
The joy of reading

author:Country Man 5T9c

#以书之名 #

I am very happy to participate in this meaningful activity, now people are very busy, the world is bustling, all for the benefit of coming, can leave a side of water and soil for reading, good and good!

Reading thousands of books is not as good as walking thousands of miles, which ordinary people can't do in a lifetime. I went to Chengdu Du Fu Caotang in 2014, Du Fu is known as "poetry saint", and doing things is a high realm. "Reading books breaks through ten thousand volumes, and the next pen is like a god", Du Fushu must have read a lot. As for the journey of ten thousand miles, Du Fu traveled to China when he was young, accompanied by poets such as Li Bai and Cen Shan, and went to many places. In the second half of his life, because of poverty and war, he had no fixed place to live and traveled to many places. The so-called national misfortune poet lucky. Du Fu's great achievements are indeed related to the solid foundation he laid when he was young and well read. I am very envious of Chengdu's du fu caotang such a good side of water and soil, which can nourish the hearts of many readers. To read a book is to read Du Fu's poetry.

The joy of reading
The joy of reading
The joy of reading
The joy of reading
The joy of reading

When I was young, I also loved to read, and I remember sometimes taking a car to Huangshi (a city forty or fifty miles away from home) to buy books, and I remember buying a copy of the first issue of Youth Digest, which belonged to antiques. There is also a copy of Eugen Onegin. In high school, I also borrowed books from my classmates, sneaked in during the evening self-study, and remembered watching "New Heroes and Children" and "Bitter Cauliflower". A classmate ordered a copy of "Furong" magazine, which was indeed valuable in the 1980s, Ye Weilin's novella "On the River Without Navigation" was seen in this magazine, this novella won the National Novella Award, this novel is impressive, writing about the water life of the rehearsal workers, the customs and customs along the way, the poignant love, and the masculinity of life in the midst of difficulties. The novels written by the scar literature writers of the eighties read a lot. The 1980s were the peak of China's new literature, with a large number of writers, a high level, strong creative power, and enjoyable viewing. High school is the most intense stage of intellectual curiosity and reading ability, and the burden of coursework is too heavy, which is indeed a big contradiction. I remember that there was a cultural station a hundred meters away from the high school, and I came here every day when I had time at noon to read the newspaper, and Hubei Daily read every issue, and the fourth edition had a literary supplement called "East Lake", which was fresh and unconventional and had a literary atmosphere.

The joy of reading
The joy of reading
The joy of reading
The joy of reading

After work, there is less reading. I bought a lot of books, put them away for a long time, occasionally looked at them, read one and put them down, and dozed off. I have no job now, I have plenty of time, I am reading a book plan, read the books in the bookcase again, books are people's spiritual food, books are the ladder of human progress, reading makes people progress, I understand the truth, the key is to put into action, there is a poem that is well said, written at the end of the article, and encouraged everyone.


Tang Yan Zhenqing

Three more lights five more chickens,

It was when the boy was reading.

Black hair does not know how to study early,

Bai Shoufang regretted that he was late in studying.