
Susan Miller April 2022 Horoscope Leo, Virgo

author:Star Translation Agency

Susan Miller, a famous american astrologer, the first of the top ten astrologers in the United States, the most popular astrologer in the world, is loved by Chinese readers, and is loved by everyone as "three mothers". The horoscope style is guided by events.

Please note the Star Translation Agency and the translator.

[Translator's note: Considering the gradual effect of time difference and astrological signs, the dates mentioned in the text can be referred to within a few days before and after]

Susan Miller Horoscope for April 2022 Leo – Translator: No Illusion _Mugen


April is a special month and things get better as you move into 2022. The Ninth House, which represents foreigners and foreign countries, seems to have gathered energy. You may be starting a new international project or opening a new chapter in your current alliance. It's clear that you're thinking about someone important, and this trend will be triggered by the Aries Crescent on April 1 (or March 31, depending on your time zone).

The new moon doesn't just affect the day, it will open a door to your new life. The Ninth House is in charge of travel and dealing with overseas people. You may be communicating with someone in a distant city by phone or email. Since the Ninth House is in charge of long-distance travel, you may be traveling soon (as early as early April) or planning to travel later. If you need a passport, permanent resident card or visa, this new moon will help.

The Ninth House also administers higher education, including those who teach at higher education institutions or marketers involved in the university market.

The position lit by the crescent moon involves the enlightenment of the mind, which is achieved through experience, debate, international relations or research. This throne also governs the sharing of information you learn through broadcasting or publishing.

The new moon is always hopeful, but it needs positive phase support from another planet. Sometimes we have such a phase, other times we don't. Luckily, the New Moon Aries on April 1 (Aries and you lions are both in the sign of fire) is in perfect harmony with your sign.

In addition, in the first two weeks of April, Mars is located in the constellation of Aquarius, which is your mate's house. Mars will form a harmonious phase with the Sun and the New Moon. Partners, investors, sponsors, business partners, lawyers or PR people – close collaborators who are just as committed to success as you do – will bring you extraordinary luck in the realm of the Ninth House mentioned above.

All Leos can benefit from the New Moon on April 1, but if your birthday is five days before or after August 2, your feelings will be more pronounced than other Leos. The same is true if you have Leo rising or the Nathoto moon located at 12 degrees Leo.

If you know your own natal disk, see if you have a 12-degree planet with a lion, an Aries, a shooter, a gemini, a scale, or a water bottle. If so, then you'll also be excited about what's coming, because this planet will help you.

The 27-degree full moon in Libra on April 16 will bring more travel opportunities. This full moon has an impact for five days after it occurs (and two days before) and will coincide with the weekends of Easter and Passover. You may want to take a short trip to visit your mother, father, sister, brother or cousin. If you live far from your family, there is a chance that you will visit relatives and stay there for a few days, or your relatives will come and stay with you. Chances are you'll choose to travel during this full moon, or you'll see contractors, landscape architects, repairmen, architects, interior designers, or other professionals get the job done and let you enjoy the results.

Another fascinating and significant event happened this month. On April 12, Jupiter, which represents good fortune, profit, expansion, luck and happiness, will meet Neptune, who is in charge of art, from painting to music, dance, performance, poetry, literature, architecture, and all types of design. It also includes all art majors such as makeup art, costume design and perfume development. Jupiter and Neptune meet every 12 to 13 years, always in different constellations.

The april 12 meeting of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces has a special significance. Neptune is the guardian star of Pisces, but before Neptune was discovered in 1846, Jupiter was considered the guardian star of Pisces because of its profound philosophy, compassion, and creativity. Today, astrologers observe Pisces by observing both planets at the same time. For you, these two planets have a rare conjunction that produces amazing creativity and artistic expression. The last time they met in Pisces was in 2188, 166 years later. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event.

With that in mind, the COVID-19 pandemic we are experiencing around the world has the potential to become a once-in-a-lifetime event. It is unique in that it affects and restricts everyone at the same time. No one wants to get sick or die, so most people take steps to keep them safe. Life has undergone very dramatic changes, and for some people to a deeper extent. Such a momentous, serious and universal event is naturally reflected in the artist's expression, whether through painting, literature, music, poetry, dance, film, sculpture, fashion, design, or other creative professions. Jupiter and Neptune will meet in Pisces, and Pisces is considered one of the two most creative constellations – the other being Leo.

I'm curious if the Spanish flu of the 1918-mid-1920s was also related to Muhaihe. yes! When the Spanish flu was brought under control, a wave of pure joy poured out – jupiter and Neptune met in Leo!

