
32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young

没想到的是,上半场纽约市长也没有状态,被针对的情况下,杨11中3,三分4中0只拿到了6分1篮板4助攻!还出现了4次失误。好在博格丹手感不错,两节5投5中砍下14分3篮板1助攻2抢断。面对两位数的劣势,次节博格丹为老鹰吹起反击号角, 快攻2+1,超远三分样样有!

32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


32 points in the second half! Wave your hand to send 20,000 fans home! Mayor of Cleveland, Fark blows Young


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