
The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

author:Xiao Leng said popular science

Introduction: In the countryside, it is necessary to know 8 kinds of highly toxic plants, please stay away, let alone pick

In the spring, many people will go to the mountains to dig wild vegetables, and in the summer, many wild fruits in the mountains are also ripe, which is a very delicious "snack" for countless rural children.

But whether it is to dig wild vegetables or go to the mountains to pick wild fruits, you must remember that you do not know not to eat, because some plants contain toxicity, and many are highly toxic plants.

The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

In the past, many rural dolls played in the mountains and did farm work for a long time, so they were aware of many poisonous plants and generally did not pick and eat.

But now many people are away from nature for a long time, and even those born and raised in the countryside may not know it. If you mistakenly pick and eat poisonous plants, it is very dangerous, so it is still necessary to know some highly toxic plants hidden around us, and I hope that everyone can tell the people around you, especially children.

(1) Masanko

In April and May, the fruit of the mulberry tree gradually ripens, which is also a wild fruit that many rural children love to eat. In many mountainous areas in the south, there is a wild fruit that resembles mulberry, and some people who do not know it will mistake it for mulberry, but it is a highly poisonous horse mulberry fruit.

The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

The mulberry fruit is mainly distributed in the south and is commonly found on hillsides, roadsides and ravines. Its plant is not tall, and the fruit is the size of a pea, at first it is green, when it is ripe, it will change from bright red, and then gradually become purple-black, and it tastes similar to mulberry, sweet and nourishing.

It is precisely because the appearance is very similar to mulberry that some people will eat it as mulberry. But it should be noted that the horse mulberry fruit is a highly toxic plant, it is rich in massanine, after eating will appear vomiting, convulsions symptoms, serious will cause death.

(2) Castor

Castor is a plant that is very familiar to many elderly rural people, and it was planted in many places in the past, and even schools would send castor seeds for students to take home and plant. In some places, you can still use it to cover tuition.

The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

However, castor is now a wild plant, which is commonly found in some crop fields and villages in the countryside. It is a tall, fattened plant, and among the many weeds, it is often the most prominent, and it can be recognized at a glance.

In particular, the fruit of castor, like the ancient weapon, the wolf's tooth stick, has spikes on the outside. When it is ripe, it will crack open, revealing the shiny seeds inside, so don't pick it to eat.

The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

Castor is a plant that is poisonous in its entirety, especially its fruit, which is the most toxic. Often children only need 2-7 capsules can cause poisoning and death, which shows its harmfulness.

(3) Broken intestinal grass

In many places in the south, I like to use five-fingered peach to cook soup to drink, not only the soup color is beautiful, there is a clear smell of coconut, but also very nourishing. However, it is also common to drink five-finger peach soup poisoning.

The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

The culprit is that some people have mixed another plant, broken intestines, when they are digging five-fingered peaches. Its scientific name is hook kiss, and it is a plant with poisonous roots, stems, and flowers.

The main toxicity comes from a substance called leptophylloid, which is a very strong neurotoxin that causes strong reactions in the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems.

The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

Broken intestine grass this plant is very good at "camouflage", it often grows together with the five-fingered peach, the rhizome is very similar to the root of the five-fingered peach, and its flowers are often mistaken for honeysuckle picking to eat, I hope you must find out that the honeysuckle and the flowers of the broken intestine grass are very different.

(4) Iron tree fruit

The iron tree is an ornamental plant found in many parks, neighborhoods and roadsides in the south, and it is evergreen all year round. Many people have always thought that the iron tree will not flower, naturally can not bear fruit, in ancient times even used the "iron tree flowering" to compare things are very rare or extremely difficult to achieve.

In fact, in many places in the south, the iron tree flowering is very common, and it will produce very beautiful fruits after flowering, which is called "phoenix egg".

But it needs to be noted that the fruit of the iron tree is highly toxic, must not be eaten, it contains natural cycad glycosides and other toxic substances, will paralyze the nerves, and even excessive amounts will cause death.

(5) Vertical order shanglu

For rural babies, it is a wild fruit that is very familiar. Many rural dolls used to use it as a dye or to dye their nails.

The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

The weeping shanglu is an invasive species that looks very similar to the mainland shanglu, except that the flowers and fruits are hanging downwards. When ripe, its fruit is purple-black and looks like a bunch of grapes.

The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

But don't be fooled by it, the whole plant of the vertical order Shanglu is poisonous, and many children in Africa accidentally eat the fruit of the vertical Shanglu and die of poisoning every year. Generally, the light person will be dizzy, diarrhea, etc., and the severe one will be incontinent, comatose, and even die.

(6) Croissant

A very characteristic plant whose fruit looks like a sheep's horn, hence the name. This is very common in many mountains in the south.

Provinces like Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guangdong and Fujian are distributed, and it mainly grows on hillsides. Beside the road, or in the bushes of the hilly terrain.

Croissant is also a highly toxic plant, although the average person will not pick it to eat, but because the fruit has characteristics, it is inevitable that some people will play with it as a toy, but remember, do not eat.

The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

In folk sheep's horns, it is commonly used to make soil pesticides, because it has a good control effect on rats, sparrows, etc., and can also be used as soaking seedlings and mixing seeds. And it is worth mentioning that the croissant has a high medicinal value, but it can only be applied externally and not internally.

(7) Dragon flower

This kind of wild fruit, many people will definitely say: from snacks to large, how come I have not heard that it is poisonous? Dragon flower in the folk call it black sky, black star, yo-yo, black beanie and so on.

The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

Dragon flower can be eaten and medicated, but it is indeed poisonous. It should be pointed out here that the fruit of the dragon flower that is not ripe cannot be eaten, just like the tomatoes cannot be eaten after they are not ripe. Just wait until it turns black, that is, when it is ripe, you can eat it with confidence.

The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

In some places, they also like to pick the leaves of the dragon flower to make wild vegetables, commonly known as "white cauliflower". It should also be noted that the leaves of the dragon flower also have a small poison, and it must be thoroughly cooked to eat wild vegetables.

(8) Konjac

Once a cash crop widely grown in the south, some mountain farmers still grow it, but in significantly less than in the past.

The 8 kinds of highly toxic plants with a high rate of appearance in rural areas cannot be picked and eaten at will, and they do not suffer losses in understanding

Konjac is a material used as konjac tofu, processed konjac tofu is almost an indispensable ingredient in hot pot restaurants, many people love to use it to hot pot to eat.

However, konjac is poisonous throughout the plant, especially the tubers used to process konjac tofu. Therefore, konjac cannot be eaten raw directly, and must be processed and detoxified before it can be eaten.

As for the toxicity of konjac, even when cleaning it, if you don't wear gloves, you will have a burning, itchy allergic reaction.


In fact, there are many crops as poisonous as konjac, but are widely planted, such as cassava, which was planted in large quantities in the south before, which is also a poisonous plant and must be detoxified before it can be eaten.

Of course, there are far more poisonous plants in the countryside than these, but the appearance rate of the above 8 species is very high. I hope that everyone can remember their characteristics and know how to identify them. Encountered in the mountains, do not pick or eat.

In addition, for some unknown and unfamiliar wild fruits and wild vegetables, do not pick and eat them casually.