Think back to the beautiful artistic expression that flourished in the United States in the 1920s. The Art Deco designs that appear in architecture, and even penetrate into jewelry design, are quite charming, elegant, and perfect. Fashion has changed – skirts are shorter, prettier, and more feminine than those worn by our great-grandmothers. Jazz clubs and elegant dinner clubs became popular in the following years.

Here we need to explain the conjunction. The most powerful of all phases – the exact coincidence of two (and sometimes even more) planets. It marks the beginning of a new cycle. The rendezvous of Neptune and Jupiter will affect for more than 10 years because it will take them a long time to meet again.

I feel that the meeting of Jupiter and Neptune on April 12 will begin a long cycle that could easily trigger a renaissance in art that will be different from the hustle and bustle of the 20s, but equally vibrant and joyful. As artists, writers, and producers reflect on their COVID-19 experiences, there are a million stories in cities, and the work in each city will continue to flow and resonate a lot.

I'm not sure when COVID-19 will end, but I've always thought it would be a possibility for Saturn to leave Aquarius (wind sign) in March 2023. That doesn't mean we'll be back in a state of panic in 2020, but it does mean we have to be careful until then. Creativity doesn't come as a light switch, it's gradual. I think the combination of Jupiter and Neptune could be the beginning of a brilliant artistic expression in the future, and it will provide a template for the era in which we live.

Interestingly, this combination will occur in the eighth house where you are in charge of other people's resources. Many Leos work in the arts— entertainment, visual arts, theater, and more—or in social work, charities, hospitals, and healing. If you work in any field that Neptune is in charge of, you're going to do very well because of this fit — and I mean well-paid. These planets move slowly, so you need to be patient, but you have all the aces in your hands. Go all out for the project or work you're doing.

Now let's look at April, and there's even bigger news for you – the 10-degree New Moon Eclipse in Taurus on April 30. This new moon will open up new paths for your career, and it will happen suddenly, followed by an eclipse. (You may have noticed the news on March 30 of the previous month, or on May 30 of the month after eclipse.) Most people get the news within a week of the eclipse. Astrologers use bell curves to predict when a message will occur, with only 10% of readers receiving a message a month ago and 15% receiving a message a month later. Most of the rest will be messaged during the week of the eclipse.

As Leo, you are more sensitive to eclipses because your guardian star is the sun. All eclipses are super powerful crescents. This will bring amazing news and opportunities to your career. While unexpected, the news of the eclipse will make you happy because Mars will help you.

Mars will now be in Pisces (starting April 14), the eighth house where you are in charge of other people's resources and money, and will be in charge of specific channels of money — commissions, remaining payments, royalties, taxes and refunds, cash advances, bonuses, bank loans, grants, venture capital, or legal matters that work in your favor. It looks like money will come from these channels. Mars, located in your palace of other people's resources, will emit friendly rays of light directly to the sun and crescent moon located in your palace of career. I can't guarantee you'll enjoy this eclipse — I don't see each of you' unique birth astrolabes — but I have a hunch that you'll.

Your expenses will be high this month, and the New Moon eclipse on April 30 will bring in money when you need extra cash the most.

All solar eclipses need to be adjusted. This crescent eclipse will form a penal phase (90 degrees) with your birth disk if your birthday falls five days before or after August 2. The execution phase can help you turn things around in a situation, after you adjust and show your resourcefulness.

All eclipses have a second step, so don't be too quick to assume that this eclipse is good or bad for you – the full information about the eclipse can take days or even weeks to fully reveal. You may be spending more this month than usual, probably because you're investing in something like your own business, higher education, apartment or house. The lucky star Jupiter is located in your others' resource house. When it comes to money, Jupiter will maximize your interests.

I firmly believe that this new lunar eclipse is good for you. Also remember that a crescent moon eclipse almost always marks the beginning, not the end, of something important— the end of which generally belongs to the realm of the full moon. Stay optimistic.


On April 1 (or March 31, depending on your time zone), a friendly crescent will energize your Ninth House, bringing new news and impressive opportunities for collaboration on international projects or immigration matters such as visas, passports or permanent residency. This area on your birth plate is also in charge of legal affairs, the media (broadcasting and publishing), and higher education. One of these areas could be triggered in the first half of April.

On April 1, an Aries crescent, is the element of fire – in high harmony with Leo, who is also a fire elephant. Any action you take on the areas under the control of the Ninth House mentioned above will go well. Whatever you start in the new moon seems to set you on a whole new path that hasn't been explored — a path that no one else has (or too much) experience yet, so it's very exhilarating to perform this task.

