
100,000 people watch him jump online at the same time Why did Liu Qihong explode?

author:China News Network

Zhongxin Entertainment, April 11, 2019 Recently, have you been swiped by the video of Liu Qihong wearing a down jacket and jumping on the gymnastics? As the hottest star coach at present, many netizens have followed Coach Liu's live broadcast room to punch in the gymnastics, and many netizens said that with Coach Liu's jumping exercises, half a month lost almost 10 pounds!

Recently, China-Singapore Entertainment Lianmai Liu Ruihong listened to him share fitness secrets, sports concepts, and tell about his multi-faceted life.

100,000 people watch him jump online at the same time Why did Liu Qihong explode?

Source: Liu Ruihong Weibo.

The following is the interview record of Liu Qihong:

Zhongxin Entertainment: You debuted as an actor, and at the same time you are a cross-border singer, you have also formed a band, and now you are engaged in fitness-related work, which identity do you like the most?

Liu: I think every identity is very important to me, and I have always insisted, but on different platforms or different time periods, my identity will change. Like fitness, it's not something I've only recently started doing. I've been working out for over thirty years, so maybe I'm doing fitness during this time and going to sing again next time. Because I feel that my life is diverse, I can do different things at different times.

Zhongxin Entertainment: I heard that you did a clothing business in Dalian before the song "Rainbow Paradise", right?

Liu: Yes, I had already released records at that time, and then I left the show business and came to Dalian. In fact, I didn't want to be in the acting industry anymore, because I had a car accident during a show recording, which made me start thinking about what I was going to do in my life. Just to make money, or to be more popular, or to do more shows? Later I found out that none of them were, so I left show business at that time.

At this time, my wife suggested that I could start a clothing brand, and my father-in-law encouraged me to go to Dalian to do the clothing business with them. But at that time, I didn't do business at all, but I was lucky enough to open 10 stores in different cities, but in the end I was limited by lack of business experience, resulting in operating losses.

100,000 people watch him jump online at the same time Why did Liu Qihong explode?

Album cover of Liu Qihong's Rainbow Paradise.

Sino-Singapore Entertainment: Are there any plans to write songs in the future?

Liu Qihong: I really write less songs, because I think it is easier for people to write songs at the low point. But I'm so happy now, I have three lovely kids, and I'm so happy to have a wife who loves me. In fact, since I got married, my music creation has basically stopped, but in fact, I am writing songs, and I will also create music with friends, but I create music purely because of love, but I have not found the right time and opportunity to share my music with everyone.

Zhongxin Entertainment: Recently, nearly 100,000 people watched your live jump exercise at the same time, how did you think of live fitness?

Liu: I think live streaming can share my fitness concept. In fact, I have published two fitness books before, but they are not easy to buy on the market now, because they are too popular. There is no way to convey my fitness philosophy to everyone. But with live streaming, I can share my fitness concept again, so I think this is a great opportunity for me to pass on the concept of "fitness changes my life" to everyone.

I very much hope that I can use my professional knowledge to teach everyone the correct fitness methods and form good living habits. Although I may not be able to reverse the public's concept of fitness in a short period of time, I believe that as long as I continue to adhere to it and continue to pass on my philosophy, I can help the public establish a positive belief in fitness and change their lives with fitness.

What is the biggest thing that touched you about "fitness can change your life"?

Liu Qihong: It should be me who helped my friend lose weight from more than 100 kilograms to more than 70 kilograms. In the process, I also taught him how to dress, how to build confidence, how to live. So, in the end, there were a lot of positive changes in his life, which made me feel that fitness not only allowed me to change my own appearance, but also allowed me to help others change their lives.

And I think a lot of fat people are potential stocks, and if they can know the right way to get rid of the objective factors that bind them in the moment, they can change their lives through fitness.

China-Singapore Entertainment: Why do you think the live broadcast room will attract more and more audiences to participate?

Liu: I think it's because they can feel that I'm not doing a job, but full of enthusiasm and want to pass on the joy of fitness to them. I'm also not worried about other anchors to emulate my live broadcast style, because I see that many of the anchors on the platform are expressionless, one-on-one, and have no vitality. So I hope more people will do this, and I will continue to share the exercises with you.

Zhongxin Entertainment: What is it like for you and your wife to wear down jackets to jump aerobics together?

Liu: It's too hot! But at that time, we couldn't find the reason for the interruption, so we guessed that it was a clothing problem, so we wore a down jacket to wrap the whole body and make everyone happy. But in fact, the original intention of our wearing cool is to let everyone see the power of the muscles more clearly, and to do every action in place, but I did not expect to be on the hot search in the end.

