
Why does the classic tactics fail? The leader sitting on the tower said...

author:Learn the Legion
Why does the classic tactics fail? The leader sitting on the tower said...

A brigade of the 71st Group Army focused on guiding the pilots to firmly think about actual combat --

Fighting in the clouds, attacking and defending several degrees of difficult situation

■ Xiang Xu, reporter of the People's Liberation Army Daily, Li Qian

Concealing the enemy and attacking them without preparation is the usual method of warfare used by land aviation pilots in air confrontation. However, in a recent red-and-blue confrontation organized by a brigade of the 71st Group Army, this method of warfare unexpectedly "went to Maicheng."

In the late spring, somewhere in northern Jiangsu, accompanied by the roar of the engine, a number of war eagles took off with force, and a special-shaped aircraft air confrontation course drill began.

This reporter saw in the tower command hall that after Jiao Liang, commander of the Red Fang Formation, piloted the fighter plane into the air, he commanded the formation to divide into multiple routes, use the cloud cover, and flexibly adopt ultra-low-altitude flight, radio silence, and other methods to conceal the enemy.

Not long after, Jiao Liang, who was in the leading position of the formation, took the lead in discovering the "enemy plane." Occupying positions and planning routes, with the issuance of command orders one after another, a divided encirclement and annihilation war is about to begin.

Who knows, at the moment of a thousand gunshots, Wang Jin, commander of the blue formation, aimed at the junction of the red fang firepower module, led the formation to rely on the terrain advantage, took the way of flying between the valleys to break through the pinch in one fell swoop, and attacked the red side from the flank.

In the blink of an eye, the offensive and defensive posture reversed. Jiao Liang had to abandon the original attack plan, instead adjust the course to occupy the defensive position, and wait for the opportunity to prepare for the next round of attack.

Why does the classic tactics fail? The leader of the brigade, who was sitting on the tower, explained why. Originally, due to the red side's desire to win, when attacking from multiple directions, the spacing between the various fire modules was getting wider and wider, and there was a lack of echo between them, and this flaw could be seen at a glance on the situation map. Therefore, the guidance and adjustment team decided to push the red square situation to the blue party formation in real time, which allowed Wang Jin to find the flaws and complete the offensive and defensive changes.

A confrontation drill, attack and defense several degrees of change. According to the leaders of the brigade, since the beginning of this year, based on the most complicated and difficult situation in future operations, on the basis of opposing air combat, they have introduced a guidance and dispatch group to act as a third party, guided and intervened in the offensive and defensive posture through intelligence sharing, situation circulation, and other means, and really tested the pilots' ability to deal with the battlefield on the spot, and guided officers and men to firmly think about actual combat.

The smoke of war gradually cleared, and the war eagle returned. The red and blue pilots stepped off the fighter plane and went straight to the tactical commentary room. The choice of ammunition is unreasonable, the allocation of targets is overlapping... The problems exposed in the drill were "sifted" out one by one, and the focus of the next step of training became clearer and clearer...

Why does the classic tactics fail? The leader sitting on the tower said...

It was published on April 17, the first page of the People's Liberation Army Daily

Source 丨 People's Liberation Army Daily, Learning Corps (ID: xuexijuntuan)

Why does the classic tactics fail? The leader sitting on the tower said...

Producer: Ou Can, Zhang Xiaohui

Editor: Yan Shan, Han Jie

Editor-in-charge: Xie Fei, Yan Pei