Meanwhile, in early April, Mars will be located in your one-on-one relationship house. If you're married, you'll have the opportunity to spend quality time with your partner – Mars is orbiting near Venus, and this close collaboration will create sexy interactions between you. Saturn orbits alongside Venus and Mars, suggesting that you might make serious decisions about your lover. If you've been unhappy, share your feelings and you may be surprised to find that your partner doesn't know how you feel and doesn't want to lose you. Together, you can work to improve the situation.

If the partner in question is a one-on-one business partner, you may find him or her easy to get along with, but be overly cautious about the plans you've recently proposed. You may need to do some beautification to get collaborators to support everything you want to do. This person may be your business partner, agent, publicist, wedding planner, accountant, lawyer, or other regular professional who works closely with you.

Serious intimate, mutually beneficial romantic relationships (such as marriage) or business partnerships are almost always maintained in the form of written or oral contracts. The seventh house is lit up for you at this moment. It's an area where we take charge of the serious commitment we make to others who have a talent or ability that you lack to create with you an integrity that didn't exist before. Saturn is in your seventh house, so you are learning to dance together and not step on each other.

Your most important moment of the month is April 30, the new lunar eclipse that takes place in your professional field. Dear lions, you are guarded by the sun, so you are more sensitive to eclipses. The eclipse will provide tremendous support, so you may enjoy the opportunity to pop up after the new moon and your career will take it to the next level.

A lunar eclipse in Taurus will make Venus shine, and Venus in your financial house will talk directly to Uranus in your professional house.

This means that the money you earn will come from outside of your fixed salary — bonuses, commissions, royalties or cash advances — and it will come from outside of your professional income, such as large insurance, estates, video game awards, or the adjudication of legal cases. It could also be a bank loan, mortgage or venture capital. Whatever happens, the eclipse of April 30 will be your friend. Uranus represents the unexpected, and it will be closely integrated with the Taurus eclipse and perfectly combined with Mars, located in pisces, the resource house of others, representing action. It is likely that exciting surprise news will come.

Mercury will retrograde from May 10 to June 3, so sign, stamp and complete delivery as soon as possible this month. Try to make the beginning of next month a little easier. We are in the eclipse season, so after the eclipse in your professional palace on April 30, the family palace will usher in another eclipse on May 15. Keep a relaxed schedule for the next month so you can move in any necessary direction. This is better handled.

Susan Miller April 2022 Horoscope Virgo – Translator: Hallucinations

For most of April, you'll be intensely focused on finances, and you might say, yes, of course the tax filing time is about finances – who doesn't think about money at this point? No, some people don't pay their taxes on time, but you Virgos, almost always pay taxes and pay off other bills on time. If this month you feel like a giant vacuum cleaner sucking away the money in your account, don't worry, there's a reason.

On April 1st, the cute 12° Aries Crescent moon appeared in the outer treasury of the eighth house of your astrolabe, bringing new opportunities to make more money, and what I like is that before April 14, Mars is in Aquarius to help you in the perfect position. If you run your own business, Mars care makes your business prosperous, and if you work for others, you will become a key part of the team.

Mars is the main star of Aries, and it is particularly important that it has a friendly relationship with the Aries New Moon. If you work for someone else, you may get a bonus, overtime pay, or a new job offer that's similar to your current job, but paid more.

There are other reasons to be happy about the financial outlook, and it's important. On May 10 next month, the star of good fortune Jupiter will enter Aries, the outer house of your astrolabe eighth house, and Jupiter expands everything it touches – the eighth house is also the position empowered by the new moon on April 1. While you may get new opportunities in April, this horoscope will explode next month, after May 10. This excellent financial fortune lasts until October 27, 2022, when Jupiter temporarily withdraws from Aries and returns to Pisces, but on December 20, 2022, Jupiter will also enter Aries and stay until mid-May 2023. So Jupiter will take care of you to get a lot of financial benefits.

Types of funds involving the Eighth House include: large commissions, royalties, licensing fees, bonuses, gift money, legal cases or large settlements in favor of you in the division of divorced property. You may also get a generous insurance claim, or sell a house, or get a tax refund, or receive a grant through a generous government program. It's also possible that you've been approved for a bank loan, a mortgage, or a venture capital fund. You see, it's this kind of money with a non-fixed salary.

The 27° full moon of Libra occurs on April 16, which also emphasizes money, is your personal funds, and some financial matters may be completed within five days of the full moon. The full moon is supported by saturn's energy, giving you a strong sense of financial security, and you may also get signals that the work is very secure, and in this situation, the work is guaranteed is a great comfort.

