
Lin Junjie was diagnosed, indicating some discomfort in the throat and wishing for a speedy recovery

author:Little old sister loves gossip

Lin Junjie sent a text to inform everyone that he was diagnosed with the new crown,

His agency also responded: Lin Junjie flew back to Singapore on the morning of April 7, and after arriving, he did a quick screening himself, and the result was negative, so he went home, and not long after receiving a notice that the plane he was on had a confirmed medical record, so he was a confirmed close contact.

Lin Junjie was diagnosed, indicating some discomfort in the throat and wishing for a speedy recovery

So he did self-isolation at home, observing his condition at any time, and then he felt a little uncomfortable, and when his throat began to be a little uncomfortable, he once again carried out a quick screening, and the second result showed a positive.

Lin Junjie was diagnosed, indicating some discomfort in the throat and wishing for a speedy recovery

Lin Junjie announced the results on social media after the diagnosis, telling him that he is currently fine, but the throat is a little sore, people have chills and headaches, fortunately there is no other serious discomfort, he said that there are many anti-epidemic personnel still working on the front line, guarding everyone, he called on everyone to cheer up, get through this difficult time together, and sing to cheer for everyone.

But at the same time, there are also some ironic voices on the Internet, saying that Lin Junjie is because he went to the United States and did not wear a mask to participate in bungee jumping.

It is understood that Lin Junjie has been vaccinated with three doses of the vaccine. Going to the United States is also a normal itinerary for work, making a new album, as I said in the live broadcast before, I didn't run around after I came back, I did it in accordance with the correct epidemic prevention work arrangement, I did the test first, I went home after being diagnosed again, and I also did isolation according to the regulations after being diagnosed again. And Lin Junjie is a Singaporean, and does not live in China, in their country, there are their ways of epidemic prevention, perhaps everyone can have more understanding and tolerance for others, as long as he is not found out and still traveling to and from China.

Lin Junjie was diagnosed, indicating some discomfort in the throat and wishing for a speedy recovery

As a generation of campus memory, Lin Junjie is the youth of a generation, his singing strength is unanimously recognized, until now he still has many popular songs, deeply loved by everyone, I hope this incident will not affect his voice.

I wish Lin Junjie a speedy recovery and continue to use his singing voice to bring joy to everyone.


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