
Friends, a very classic American drama

author:Chinese cross-talk sketches

Friends is an American television sitcom written by David Klein and Marta Kafman and starring Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Lisa Cudjol, Matt LeBron, Matthew Perry and David Schweimmer. The story centers on six old friends living in Manhattan, New York, and describes their ten years of ups and downs. The series consisted of 10 seasons and 236 episodes, which aired on the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) from September 22, 1994 to May 6, 2004.

"Friends" is one of the most popular TV series in history, ranking in the top ten of the year in the ratings of all ten seasons, and is still being broadcast and re-screened around the world today. "Friends" was also widely acclaimed, winning the 54th Emmy Award for Best Drama Series in a Comedy category and was nominated for a total of 62 primetime Emmy Awards. James Burrows filmed the first season of "Friends" in 1993, which became a hit, and for the next decade, "Friends" became the memory of a generation of Americans, ranking first among the 100 most popular American dramas selected by the authoritative Media "The Hollywood Reporter" in 2015.

Rachel Green Jennifer Aniston Miss Qianjin, after escaping from marriage, first worked as a coffee shop maid, and then worked in the fashion industry
Monica Geller Courtney Cox Chefs, like things neatly categorized, competitive
Phoebe Buffy Lisa Cudjo Eccentric masseuse, loves to play guitar and sing, famous for his song "Stinky Cat"
Ross Geller David Huemon Professor of paleontology, divorced three times, sometimes likes to be preoccupied
Chandler Binn Matthew Perry The company executive, who thinks he has a strong sense of humor, loves to use his humor to laugh at others
Joey Tribiani Matt LeBron Actor, loves food and beauty, simple minded but loving

Season 1

Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey and Rose all appear. Rose had just been divorced because of his gay wife, Carol. Monica, Phoebe, and Rose all live alone, with Only Chandler and Joey living in an apartment. At this time, Monica's old friend Rachel breaks into the Central Perk Café in a wedding dress, and she has just escaped her wedding to her fiancé Barry and moved in with Monica. Soon Rachel became a waiter at Central Perk and began to learn to say goodbye to the previously austere life and support herself independently. Rose's ex-wife was already pregnant with Rose's child, and she later gave birth to the boy, named Ben, and was raised by Carol and her gay girlfriend Susan.

Season two

Unaware that Rachel already had feelings for him, Ross had begun a relationship with julie, an old classmate in China who was also a paleontologist. Rachel is very unhappy about this and tries to destroy the couple.

Soon Rachel was also dating another man. But once, when Rachel was drunk, she said on Rose's telephone voicemail "I've forgotten about you!" (Iamoveryou), and was spotted by Ross. Rose then arrives at Central Perk and angrily tells Rachel that she shouldn't have told him, but after Rose leaves the café, he turns back, and this time he kisses Rachel. Rose was then at a loss for Rachel and Julie, so Chandler suggested a list of their strengths and weaknesses. But Rose knows that her true love is Rachel, so she quickly breaks up with Julie. Unfortunately, Rachel found the list with her strengths and weaknesses, and she was extremely angry that she rejected Rose.

Later, friends watched a tape of Rachel and Monica preparing for the school ball. Rachel was touched by Rose when she saw this and decided to start over with Rose.

Joey, who had a great success playing Dr. Ramorey in the soap opera DaysofourLives, had made enough money to live in his apartment. Phoebe now finds his half-brother, Frank Jr.

During this time, Monica socialized with her father's old friend Richard. But after Richard later told Monica that he didn't want to have children again, Monica, who wanted children, broke up with them.

Season three

Rachel quit her job at Central Perk and began trying to find a job in the fashion industry. She later meets Mark, who has landed a job for her at Bloomingdate's, but Rose is always convinced that Mark has intentions for Rachel and becomes unusually sensitive and jealous. This tension culminated on their anniversary, when Rachel was unable to have dinner with Rose at work, so Rose brought food to Rachel's office, but made a mess until Rachel ordered him to return home. The two quarreled after returning home eventually led to a take-break.

That night, both Rose and Rachel tried to resolve their differences. Ross is having a drink outside with Joey and Chandler when Ross calls Rachel, and it happens that Mark comes to visit Rachel at home, and Ross angrily hangs up the phone. In desperation he spends the night with a woman named Chloé, and when the next day he and Rachel try to reconcile, Rachel learns of Rose's one-night stand, and after a heated argument and desperate pleading, they eventually break up.