Throughout April, the seventh house of your astrological chart, the House of Interpersonal relations and cooperation, is full of stars, and the generously blessed Jupiter is also here, it seems that you need an intermediary to trigger the good luck of the full moon of April 16. This person may be a business partner, partner, lawyer, accountant, headhunter, job agent, broker, financial advisor, real estate agent, or other type of middleman who is trying to do things for you. In the seventh house of the astrolabe, you have Mars and its lover Venus, Jupiter, the messenger of happiness and fortune, and Neptune, the star of art. No matter who the other party is, the energy of you and the other party will be perfectly matched, and you will definitely get harvested through this person.

In such a time, the power of cooperation is greater than going it alone, and merging forces in love or career is the route to happiness and gain. You can choose to work with a person in a field, and the cooperation in personal life is an emotional relationship or a career cooperation. These two parts of life are not mutually exclusive, you can decide for yourself.

This is the first time in twelve years that you have Jupiter in the seventh house of commitment relationships, and it is very beneficial for you and another person to make a sacred commitment in love or career. Jupiter first appeared in this position in the months of last year, from May 13 to July 28, 2021, and there are still a few months this year, December 28, 2021 to the present, but it will leave temporarily on May 10, 2022.

This means that you may be engaged or married during this magical time slot. If April or May looks too fast and you don't have such a plan, from October 27 to December 20, 2022, Jupiter will also come to Pisces, the house of marriage and partnership in your astrological chart. For the first half of this phase, from October 28 to November 23, 2022, Jupiter is retrograde and Neptune is retrograde until December 3.

At this stage, the most suitable time to invest in marriage or cooperation is from November 23 to December 20, 2022. After that, Jupiter will leave Pisces to try to help with your finances, and will not return to your astrological marriage house. Neptune travels along December 3, 2022, but I think Jupiter is still the most important of these astrological signs.

Jupiter has more to say in the seventh house of your astrological chart, and on April 12, the only time in your life, Jupiter and Neptune are in the house of marriage and commitment. Neptune walked very slowly, with a rotation cycle of one hundred and sixty-five years, so the next time the Pisces would occur in 2188, one hundred and sixty-six years later. Why is the Pisces so special?

Pisces is co-managed by Jupiter and Neptune, the modern primary star of Pisces, but in the past, before the discovery of Neptune in 1846, ancient astrologers designated Jupiter as the main star of Pisces. Astrologers now look at two stars to determine the state of Pisces. Jupiter and Neptune are particularly powerful in Pisces, and Pisces is an extremely charming and romantic combination. Jupiter is the star of happiness, expanding everything it touches, and Neptune rules over unconditional love.

Conjunctions are the most powerful phases in astrology, which initiate a new cycle. The current cycle will last until the next muhaihe in March 2035, only then they meet in Aries, refreshing different energies. This time, Muhaihe Pisces said that in the next few years, the current partner or the partner who will soon fall in love will give you a great touch and encouragement.

If you're an artist and the astrology is a gift from Heaven, you might decide to work with someone who can provide the professional skills you need, and your combination is amazing. That person may be your writing partner, editor, broker, business partner, or client. Maybe it's your wedding planner or event planner, courtyard design, home improvement design. The point is that you'll work with another person on a creative project with great potential or success.

Speaking of April, April 30, 10° Taurus Crescent Eclipse. This eclipse brings new conditions to your ninth house of the astrolabe, which is in charge of many wonderful parts of life, and the eclipse may bring too many possibilities for overseas travel in the near future, foreign customers who want to cooperate with you. For example, you may also do some import and export, or study abroad. If you apply for funding for overseas research, there is also a good chance of getting a definitive response.

Astrolabe is also the field of higher education, and you may be ready to go to college or start interviews at some institutions to help you decide which school to go to soon. If you need a thesis defense, this eclipse will help you determine the date and defend yourself. An eclipse is good for your success, and your answers will impress the panel.

If you're involved in a legal case, after the April 30 eclipse, things should go exceptionally well, with a ruling made in your favor, or your legal affairs are just a contract that ends up with a lucrative alliance. It may also be that you apply for trademarks, patents, copyrights, and it is still beneficial to you.

I particularly like this eclipse because it is led by Venus, and Venus is located in its ascendant constellation Pisces, helping it to exert its maximum power. There is also an almost miraculous astrological sign accompanied by a Taurus eclipse, and Venus and Jupiter are united in pisces, a god-like astrology. Kaneki is in your astrological chart commitment relationship palace, and you may be getting married at this time and embarking on an unforgettable honeymoon trip of a lifetime. Venus and Jupiter meet once every twelve years in Pisces, just in time for the Taurus eclipse, making both signs more powerful and glorious.

