
Why People Live – The Cafe at the End of the World

Three questions

1. Why are you here?

2) Are you afraid of death?

3. Are you satisfied?

When a person figures out why she exists, it is equivalent to defining his own "Purpose For Existing", called PFE. In a person's lifetime, he can do ten, twenty, or even hundreds of things to achieve PFE. He can do anything. But knowing their PFE and will try a variety of activities that are artificially beneficial to the realization of PPE, these people are usually very satisfied with their lives.

To know how to realize the meaning of one's existence, one should explore and embrace the various things associated with PFE.

In our efforts to achieve PFE, we are subject to very few external restrictions, and more restrictions are imposed on ourselves.

Go with the flow:

Turtles never compete with the waves, but skillfully use the power of the waves. Man cannot catch up with it because he has been paddling all the time, regardless of the direction of the sea. In the beginning, people were able to keep pace with turtles, sometimes slowing down and so on. But in the waves in the opposite direction, the harder people swim forward, the more tired they feel. By the time the direction of the waves is the same as the direction of the person's swimming, the person has not had enough energy to move forward.

If you're not on the same channel as what you want to do and what you should be doing, you're wasting a lot of energy. By the time you have the opportunity to do what you want to do, you run out of time and energy.

(This principle applies to both the long dimension of life and the daily schedule; the law of two eights)

Don't let the reverse waves waste your time and energy every day.

Why is it that people can obviously do what they want to do, but they spend so much time on preparation, rather than doing it immediately?

In the eyes of advertisers, if your message directly targets people's inner fears and desires, you can stimulate them to act. As long as you find the right point of fear or desire, you can cause them to buy a specific goods or service.

People pin their happiness and satisfaction on a product or service.

When we retire, will we be able to do what we want to do?

Why not do every day to make yourself happy and want to do what you want to do?

The point of changing your mindset is that whether something can make your life more complete is up to you, and it has nothing to do with whether others tell you that it is perfect or not.

How much of the definition of success, happiness, and fulfillment is influenced by others?

Be careful about the deep message behind people's words.

Step by step, a person who thinks clearly about why he exists and finds the answer to the question, will he be excited about his discovery? Isn't it exciting to do something that realizes the meaning of existence?

In this case, no matter how excited a person is, no matter how motivated he is, it is not too much.

Do it all out every day.

How can such a person fail?

These people are certainly not difficult to find a job, not only have a lot of knowledge about what they like to do, but also full of enthusiasm to do, people like to consult them about things, like to pull them together to do things.

If these people have been doing what they love to do, but don't make money, they don't make enough money by retirement. So what are they going to do? Then you can't retire and can only continue to do what you like to do.

When people work hard, they can buy something they like, which can help escape from a momentary reality, reduce their own stress, and make themselves happy. But what if you don't need to "escape" or "decompress" yourself? What if you've been doing what you love to do?

If you figure out why you exist and start doing things that you think you can achieve your goals, you may not value money as much as you do now.

In addition, those who know themselves PFE, those who are fully committed to achieving PFE, are very confident in their abilities, their luck is very good, and unexpected surprises always come when they need it most. These people are always passionate and passionate, infecting others and making them want to help them. When more and more people are infected by them, good luck comes naturally.

These people no longer need the permission and consent of others, and each person can control his own destiny. No matter what others make us believe, no matter what we hear in advertising, no matter how high the pressure of our work feels, each of us can grasp every moment of our lives. Don't be controlled by all kinds of external forces. In life, only you truly understand the meaning of your existence. Never lose control of your destiny because of other people or things. You must actively choose your own life path, otherwise you can only passively accept the arrangement. Learn to remove the golf balls from your life.

"Remove that golf ball"

The answer can only be found on your own, and when you find it, you'll know that the experience and feeling will resonate with you.

Experiencing different things, being exposed to different ideas, and paying attention to how we react to them all help us find answers.

The Story of the Green Sea Turtle – Find the Right Direction and Go With the Flow.

The Fisherman's Story – Start doing what you love now.

Advertising stories – Don't seek satisfaction from the act of buying and the goods you buy.

The story of golf – don't care what other people think, take control of the position of the golf ball in your own life.

Mike's story on costa Rica beaches – in a macro perspective, personal stress, anxiety, victories and defeats are all insignificant.

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