
Cool + temperament beauty • HD photos

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Cool + temperament beauty • HD photos

First, the world itself is unfair, and even the globe is always tilted!

Cool + temperament beauty • HD photos

Second, I don't need everyone to nod my head, I live to make people who hate me more and more unhappy.

Cool + temperament beauty • HD photos

Don't confuse my personality and attitude, my personality is derived from who I am, and my attitude depends on who you are.

Cool + temperament beauty • HD photos

Fourth, those who hold you up, please do not let them fall; those who have brought you down, do not let them stand up when they die!

Cool + temperament beauty • HD photos

Fifth, to be a jianghu person, do not feel good about people, and do not embarrass people.

Cool + temperament beauty • HD photos

Sixth, don't always be aggrieved because you accommodate others, there are few people in this world who deserve you to always bend over. Bending over for a long time will only make people get used to your low posture, your unimportant.

Cool + temperament beauty • HD photos

The best way to get something you want is to make yourself worthy of it.

Cool + temperament beauty • HD photos

Eighth, I don't like to say bad things about others behind my back, and with this spare time, it is better to give him a knife in the back.

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