
"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!

《海贼王》新剧场版《ONE PIECE FILM RED》,在4月13日公开了全新的预告,公开了之前登场的那位谜之少女的身份。她名叫UTA(乌塔),是红发香克斯的“女儿”,同时香克斯也有登场,不知道他们将会为大家带来什么样的故事。


剧场版动画《ONE PIECE FILM RED》,由谷口悟朗担任本作的监督,黑岩勉担任脚本,尾田荣一郎担任制作人,将于8月6日在日本上映。


"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!
"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!
"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!
"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!
"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!
"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!
"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!
"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!
"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!
"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!
"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!
"One Piece" new theatrical version of the redhead "daughter" officially debuted The identity should be Goji!

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