
Andy Lau and Jay Chou, who has greater achievements?

author:Wuxia dramas know everything

I think it's Andy Lau

First of all, let's analyze it from these aspects

First, Andy Lau's achievements in music

Hua Tsai has sung more than 1,000 songs since he played the Tao, and each capital is a classic

Andy Lau and Jay Chou, who has greater achievements?

Andy lau

"Stupid Child" sings the heartache of Hua Tsai himself

"Love You for Ten Thousand Years" sings Hua Tsai's deep affection...

"Thank You for Your Love" sang Hua Tsai's flower heart

"Chinese" sings Hua Tsai's patriotic heart!!

On the other hand, Jay Chou, his songs will all be the same praise for love... Very single [cover your face]

Second, Andy Lau can compose lyrics and compose music

On the other hand, Jay Chou can only compose music, and will not do lyrics (the words are written by Fang Wenshan) The cultural level is worrying...

Third, Andy Lau's fans are calculated in hundreds of millions, and there are a large number of fans in Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, and South Korea

Andy Lau and Jay Chou, who has greater achievements?


In contrast, Jay Chou's influence is limited to the mainland and Taiwan

Fourth, film and television

Andy Lau's film and TV series have been filmed more than 1,000 times, and he has won many movies

On the other hand, Jay Chou has only made a few movies, and he is not famous!!

Fifth, affect persistence

Thirty years ago, you asked passers-by if they knew Andy Lau, and everyone would say they knew!!

Ten years ago, you asked passers-by if they knew Andy Lau, and everyone would say they knew!!

Ten years later, if you ask passers-by if they know Andy Lau, everyone will still say they know!!

However, if you ask passers-by after ten years to know Jay Chou, they will definitely say they don't know!!

Doesn't that mean that Andy Lau's influence is permanent!!!

So, to sum up. Andy Lau's achievements far exceed Jay Chou!!!

Andy Lau and Jay Chou, who has greater achievements?


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