
What does the saying "palm in the hand of the well, Fuwang Caixing", mean? Does that make sense?

In the thousands of years of historical inheritance, our traditional culture has experienced the test of blood and fire, and experienced the baptism of the long river of time, only to sharpen the traditional culture that is now engraved in the depths of our souls.

Traditional culture is all-encompassing, and the colloquialism is the closest part of our traditional culture to folk life. The colloquial language also inherits the all-encompassing characteristics of traditional culture, and can be found everywhere in life, and the traces of the colloquialism are found everywhere. For example, the folk ancestors said "in the palm of the hand, rich and prosperous".

So, what does this sentence mean? What does Tawai in the palm of your hand refer to?

What does the saying "palm in the hand of the well, Fuwang Caixing", mean? Does that make sense?

In fact, this saying is a kind of method of knowing people by the ancestors.

The ancestors of ancient times believed that a person's happiness, wealth, wealth, nobility, etc., were all predestined, and at the same time, they were also invincible to human beings. Therefore, since fate is established and unchangeable, there must be a way to find out the law of a person's fate in the hope that it can be auspicious and avoid evil.

Therefore, in his daily life, the old ancestor paid attention everywhere and summed up many ways to find the law of fate.

This saying, "In the palm of the hand, the well is prosperous and prosperous", which is one of the ways in which the ancestors explored the so-called destiny.

What does the saying "palm in the hand of the well, Fuwang Caixing", mean? Does that make sense?

The "palm of the hand" in this saying, in fact, is that the pattern in people's hands, if it is a field pattern, or a well pattern, then it must be a rich party, and the material life will be very rich.

So, why did the old ancestors have such a statement?

In fact, this is also inseparable from the ancient life mode of the ancestors. The life of the ancient ancestors was mainly based on farming. Moreover, the field, as the first element of people's production, is a very important asset. Under normal circumstances, the ancients would not easily sell their fields. Moreover, even those emperors and nobles regarded land as their most valuable asset.

As one of the most important assets of the people, the field and grain are many times the hard currency of ancient times, and sometimes the grain and land are better than gold and silver. Therefore, if there is "field" in the palm of the hand, it means that there is wealth in the palm of the hand.

What does the saying "palm in the hand of the well, Fuwang Caixing", mean? Does that make sense?

In addition to this, people also believe that "water" is the representative of wealth.

This is also inseparable from the living environment of the ancients, who said that the field was the most important asset of the ancients, and if the field wants to grow grain, it must need water irrigation.

Moreover, whether it is an agrarian people or a nomadic people, there is a characteristic, that is, living by the water!

And our ancient ancestors as an agrarian people, naturally is no exception, which is why we call the Yangtze River and the Yellow River the Mother River. Because our lives are inseparable from them, our land is inseparable from them!

Therefore, the ancestors of the people regarded "water" as wealth. And the well can also represent "water", so if there is a "well" in the palm of the hand, it means that there is wealth in the palm of the hand.

What does the saying "palm in the hand of the well, Fuwang Caixing", mean? Does that make sense?

Of course, whether there is a well in the palm of the hand or a field in the palm of the hand, it is actually a kind of wish of the ancestors for a better life. The lines in the palm of our hands are actually not causally related to our fate.

The reason why the old ancestors have such a saying as "palm in the hand of the well, rich and prosperous", in fact, on the one hand, is because the old ancestors prayed for a better life, on the other hand, it is also because the old ancestors believed that fate was determined by heaven.

By now, such sayings are no longer applicable, and although they are the empirical wisdom of their ancestors, such sayings often have certain limitations.

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