If your birthday falls between September 20 ± 5, you may find that the eclipse brings good news. If your astrolabe moon or rise between Virgo 23°-29°59′ will also be rewarded. If you have an intrinsic star on your chart that falls around 28° in Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, you can also get good news that this eclipse is good for you.

Remember that all lunar eclipses have follow-ups, and don't rush to determine the "good or bad" of a lunar eclipse, because these are living events and there will be follow-ups. In the two weeks after the eclipse, all the elements unfolded, you'll see more clearly what's going on, and I feel like you're going to witness the good of this eclipse, which is your friend.

Try to do as much as you can in April, because your main planet, Mercury, is retrograde between May 10 and June 3. As soon as you enter May, you begin to feel a slowdown, ahead of the positive day when the water retrograde begins. April is very powerful, take advantage of it!

Greeting the news from the Aries New Moon on April 1st, it looks like the new path you've chosen in recent months has been the right decision to start reaping the rewards. Witnessing seeds sprouting in your garden makes you feel much happier than in recent times.

Aries Crescent gives you a whole new frontier – and you have a great opportunity to reap the financial benefits of learning about that area. Don't be afraid of new technologies and other innovations and ideas – meet them, because for you, Virgo, these are the treasures. The areas where your chart is so bright are in charge of non-salary income, i.e. money that is obtained through other means.

At this time, the money you get may be in the form of tax refunds, large commissions, royalties, bonuses, large honorariums for completing projects for the client, etc. This type of "foreign money" can also come from changes you make in your own business, bonuses, grants, insurance claims, large litigation settlements, or divorce agreements. I feel like the money is more likely to have something to do with your performance, and no matter how the money comes from, hearing this kind of financial news will make you happy.

This horoscope will last for weeks or even months, giving you strong financial prospects. Indeed, a project, a relationship, a business you are currently or about to start will begin to show greater results next month, because on May 10th, Good Luck Jupiter enters Aries for a few months, and your financial earnings prospects can't be better.

You certainly want to exert subjective initiative in such a good fortune, so if you work hard for your financial goals, the universe will provide the ideal environment for you to develop and succeed. A big part of your fortune is built on your past efforts, and if you make wise decisions, the cycle you'll enter is one of great gains. Even if you say you've made financial mistakes in the past, the upcoming fortunes will allow you to reclaim lost time.

During the full moon of April 16 (the first two days to the last five days are recommended, until the working week), you may be paying the bills or, if you owe taxes, paying back the taxes. This full moon takes place in Libra, the second house of your astrological chart, the house of personal income, and if you owe money to someone else, you will spend a sum of money on someone else, and in turn, if someone else owes you money, you will have a return payment. Not a pessimistic fortune – you'll have a good payout and a balance on your hands after helping you meet your financial responsibilities.

At the end of the month brings the first lunar eclipse of the year, the Taurus eclipse on April 30, taurus is very harmonious with you. The eclipse illuminates the travel palace of the ninth house of your astrolabe, and Uranus is close to the eclipse, and if it is a wonderful long-distance trip, it may be an unexpected and involuntary trip. Uranus is the main star of the sixth house of your astrolabe, in charge of daily work and colleagues, and the trip is more likely to be a business trip than a play.

There are other ways to reap the benefits of a solar eclipse: Maybe you're admitted to the college of your choice, closer to your goal of getting a college or graduate degree, and you doubted whether you had a chance of being admitted. Or, you may have a breakthrough in publishing, communication projects, or you may hear good news about the law.

In love, if you're serious with your current lover, these days are especially advantageous. Virgo currently has the best horoscope of marriage among the twelve zodiac signs, which you may have witnessed in March, and plans to be together forever are already in the making. This is the year you say "I do." If you're married or in a serious, stable relationship where your partner does well in 2022, you'll benefit too.

On April 12, lucky Jupiter joins the imaginative, benevolent Neptune in your astrolabe marriage house, and Neptune is the unconditional, endless star of love. Such an idealistic, shining romantic astrology will not appear in your astrolabe marriage palace for the second time in your life. The next time is 2188, one hundred and sixty-six years later, when Jupiter and Neptune meet again in Pisces.

April is a gorgeous month that is especially suitable for marriage, and if you are married, it is time to celebrate your love for each other. Some Virgos may decide to renew their vows with each other under the ritual of poetic love. At this time, the cooperative relationship formed for creation and art will also shine brightly, bringing rich benefits to both sides.

Susan Miller April 2022 Horoscope Leo, Virgo

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