
Indefinite truce! Doncic's latest injury! The Lone Ranger cracked

On April 12, Beijing time, according to the joint report of NBA celebrities Marc Stein and Tim Mac Mahon, Doncic underwent an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) examination today, and the results showed a strain on the left calf. As for the extent of the strain, as well as the timetable for the comeback, the Lone Ranger has not officially announced it.

Indefinite truce! Doncic's latest injury! The Lone Ranger cracked

In the regular season finale of the Lone Rangers and Spurs on April 11, Doncic was injured in a break through the third quarter and limped off the court. Before the injury, Doncic played 28 minutes and had 26 points, 8 rebounds, 9 assists, 2 steals and 1 block on 8-of-18 shooting. In the end, the Lone Ranger defeated the Spurs 130-120 to finish fourth in the West with a 52-30 loss.

Indefinite truce! Doncic's latest injury! The Lone Ranger cracked

Doncic couldn't have played this game, but on April 9, in the Lone Ranger and Blazers game, he suffered his 16th technical foul of the season and was automatically suspended for one game. By April 10, the NBA officially announced that doncic's 16th offense was cancelled, and he could play in the April 11 game against the Spurs.

Indefinite truce! Doncic's latest injury! The Lone Ranger cracked

If the league hadn't canceled that technical foul, Doncic wouldn't have been injured if he hadn't played the finale. PS: The number of technical fouls in the regular season, which doesn't carry over to the playoffs. From the photos taken by local fans, Doncic's left leg has been put on protective boots.

Indefinite truce! Doncic's latest injury! The Lone Ranger cracked

Today the NBA officially announced: Embiid and Doncic were elected the Best Players of the East and West in the final week. Doncic led the Lone Ranger to 3-0, averaging 30.3 points, 9 rebounds and 10 assists per game. The Lone Ranger won 52-30 in the regular season, the best record in team history since the 2010-11 season.

Indefinite truce! Doncic's latest injury! The Lone Ranger cracked

It was a perfect season for the Lone Rangers, but Doncic was injured in the last game and the team's path to advancement was overshadowed. The recovery time of 077 depends on the degree of strain, and this season's NBA players have missed an average of 16 days with calf strains. The first playoff match between the Lone Rangers and the Jazz will start in the early morning of April 17, Beijing time, with less than 5 days left.

Indefinite truce! Doncic's latest injury! The Lone Ranger cracked

What Doncic meant to the Lone Ranger, everyone knows. He has played in 65 games this season, averaging 35.4 minutes per game and can have 28.4 points, 9.1 rebounds, 8.7 assists and 1.2 steals. The three shooting percentages are: 45.7%, 35.3% and 74.4%, and can average 3.1 three-pointers per game, the eighth in the league.

Indefinite truce! Doncic's latest injury! The Lone Ranger cracked

There is another statistic that illustrates doncic's importance: round share. Simply put, when this player is on the floor, how many shots, free throws and mistakes the whole team makes is done by him personally. Doncic's single-month possessions this season are as low as 34.7% and as high as 43.1%. James had a single-month low of 29.8 percent and a high of 37.6 percent this season.

Indefinite truce! Doncic's latest injury! The Lone Ranger cracked

Doncic has a 37.3 percent possession of the round this season, the league's number one. For comparison, James is 32.3 percent this season and a career-high of 33.7 percent (2008-09). Westbrook is 27.3% this season and a career-high of 41.5% (2016-17). Alphabet Brother has 34.6% this season and a career high of 37.3% (2019-20 season).

Indefinite truce! Doncic's latest injury! The Lone Ranger cracked

In the 2016-17 season, Wei Shao averaged 30+10+10 per game, averaging three-doubles for the first time in his career, and his possession was naturally high. But in the few seasons since When Westbrook averaged a triple-double, his possession rate was less than Doncic's 37.3 percent this season. If Doncic is absent and the Jazz's G1, once the Mavericks lose, they will lose the home advantage they fought for in the regular season.

Indefinite truce! Doncic's latest injury! The Lone Ranger cracked

Both fans and loners are used to Doncic taking over the game. In fact, he was born on February 28, 1999, and has just turned 23. Doncic averaged at least 27 points, 7 boards and 7 assists per game for three consecutive seasons, the third in NBA history. The remaining two are Big O Robertson (6 consecutive seasons) and James (3 consecutive seasons). As strong as Wei Shao did not do...

Indefinite truce! Doncic's latest injury! The Lone Ranger cracked

Finally, I hope Doncic can recover soon, the lone ranger really can't do without you!

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