Zhongxin Entertainment: You and your wife have a special sense of CP when they live-stream fitness, what experience do you have for choosing fitness couple outfits?

Liu Qihong: My wife used to be a fashion design director, and she was not used to me casually matching clothes. Because she wants the costumes of our live broadcast not to be the same, she will help me match the costumes before each live broadcast.

100,000 people watch him jump online at the same time Why did Liu Qihong explode?

Source: Liu Ruihong Weibo.

Zhongxin Entertainment: Many people envy your husband and wife feelings, for you, what kind of existence is your wife in life?

Liu Qihong: Once my wife and my mother-in-law chatted and said, "My husband can't live without me, without me he will die", why is my wife so confident? I think it's because I can give her a lot of security. But security is not just lip service, although the expression of love is very important, but also put into action, when the other party feels your intentions, she will get a sense of security.

In fact, my wife and I have a completely different temperament, which can be said to be "naturally incompatible", but we both love each other and respect each other's ideas. Love is not selfish, so we will not force each other to do things we don't like, and because of love, we will hope that we will become better, and in the process we will also rejoice at seeing each other's progress, and we will get along with each other more freshly.

For example, when we are in love, we don't think that the other person will be a good mother or a good father, because my wife used to sleep until noon, and I especially like to go out to make friends and go out to play. But when we're parents, my wife will get up early to make breakfast for the kids, help them pack their bags, take care of their lives, and I will spend a lot of time with the kids, so we've all seen each other change.

I think this is the case between husband and wife, when you really love each other, you will pay without asking for anything in return, and look at each other's strengths and weaknesses more rationally, and sometimes the shortcomings of the other party may also become advantages. So although the two of us will also quarrel and fight, but we love each other more and more every year, we learn together in marriage, grow together, and go hand in hand.

Zhongxin Entertainment: Have children been influenced by you to become particularly fond of sports?

Liu Qihong: Yes, and my three children are very fond of sports, they will play sports equipment from time to time, and they will also participate in family sports with music.

Zhongxin Entertainment: Some netizens asked, what should I do if I can't control myself at night and want to eat supper?

Liu Qihong: I think the fundamental reason why people want to eat supper is to sleep late, so the easiest way is to go to bed early and wake up to eat breakfast. If you must eat a late-night snack, you can choose a good digestible, non-greasy food, because in the process of sleeping, your stomach is still working, which will affect the quality of your sleep and the next day's mental state.

100,000 people watch him jump online at the same time Why did Liu Qihong explode?

Source: Liu Ruihong Weibo.

Zhongxin Entertainment: Many netizens said that the movement can not be persisted for a period of time, what should be the motivation to make themselves adhere to the movement?

Liu Qihong: The main reason why many people can't stick to it is that they don't feel fun in sports, let alone a sense of accomplishment. So, first you have to think about the motivation for the movement, and then practice the right method. For example, some people work out to get in shape, but that's just added value, because through fitness you will find that not only is your physical strength more exuberant, but your mental state is also getting better, and you will have more concentration to devote yourself to family and work, and exert your ability.

So I think the concept of exercise is very important, if you just pursue a good body, you can't see results in a short period of time, you may not be able to stick to it, but if you think that fitness can change your life, you can gain a lot in the process of exercise.

Zhongxin Entertainment: Are the aerobics in the live broadcast room designed by yourself? Is it different every time?

Liu: Yes, I designed it myself. In fact, my fitness is also self-taught, because I was very thin when I was a teenager, I hoped to make myself stronger through fitness, but there was no gym at that time, I went online to find relevant books, and I held up dumbbell rolling wheels. And I like to research and develop fitness content, and I think it is a very enjoyable thing to plan fitness content with the people around me.

However, because the audience of the live broadcast room is very wide, I can't make the fitness difficulty very high, I need to take everyone to exercise effectively without losing fun under the simple concept, I think this is also a big breakthrough for me.

Zhongxin Entertainment: Some netizens said that there is no way to spend 90 minutes a day on fitness punching, would you consider a condensed version of the fitness video?

Liu Qihong: There should be such a video in the future, but I would like to suggest that you can follow the live broadcast to jump. Because during the live broadcast, I will explain the movements in detail, which will help you avoid many wrong moves and avoid the risk of injury. But in short videos, there is no way to include so much content. (End)

Source: China News Network

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