
Today in history: In the Champions League Milan derby, Materazzi watches fireworks side by side with Rui Costa

Today in history: In the Champions League Milan derby, Materazzi watches fireworks side by side with Rui Costa

Live Bar April 12, 17 years ago today, April 12, 2005, the season's Champions League quarter-final staged the Milan derby, compared to the derby of the sword, the scene staged in the game is still enjoyed by fans.

In the first leg, Milan won a 2-0 victory over Inter Milan to gain the lead, and after Milan scored in the second leg to steal Inter's goal and was blown, the emotional Inter fans threw a lot of fireworks into the stadium, which eventually led to the game being cut off. During the match, Materazzi and Rui Costa watched the fireworks in the stadium side by side, which became the most romantic shot in the history of the Milan derby and was preserved as a classic.

Today in history: In the Champions League Milan derby, Materazzi watches fireworks side by side with Rui Costa


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