However, at the end of the season, Rachel feels very sad to see Rose start dating Bonnie. In the final episode, when everyone goes on a beach vacation, Phoebe meets a woman with the same name, so Phoebe asks her about her family affairs. In the beach hut, Bonnie appears unexpectedly, and Rachel is very unhappy. Out of jealousy, he persuaded Bonnie to shave her head as before. When Rose and Rachel argue over this, they find that they are still in love with each other. At the end of the season, Rose comes down the hallway and hesitates to face the doors of Bonnie and Rachel's two bedrooms.

Season four

Rose decides to reunite with Rachel and breaks up with Bonnie. So Rachel wrote a long letter expressing her feelings, in which she asked Rose to bear all the responsibility for this past mistake, but Rose could not accept it and quickly broke up again.

At the same time, when Phoebe keeps asking Phoebe about Phoebe, she learns that Phoebe is actually Phoebe's birth mother. After returning to New York, Phoebe agrees to become the conceived mother of her younger brother Frank Jr. and her sister-in-law Alice. She quickly underwent artificial insemination and suddenly became pregnant with triplets.

Chandler and Joey, Monica and Rachel decided to have a match in a quarrel over who knew whom better. They decide that if Chandler and Joey lose, they will have to give up their chickens and ducks, and the other pair will give up their apartment if they lose. In the end, Chandler and Joey win, so they exchange apartments with Rachel and Monica. After staying for a while, Rachel and Monica decide to exchange basketball tickets for their apartment, but chandel wins the subsequent game. But when they return from the rugby field, they find monica that they have quickly changed back to their apartment, and Chandler and Joey feel very unfair, and it is only when Monica and Rachel agree to kiss in front of the two boys to solve the problem.

At this point Rose meets an English girl named Emily and decides to associate with her. When Emily wants to return to England, the two fall in love and eventually decide to get married, and in the final episode, Phoebe stays in New York due to pregnancy and Rachel due to old love problems. Everyone else rushed to London for Rose's wedding. At the wedding party, Monica was very sad to touch the scene, so Chandler comforted her, and later the two slept together. When Rachel realizes that she still loves Rose, she decides to fly to London to tell Rose about it. But when she arrived, seeing the happy Rose and Emily, she decided she shouldn't have disrupted the wedding. The wedding went on as usual, but finally in front of the priest at the wedding, Rose, while taking the wedding oath, said Emily's name as Rachel.

Season 5

Rose and Emily are still married, but because they can't tolerate Rachel in their lives, the two eventually divorce. Rose moves out of the apartment and finds a new place to live close to everyone, but loses his job at the museum because he offends his boss. Phoebe gave birth to a boy and two girls, hoping to keep a child, but the brother did not agree. After a one-night stand, Chandler and Monica decide to maintain a secret relationship. Until it was known to everyone, the love affair between the two was made public. Joey gets a chance to be a male lead, but is forced to stop because of financial problems. The crowd travels to Las Vegas to see Joey, and Rose and Rachel are reunited on the plane. Chandler and Monica decide to get married at a small church in Las Vegas, and when they arrive, they meet Ross and Rachel, who are drunk and newly married.

Season Six

After discovering that the two were married, the two decided to go to court to cancel the relationship, but Rose, fearing that he might have to divorce as many as three times, lied that he had canceled it. Rachel later found out and forced Rose to cancel, but because Rachel filled out a humiliating statement about Rose in the cancellation application, the two eventually had to solve the problem through divorce.

Ross landed a job teaching paleontology at New York University. Chandler and Monica decide not to marry for the time being, but to live together first. Chanlder moved to Monica's house, and Rachel stayed with Phoebe. Later, a fire causes Rachel to move to Monica's house, and Phoebe, believing that she has caused the fire, takes up residence with Joey in poor condition. Later, it was discovered that the fire was caused by Rachel's hair straightener, so the two changed accommodations. Rachel finds it more fun to be lord Joey while Phoebe is suffering from Monica's cleanliness.

At the end of the season, Chandler decides to propose to Monica. In the final episode, with Monica's ex-boyfriend Richard showing up at the restaurant before the marriage proposal, Chandler has to give up temporarily. Richard then sees Monica tell him that he still loves her, and Chandler pretends he is not interested in marriage in order to surprise Monica, which makes Monica want to return to Richard, but when Joey tells her everything and Chandler formally proposes, Monica cries and agrees to Chandler.

Season Seven

Rachel and Phoebe decide to keep the news of Monica's pregnancy a secret.

