
Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

author:Allie exquisite breakfast
Hello everyone, I'm Allie, a great day starts with a nutritious breakfast, eat a good breakfast and be energetic all day. Eat well for breakfast, full for lunch, eat less for dinner, low oil and low salt, light diet, this is my habit for many years, I hope to eat healthy, eat beautiful, eat out of good shape with friends!

Whole wheat flour is milled from whole wheat, which retains the nutrients of wheat more completely, whole wheat flour is rich in vitamin B, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, zinc and other trace elements, which is a healthy and nutritious coarse grain.

Today I want to use whole wheat flour to make delicious shortbread, without adding a little fine white noodles can also be fluffy and soft, both sides of the shortbread are burnt crisp, the inner layers also have a strong wheat flavor, delicious nutrition and digestion.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full
Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full
Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full
Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

【Ingredient Details】

Whole wheat flour, yeast, warm water, thin pastry.


Add an appropriate amount of whole wheat flour to the bowl and increase or decrease the amount according to the number of people in the household.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

Stir the yeast in warm water to make the yeast dissolve, use yeast water and noodles, and knead into a soft and hard dough.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

Cover with plastic wrap and ferment until twice as large, prepare an appropriate amount of thin oil crisp, thin oil crisp: cooking oil and a little whole wheat flour to make a thin batter.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

Remove the fermented dough, knead the dough repeatedly to exhaust, and knead into a smooth dough.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

1. Divide into small noodles of uniform size, first take a small noodle agent into a dollar thick long dough piece, the longer rolled, the more layers can be rolled, the richer the finished product, the taste is better and better, brush a thin layer of thin oil crisp, you can sprinkle less salt, or pepper salt to increase the salty aroma, I did not add salt, I prefer the original taste, less salt is healthier. The remaining dough should be covered with plastic wrap to prevent air drying.

2. Slowly roll from the long side to the other.

3. The width of the rolled strip is about one centimeter.

4. Roll from one end to the other.

5. After rolling, press flattening to facilitate bonding, not easy to loosen.

6. Press the finishing finish to the bottom of the dough, press flat and roll out thinner, and the embryo will be ready.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

According to the above method, the remaining embryos are all ready.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

Pan brush thin oil, put the raw embryo into the pot, leave a little distance between each embryo, the surface of the raw embryo should also brush thin oil, more crisp can also prevent drying, first do not open the fire, cover the lid, wake up again for 15 to 20 minutes, wake up to obvious height, full is almost.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

After the second shot is ready, turn on the low heat, cover the pot lid and burn until one side is slightly burned, then turn over the side, and continue to cover the lid.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

If the embryo is larger and thicker, add half a bowl of water after burning to the two sides of the microfoam, continue to burn until the water is dry and then turn off the heat for 5 minutes, add some water to avoid external cooking and endogenous. The baked cake is visibly puffed up and quickly rebounds when pressed with a spoon to indicate that the inside is ripe.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

The finished product is original and the wheat flavor is particularly strong.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

A little oil is burned, both sides are charred, and it is especially crispy to eat while it is hot.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

You can eat it with your hands torn as shown in the picture, and the circle is very appetizing.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

You can also eat it directly, the inside is multi-layered and soft.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

【Allie Broken Thoughts】

1. Use whole wheat flour to make this cake must pay attention to the full fermentation, but also to carry out secondary fermentation, so that the whole wheat shortbread is more fluffy and delicious, but also pay attention to the raw dough can not be too hard, soft taste will be hard, softness will be greatly reduced, the dough to soft and hard moderate or slightly softer can be, novices recommend using soft and hard moderate dough is better to operate.

2. When rolling the roll, it should be noted that how thin it can be rolled out, how long it can be rolled, so that the finished product is better looking, the layer is rich and the taste is good, and the brush thin puff pastry is for the roll to be non-sticky, and the layer is more obvious.

3. The most critical thing about this whole wheat shortbread is the baking time, it is recommended to use the electric cake bell to better control the heat, I use the minimum fire of the gas stove, because the intermediate fire is more concentrated, so the raw embryo should not be placed in the middle of the pot, to avoid coloring quickly leading to external cooking and endogenous.

