
In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

author:History of mountains and seas

At 17:49 on December 17, 2015, Wang Xilin, a villager in Shuangfeng Village, Wenling City, Zhejiang Province, was working in the fields.

Suddenly, there was a huge roar in the sky, and Wang Xilin looked up and was momentarily frightened by the scene in front of him, a huge plane was landing rapidly, and it was about to crash into the village.

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

Twin Peaks has a permanent population of more than 800 households, and once the plane is dropped, the consequences are unimaginable. The plane flew lower and lower, so low that Wang Xilin felt that he could touch the fuselage as soon as he reached out, and he was so frightened that he quickly fell to the ground.

At this moment, the plane suddenly reversed direction and fell into the pond where no one was, accompanied by a loud noise, and two white umbrella flowers bloomed in the air...

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

On the way back to the venue, there was an emergency

On the day of the incident, pilot Huang Xiaogang successfully completed the day's flight mission with the new J-10 fighter and was preparing to return to the base.

Huang Xiaogang, born in 1989, was only 26 years old, and was selected as a pilot during his college years, a pilot who flew directly from a certain type of trainer aircraft to the J-10, and was assigned to a certain flight group for less than a year.

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

Although he is a novice, Huang Xiaogang's flying ability is very good, and he can always complete the flight task well.

Seeing that the plane was about to reach the base, the engine suddenly made a loud noise, and Huang Xiaogang immediately felt that the power of the plane had decreased a lot, and the speed was also rapidly decreasing.

Rear cabin pilot Chen Guoqiang, an old pilot with decades of experience, immediately shouted: "The plane may have hit a bird, the engine has a serious failure, Xiao Huang, you come to the rear cabin, I will fly!" ”

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

"Understood!" Huang Xiaogang calmly stood up and gave up the driver's seat to Chen Guoqiang.

Chen Guoqiang came to the pilot's seat only to find that things were much more serious than he expected, the display screen on the plane all failed, the screen was pitch black, and he couldn't see any data at all.

When the plane was immediately decided, Chen Guoqiang immediately switched the emergency power supply, and after a few seconds, the power supply was restored on the plane.

As soon as the power supply was restored, the "danger" warning symbol immediately popped up on the monitor, and the red font continued to flash, making the atmosphere in the cabin more and more terrifying and tense.

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

The J-10 is a new type of fighter developed by mainland researchers for more than ten years, and each one has been poured with countless painstaking efforts, "Even if there is a slight opportunity, I will drive the plane back." Chen Guoqiang secretly decided.

At that time, the altitude of the aircraft was only more than 700 meters, and it also fell down at a speed of more than ten meters per second. There was not much time left for Chen Guoqiang, he immediately reported the situation to the tower, and the ground commander immediately ordered after receiving the report: "Open the air ignition electric door and restart the engine." ”

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

Chen Guoqiang acted according to the order, and he pressed the electric door hard, but the plane did not respond at all.

"Did you just give up?" The second time, the third time... Chen Guoqiang pressed the electric door three times in a row, but the aircraft engine had been severely damaged and could not run at all.

Don't be afraid to deal with dangerous situations in the face of danger

At this time, the plane had fallen 554 meters and was flying over a dense residential area, and if the plane crashed here, several nearby villages would inevitably be engulfed by the fire caused by the explosion of the aircraft, and the lives of thousands of villagers would be difficult to guarantee.

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

"The engine stopped, the plane couldn't fly back, I'm going to turn around now and avoid the residential area!" Chen Guoqiang found that there was a large uninhabited area on the right side of the plane, so he turned the direction and pointed to the no-man's land.

But at this time, the aircraft has lost its power, and it is almost impossible to turn quickly, Chen Guoqiang can only slowly turn the direction bar, so that the aircraft slowly turns to the right.

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds... Along with the passage of time, there is also the probability of survival of the pilot.

In order to ensure the personal safety of the pilot, the J-10 is installed with a catapult device, and after pressing the ejection button on the aircraft, the ejection seat will carry the pilot through the broken hatch to leave the aircraft.

The stabilizing parachute is then opened, and finally the stabilizing parachute, the ejection seat and the pilot are separated, and the pilot's main parachute will be opened.

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

This escape process takes a long time, if the aircraft is too close to the ground, or the time to press the ejection button is too late, there is not enough time to ensure that the parachute on the pilot is opened in time, if there is no parachute, then the pilot's hope of survival is almost zero.

"Get ready for skydive!" Chen Guoqiang adjusted the direction of the plane while shouting loudly at Huang Xiaogang. Huang Xiaogang received the order, immediately withdrew his hands and feet, and adjusted his state.

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

The plane slowly moved away from the residential area and aimed at the no-man's land, Chen Guoqiang finally breathed a sigh of relief, decisively pressed the ejection seat, at this time, the aircraft was only more than 200 meters from the ground.

Chen Guoqiang was catapulted into the air, but his gaze still did not leave the plane. Although the plane had been aimed at the no-man's land, it was also loaded with a large amount of shells and kerosene.

Once the plane is detonated, it transforms into a powerful bomb that ruthlessly destroys everything in the vicinity.

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

But fortunately, the plane fell into a pond and did not cause an explosion, Chen Guoqiang smiled happily, and at the same time, due to the huge impact, his vision slowly became blurred.

Chen Guoqiang, who was the first to land, barely supported himself to stand up, desperately rubbing his eyes, dragging his heavy body to find the figure of his companion Huang Xiaogang.

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

"Xiao Huang has little flying experience, but don't let anything happen!" Chen Guoqiang was worried, and turned around to find a parachute landing not far away.

"Great, Xiao Huang is fine, and the masses are fine!" Now I can rest assured. ”

Then he collapsed on the ground, and the villagers who were working nearby rushed over and helped him up.

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

A villager said in hindsight: "These two pilots are really great, at such a dangerous moment, in order not to let the plane crash into the village, at the risk of so much life!" ”


From the occurrence of the dangerous situation to the timely handling to the successful parachute jump, the pilots Chen Guoqiang and Huang Xiaogang took only 23 seconds to resolve the dangerous situation.

In 2015, the J-10 hit the bird in the air to stop, save your life or save your plane? Pilots work wonders in 23 seconds

In these 23 seconds, they were not afraid of danger, calmly handled the danger, avoided the occurrence of major disasters, demonstrated their fearless heroic demeanor, and composed a heroic song.

On the seventh day after the accident, the unit to which the two pilots belonged received a pennant spontaneously made by nearby villagers, on which were written two lines of large characters, "Noble character shows its true colors, heroic feats defend the people."