
Many Brazilian turtles were killed, and finally one was kept for twenty years

author:Woody miscellaneous

Spring is here, and it's time to buy turtles again. For more than twenty years, the family has been keeping turtles uninterruptedly.

All along, the impression of turtles is only turtles, huge turtles, which belong only to the sea. We are here near the sea, and when we were young, we heard legends about turtles.

The old man said that when fishing in the net, occasionally the turtle will be netted, and the usual practice is to release the turtle, and the turtle slowly climbs to the seashore, and before entering the sea, it must look back at the released fishermen, which is quite spiritual.

If someone proposed to kill the turtle, the turtle wept when they heard it, so the good people released it, of course, there is no legend of the turtle repaying the favor. It shows that people's release behavior is not forgetting the return, and it is a truly simple consciousness of symbiosis with nature. Not the acting skills of those acting masters.

Suddenly, one day, in my cousin's shop, I saw two green, very small, turtle-like animals kept in the fish tank, and immediately thought that it was a turtle, because I thought that the turtle was very large and belonged to the sea.

Of course, the officials knew that this was the red-eared turtle, or Brazilian turtle, the first of the three brothers of the ground stall, and the most widespread alien turtle.

Those who do not know how to release at will have made the Brazilian turtle flood the southern waters and become an invasive alien species, which has certain harm.

Many Brazilian turtles were killed, and finally one was kept for twenty years
Many Brazilian turtles were killed, and finally one was kept for twenty years
Many Brazilian turtles were killed, and finally one was kept for twenty years
Many Brazilian turtles were killed, and finally one was kept for twenty years
Many Brazilian turtles were killed, and finally one was kept for twenty years
Many Brazilian turtles were killed, and finally one was kept for twenty years

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