
distressed! Villagers were attacked by wasps and one wastung to death

author:Chengdu Fire Protection

Recently, Nanning, Guangxi

More than 20 villagers were sweeping up the mountain

Attacked by a swarm of wasps

The sudden onslaught of the wasps was menacing

As a result, many people were injured at the scene and 1 person died

Relevant local authorities

Aftermath is ongoing

distressed! Villagers were attacked by wasps and one wastung to death


According to the family of the deceased

The deceased could not escape

Stung by a horse bee more than 80 stitches

This led to tragedy

Horse bees, also known as "ant bees"

"Wasp" or "Wasp"

When people stay at home or go out to do farm work

Be sure to pay attention to observation

Within the active area

Is there a horse honeycomb

Because their "whereabouts" are uncertain

On the eaves

distressed! Villagers were attacked by wasps and one wastung to death

On a pole

distressed! Villagers were attacked by wasps and one wastung to death

On the window

distressed! Villagers were attacked by wasps and one wastung to death

In the bushes

distressed! Villagers were attacked by wasps and one wastung to death



What should we do if we encounter bees?

How can I prevent being stung by bees?

01 Pay attention to dress and hygiene Do not wear dark clothes and yellow-green clothes to go out, try to wear white clothes, it is best to wear long-sleeved pants, to avoid bright colors attracting bees or wasps.

02 Do not go to insect-rich places to climb mountains or go out on a green outing, avoid stepping into grass or bushes with few people, these places often have bees or horse bees to settle down. After encountering a hive, be sure to take a detour and don't poke the honeycomb.

03 Maintain composure If you find a bee or wasp flying by outdoors, you should stand still and do not panic, so that the bee or wasp will slowly fly away. Never slap or run.

04 Protect the head and neck If you are attacked by bees or wasps, you should use clothes to protect the head and neck, run in the opposite direction of the hive or swarm, or lie down in place to cover the exposed skin.

05 After being stung, you should seek medical treatment in time If the body is stung by the swarm in many places, there are systemic symptoms such as fever, irritability, fainting, etc., you need to send it to the nearest hospital for rescue immediately.

Source: China Fire Protection

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