Joey managed to get out of the film scene, but it was difficult to get his wish. Although he only had one scene, he could not finish the filming because the big star was drunk.

Rose and Phoebe go to Chandler's office to catch him and gradually persuade him to go back and get married.

Rachel is responsible for stopping Monica, and in desperation, she almost tells the truth about Chandler's escape, but fortunately Rose and Phoebe bring Chandler back in time.

Before Joey arrived, Rachel captured a Greek Orthodox priest to fill the numbers.

Chandler remains hesitant until he overhears Phoebe mentioning Monica's pregnancy that he finally comes to terms with reality.

Joey attended the wedding on time, kidnapped the big star, and at the last second, he came to the wedding scene.

Chandler tells Monica that he already knows about having children; Monica is confused.

What everyone doesn't know is that Rachel is the one who is pregnant.

Season Eight

Rachel confirms that she is pregnant, and in the second episode it is revealed that Rose is actually the father of the child, which happened a month before Chandler and Monica's wedding. Rachel and Joey continue to live together, when Joey suddenly develops feelings for Rachel. When Rose feels like she's lost a lot of her father's feelings, Joey has to suggest that Rachel move to Rose. Later, Joey expressed his feelings for Rachel, but Rachel declined. In the final episode, Rachel names her daughter Emma. Although the name Emma was planned by Monica from an early age, she was ready to use it on her own children.

Season 9

Rose, Rachel, and Emma continue to live together until one day they quarrel over their strange relationship at the time—they live together, have children, but are not in a relationship. So Rachel decided to take Emma back to Joey. Chandler's company transferred him to Tulsa, Oklahoma, after discussion. He decided to travel to Tulsa alone. On Christmas Eve, a female clerk tried to flirt with Chandler in the office, but Chandler quit her job and went into advertising.

Chandler and Monica repeatedly tried to have a child, but always failed, so they went to the hospital to check and found that both of them had physical problems and could not have children, so the two decided to adopt. Phoebe started dating Mike. Later, the two decide to start living together, and Mike tells Phoebe that he is not planning to get married because of his previous failed marriage. Phoebe, on the other hand, wanted to get married, so the two broke up. Later this season, Rachel also developed feelings for Joey.

In the final episode, a group of people decide to go to Barbados and spend the holidays with Rose, who is going there to give a speech. Phoebe takes her boyfriend David (a scientist who went to Minsk in the first season) and Joey with her girlfriend Charlie (who was originally dating Rose but later fell in love with Joey). Monica learns that David plans to propose to Phoebe, but Monica knows that Phoebe is still in love with Mike, so Monica calls Mike to ask him to come over. Mike didn't want to get involved at first, but then he came to Barbados to tell Phoebe he still loved her and asked to marry him. Phoebe, while rejecting the marriage proposal, agrees to continue her relationship with Mike while declining David.

Joey and Charlie eventually break up because they don't have anything in common, and soon Joey learns that Rachel has a crush on him, and at first he doesn't decide to take any action. Meanwhile, Charlie decides that he is still in love with Rose, and Joey sees Rose and Charlie kissing passionately, so he changes his mind and goes to Rachel's room to kiss them, and the season is over.

Season 10

Joey and Rachel's relationship lasted only three episodes, and when they discovered that the affection between them had always been pure friendship, they were not at all accustomed to physical interaction, so they decided to just be friends. As the plot continues, Mike decides to propose to Phoebe again, and the two later have a wedding.

Chandler and Monica applied to Erica to adopt her child and decided to move from their current apartment to the countryside. In the final episode, Erica gives birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix babies, Jack and Erica. Rachel applied for a job at Gucci, but; Ralph Lauren's boss was also present, and she lost her job. When she leaves the company, she meets Mark (who appears in the third season), who introduces her new job, but in Paris. Friends throw a farewell party for Rachel, and Rachel sadly takes turns saying goodbye to her friends, but except for Rose. Rose was frustrated by this until Rachel told him she wasn't saying goodbye because it was too hard. The two then slept together.

In the final episode, Rose realizes that she is still in love with Rachel and rushes to the airport to tell her, but Rachel refuses. Rose returns to the apartment frustrated, but Rachel gets off the plane and returns to the apartment, and the two kiss. At the end, everyone leaves their old apartment with a key of their own and leaves Chandler and Monica's old apartment and then has coffee together. Before leaving, Chandler uttered an ironic humor: "Where? "Where to go?"