end.

Remember three: on weekdays in the community inside and outside the small supermarkets, vegetable shops, grocery stores, pharmacies, small restaurants and other consumption, chat with these bosses, familiar with a phone or WeChat, you can not think of the key moment to save lives is the usual inconspicuous small shop owners! The residents of our neighborhood are very grateful to them!

The following points can be referred to.

1, growing vegetables technology and tools.

2. Fishing and touching shrimp skills and tools.

It is said that after transporting vegetables to Shanghai, a truck driver from a foreign country was sealed in a Chongming Island car, could not go home and did not prepare food, and spent a few days by fishing and catching shrimp.

3, go out daily, pay more attention to some wild vegetables to identify, there are children not only to cultivate children's natural interest, key times if you can go out of the city can also be used.

4, during the weekday rest, take more children out camping. Practice wilderness survival skills and mental qualities, physical fitness.

5, can be close to the parents in the best place, can have friends and relatives nearby, the best. Report for group heating.

When parents are not together, try to have reliable relatives and friends nearby.

On weekdays, meet and greet neighbors upstairs or in the community, and add WeChat. Form a normal state of communication.

At the crucial moment, it may really be each other's savior.

12. Accumulate medical knowledge skills

On weekdays, you must take time to learn some of your family's children's health management and prevention, TCM and Western medicine common problem intervention skills. As well as the common sense of emergency treatment of common diseases, in the case that the hospital cannot receive normal treatment, it all relies on the accumulation of weekdays to save itself.

Thirteen, take care of your body on weekdays

Daily routines and dietary habits, and physical energy, determine the basis for healthy coping at critical moments.

The body is full of qi, and the probability of many infections is much lower, in case something happens, it will heal itself or recover quickly. The sequelae are small.

This point can not be lucky, thinking that this time I am safe and careless, we will always get old, there will always be old people and children or patients in the family.

Fourteen, the house of good deeds will have a remnant celebration

Do more things that you think are good on weekdays, do less or don't do things that should not be done and harm the interests of others, and try to resist the temptation of interests.

If you can help others, stretch out your hand and pull it.

In the face of such a disaster, the probability of murder will increase a lot.

Fifteen, mental stress is well regulated, and the body is the capital of the revolution

During the epidemic, many people are worried about income and mortgage, car loan rent and other issues, some are depressed and anxious, in fact, if you want to open some, as long as people are still there and save their strength, there will definitely be a turnaround. In addition, we should pay more attention to the mental and psychological state of our families, communicate and encourage more, and think about the good in everything. I will definitely get through the current difficulties.