
Known INTJ Gu Ailing, ENFP Yang Mi, who else's MBTI surprised you?

Spring is coming, and "Mao Xue Wang Chunfan" is also coming! The joy of Rui Sauce is back!

After watching the trailer, in addition to secretly waiting for the show to go online, Rui Sauce's "MBTI learning" interest was hooked up again! In the show, several people sit around to test the appearance of MBTI, isn't it the daily life of Rui Sauce and friends! However, what was unexpected was that the type of sister who had been guessed for so long was ENFP!

I believe that many people already have their own set of "MBTI theory", and even at friend gatherings, they will pop out a sentence of "Alas!" from time to time. Did you test THE MBTI? ”

If you hear this look of confusion, then let Rui Sauce give you a brief overview:

The MBTI indicator is based on the 8 types divided by the Swiss psychologist Jung and expanded to form four dimensions, namely

The four dimensions are like four rulers, and each person's personality will fall at a certain point in the ruler. The four dimensions and eight endpoints can be combined into the 16 personality types in the following table, and you must belong to one of them.

Each genre will correspond to some personality direction, and you can even rely on this test result to explore your hidden attributes and future development potential, and then dig deeper into yourself.

You'll also know how to choose friends (pure entertainment).

So this often happens:

But there are also a lot of test results that feel impossible. When I learned that my friend Gu Ailing was an INTJ, many netizens shouted that it was impossible. So how can the cheerful and optimistic Ailing be "I"!

But in Rui's view, "E" and "I" are not just extroverted or introverted, and the "I" type is more of an inner spiritual exploration for her.

Known as the Architect Personality, the INTJ is one of the least numerous and strategically competent personalities. Be curious but never waste energy. This group of people will set strict goals and plans for themselves, and put extraordinary motivation into it. Once you decide to do something, you start planning and until it's done, demanding very much of yourself. It is also one of the reasons why Ailing has achieved so much in the professional field.

So if you think about it, The results of Ailing's test are completely reasonable. Because of the meticulous division and multi-dimensional judgment, everyone can also dig out the secret personality and way of doing things that even they are not clear.

Because of personality influences, different MBTI types will also have different effects in terms of appearance expression. So according to the four types of personality directions, Rui Sauce boldly analyzes the makeup style to see if there is any poke at you!

SJ Dogma type, Guardian

Representative figures: Zhao Liying, Tang Wei

SJ type of people, they are elegant listeners, humble, do not like to be in the limelight, thoughtful, pay attention to small details, is to make friends around them feel the most relaxed existence. In terms of handling things, be decisive and confident, abide by the rules, pay attention to self-feelings while paying attention to efficiency, and be able to move firmly towards the goal.

Zhao Liying and Tang Wei also give people the same feeling, low-key and pragmatic, do not like to be in the limelight, but have a firm sense of faith in the field of work.

Their facial features are also rounded types, their faces are full, they do not have strong aggression, and they laugh a little childishly at the same time, giving people a warm image of a big sister.

Therefore, in the choice of makeup, mainly earth color or gentle pink system, the color will not be too much, and more importantly, it is more important to highlight the consistency of makeup and the adaptability of the eyes and lips. Eyebrows are light and tangible, not too thick or too long. The blush and contour are relatively clear. Overall it was clean and soft.

NF friendly, idealistic

Representative figures: Qiao Xin, Zhou Ye

NF type people, who value their own senses and spiritual world, are full of kindness to everything around them. Warm to people, likes to make friends, empathy, trusts intuition and first impressions. More will give people an image of a gentle sister who pursues romance.

People who have watched the variety show of Qiao Xin and Zhou Ye's two sisters should be deeply touched. They are the kind of people who live thoroughly, laugh and play and make friends, as if nothing can hit them. Be sincere and friendly to people, like a small sun shining on others.

Analyzing their daily makeup, we can also see a common point, that is, they are very good at using blush. Blush may be a good plus for people with such a personality, which can show the lively side of the heart without reservation and instantly reduce the sense of distance. Paired with peach lip gloss to bring stronger memory points, it can also plaster a more lively protective color for them who love to socialize.

SP Exploration, Art Creator

Representative figures: Yu Shuxin, Wu Yingjie

Sp type people are extreme optimists and a group of people who are extremely easy to create art. They don't mind failure, are easily self-satisfied, naturally unpretentious, have a unique aesthetic, have a wide range of interests, and like to enjoy the moment. Will go all out to grasp today, keep a close eye on the things in their hands, and quickly reach the goal.

When it comes to positivity and optimism, everyone should have the names of Yu Shuxin and Wu Yingjie's two pistachios in their minds. With the attributes of social cattle, they can bring laughter to everyone all the time. In the hearts of many people, it is like an elf-like existence.

The makeup inspiration they bring is more diverse, and the good use of color is also a very obvious feature. The hot girl group wind is unusually harmonious in them. Some more flashy sequins or more exaggerated eyeliner and eyeshadow can also be well controlled. Playing different is their only criterion for makeup choices.

NT firm, rational

Representative figures: Liu Yifei, Ni Ni

NT types of people think hard in the rational worldview they have established. They are gentle, strong, efficient, and logical. In pursuit of perfectionism, they have a strong sense of action and a cool temperament. Be outspoken and calmly accept all challenges in a chaotic and restless environment.

People who give people this feeling, such as Liu Yifei and Ni Ni, will unconsciously exude a kind of "attack" atmosphere and a sense of brokenness that makes people feel sorry. These two contradictory characteristics are intertwined and intertwined. The uplifted cat's eyeliner and slender oriental mist eyebrows can better set off its natural and high-grade cold temperament.

Looking at so many makeup features, and what is the matchability of your MBTI results? However, no matter what kind of personality, the makeup style is always unlimited. Being able to express yourself freely, comfort and ease are always the most important.

Image Source:

The official Weibo account of the artist and his work, the official Little Red Book account

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