
Personal experience tells you that the difference between raising a male dog and a female dog is really different

author:Gluttonous dog food

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Many people will struggle with raising male dogs or female dogs before raising dogs? Xiaobian tells you with personal experience: the difference between raising a male dog and a female dog is really different.

Personal experience tells you that the difference between raising a male dog and a female dog is really different

Male dogs: During the estrus period, they will pee everywhere to mark the territory, and will find ways to run away from home, looking for the beloved little, and will often fight with other dogs because of the scramble for turf and the mating rights of the little.

Female dog: the mood of the estrus period is relatively unstable, like to lose temper, a little grumpy, and during the estrus period, the female dog will come to the great aunt, the lower body has red mucus flowing out, there will be a little odor, pet mainly put on physiological pants, help it clean up the private parts.

Whether it is raising a male dog or a female dog, you need a little more patience to take care of it during the estrus period, and it can only be said that it is not easy to be a shoveler!

Personal experience tells you that the difference between raising a male dog and a female dog is really different

Male dogs: Dogs of the same quality, the price of male dogs is not as high as that of female dogs, but the adaptability of male dogs is stronger.

Female dogs: Because they can breed puppies, they are slightly more expensive than male dogs, but they are more cautious and do not adapt to the new family so quickly.

If you don't care about the price, male dog and female dog, which one is more eye-catching, take home which one.

Personal experience tells you that the difference between raising a male dog and a female dog is really different

Male dogs: naturally lively and active, easy to accept new things, easy to integrate into a new family, and their personalities are somewhat naughty, no matter what age they are like grown children, full of curiosity, like to explore the world, play, but very close.

Female dogs: female dogs are more stable than male dogs, their personalities are more vigilant, may be because of the reasons for raising children, so after giving birth to the baby, the personality is more independent, will not rely too much on the owner, but their minds are more delicate, sensitive, when the owner is in a bad mood, will accompany you, take the initiative to comfort you.

Personal experience tells you that the difference between raising a male dog and a female dog is really different

Male dogs: Male dogs are energetic, obedience is more general than that of female dogs, concentration is not enough, and it is easy to be attracted to other flowery things when training. But they are very capable of learning.

Female dogs: The female dog has better obedience and is more focused on the instructions of the owner, but the ability to understand and learn is not as strong as that of the male dog.

Whether it is a male dog or a female dog, the pet owner can use some snacks as an auxiliary when training, which can improve the enthusiasm of dog training.

Personal experience tells you that the difference between raising a male dog and a female dog is really different

Male dogs: Male hormones secreted in the male dog can promote hair growth, but also make the hair beautiful, and the bones of the male dog are relatively thick, so the overall look, the male dog will be handsome and beautiful.

Female dog: The female dog is not as big as the male dog, and the appearance is slightly more beautiful, so in contrast, the female dog does not seem to look good as the male dog.

Although there is a difference in the appearance of male dogs and female dogs, as long as the pet owner is carefully raised, the dog will grow very good-looking.

Personal experience tells you that the difference between raising a male dog and a female dog is really different

Conclusion: Is your dog a male or a female dog?