
Embarrassing urinary leakage in women (urinary incontinence)

author:Dengzhou family of traditional Chinese medicine
Embarrassing urinary leakage in women (urinary incontinence)

Leakage of urine is involuntary discharge of urine from the urethral opening, called leakage of urine. There are many causes of urinary leakage, the most common of which are:

1. Female stress urinary incontinence, most of which is due to menstrual mothers, especially middle-aged and elderly menstrual women, the muscles of the pelvic floor are relaxed, and in the case of coughing, sneezing, laughing or running, etc., the uncontrolled outflow of urine from the urethral orifice is called stress urinary incontinence. Surgery is relatively simple, and mild stress incontinence can be gradually relieved by pelvic floor muscle exercises.

Embarrassing urinary leakage in women (urinary incontinence)

2. Due to the injury of the sphincter after surgery, it is common to injure the sphincter after radical treatment of prostate cancer, and urinary leakage occurs. Urination requires a very complex mechanism, the mechanism of urination control is also more complex, the need for the innervation of the sphincter, but also the coordination of the bladder and the sphincter, mutual cooperation, in the entire innervation of urination, any point of problem may appear leakage phenomenon.

Embarrassing urinary leakage in women (urinary incontinence)

Leakage of urine in Traditional Chinese medicine is called enuresis, which is generally caused by kidney qi insufficiency, spleen and lung qi deficiency, liver through damp heat and other reasons, for different causes of leakage of urine, can be adjusted by different Traditional Chinese medicine.

1. Kidney qi insufficiency: patients often appear in sleep with urinary leakage, severe cases can be several times a night, only to find out after waking up, accompanied by fatigue, cold face, cold limbs, waist and legs and other symptoms. Patients can add or subtract through the scattering of silk seeds, including traditional Chinese medicines such as silk seeds, oysters, cistanche, etc., which can play a role in warming and astringency, and can alleviate the symptoms of urinary leakage to a certain extent through conditioning;

2. Spleen and lung qi deficiency: patients can leak urine during sleep, usually accompanied by symptoms such as lack of breath and laziness, fatigue and fatigue, thin stool, and loss of appetite. Patients can be treated by taking the tonic Qi Tang Hequan Pill plus or minus, including drugs such as Taizi ginseng, astragalus, cohosh, chai hu, etc., which can play a role in tonifying the lungs and spleen, and can alleviate the symptoms of urinary leakage to a certain extent through conditioning;

3. Liver meridian damp heat: patients can manifest as urinary leakage, small amount of urine yellow, smelly urine, irritable temperament, and accompanied by symptoms such as teeth grinding. Patients can take gentian diarrhea liver soup, including drugs such as gardenia, mutong, ze diarrhea, licorice, etc., which have the effect of clearing the liver and bile fire and clearing the damp heat, and can play a certain therapeutic role in the leakage of urine through the damp heat certificate of the liver.

The acupuncture method of traditional Chinese medicine also has obvious effects in the clinical treatment of urinary incontinence, generally taking acupuncture points related to yuan acupoints, qihai acupoints, kidney Yu acupoints, life gate acupoints, as well as eight calvary points, foot three mile points, three yin intercourse points. Generally, treatment is carried out according to the course of treatment, and the symptoms of urinary incontinence can be alleviated by a course of treatment.


However, if it is urinary leakage caused by urinary system stones, tumors, etc., the effect of traditional Chinese medicine treatment is not prominent. When such patients have urinary leakage, they need to go to the hospital in time to clarify the cause of the leakage, and then choose a more targeted treatment method according to the doctor's guidance.

Embarrassing urinary leakage in women (urinary incontinence)