4. Here's a trick to use a gas stove pancake to color beautifully, but also fluffy and delicious:

The whole process with a low heat, cover the burn, burn for a minute or two after turning off the heat for two minutes, and then quickly open the pot lid, quickly turn over, continue to small fire cover lid for a minute or two, and then turn off the fire for two minutes, so the cycle is about three or four times, to adjust slightly according to the thickness of the cake embryo, repeat the opening of the fire many times - turn off the fire, avoid the gas stove temperature is too high, continuous heating leads to fast coloring, the interior is not yet cooked, continue to heat with the residual temperature after turning off the fire, wait for the temperature to drop down and ignite and heat, seemingly many times of action, in fact, the pot is always the same temperature, The cake is so good and delicious.

I do other things at the same time, such as stir-frying and cutting fruit plates, so that the time to bake and turn off the heat does not have to wait.

5. The taste of whole wheat flour is coarser than fine white flour, gastrointestinal bad friends recommend adding some ordinary medium gluten flour, the ratio of whole wheat flour and medium gluten flour is 1:2 or 1:3 or 1:4 can be, the more gluten flour is added, the smaller the gastrointestinal stimulation, but also to make the finished product more soft and delicate.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

【Chicken thigh stew with potatoes】

Supplement protein with chicken thigh meat, replace part of the staple food with potatoes, and nourish and relieve hunger.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

Chicken thighs, potatoes, shallots, ginger, garlic, star anise.

After washing the chicken thighs, use scissors to cut the bones along the chicken bones and cut them into small pieces.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

Put the chicken in cold water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, and remove the water.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

Heat the pan with cold oil, pour a little oil, pour in the onion, ginger, garlic, star anise and slowly stir-fry the aroma, then pour in the chicken and a little soy sauce and stir-fry until the color is even.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

Add an appropriate amount of boiling water, the amount of water should be flush with the ingredients, pour in the potatoes, boil again and then adjust the medium heat to continue cooking.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

Cook until the ingredients are half cooked, add the right amount of salt, a little soy sauce, continue to cook, sprinkle some green onions and add some red pepper rings, add color and flavor, and mix well.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

The potatoes are soft and fragrant, and the chicken is smooth and delicious.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

Method of deboning chicken legs: Use raw food scissors to slowly cut along the chicken bones, which is easy to remove the bones.

Home-cooked delicacies are not difficult, the fat loss period can remove the chicken skin from the lower fat, with potatoes instead of a part of the staple food, can avoid excessive energy, health and maintain body shape are helpful.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

【Stir-fried vegetable moss】

Vegetable moss is a spring seasonal dish, eaten with the season, healthy and delicious.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

The washed moss is cut into two pieces, one with the thicker white gang at the root and one with more leaves at the tail.

After a little oil is hot, pour in the green onion and stir-fry the aroma, pour in the moss, stir-fry until microsoft, then pour in the other half, add the right amount of salt and stir-fry until it is broken.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

The dish is harder, first stir-fry the vegetable help, so that we can stir-fry for a longer time, the finished product taste sweet and softer and more delicious, because the tail leaves of the dish are more, the roots are thinner, so it cooks quickly, and the rear can not only avoid long-term heating caused by the color of the leaves not tender green, but also make the taste of the leaves better. Vegetable moss comes with a sweet taste, only add a little salt to adjust the taste, the original taste, healthy and delicious.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

【Hot drink with five grains】

Friends who pay attention to me should know that this is a hot drink that I often drink, and it is recommended that girls change milk tea to this drink, the taste is sweet and silky, and the most important thing is health and tonic.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

【Ingredient Details】

Black beans, peanuts, black sesame seeds, red dates.

Black beans, peanuts washed with cool water soaked overnight, now the weather is hot, it is recommended to put the refrigerator refrigerated soaking, to avoid breeding microorganisms, affecting health; fried black sesame seeds in advance to cool and grind into powder; red dates after washing and cored into small pieces.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

Pour all the ingredients into the soy milk machine, add the right amount of water, and select the five-grain soy milk function key.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

【Boiled egg】

If you want to eat a densely sandy yolk, the time to cook is the key.

Eggs under the pot of cold water, the amount of water to flood the eggs is appropriate, after boiling on high heat, turn the heat to a low heat and continue to cook for about 6 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for three or five minutes, so that the boiled eggs not only taste good, nutrients are better absorbed.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

【Melon, strawberry】

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

A fruit plate a day, no need to make a complicated plate, just do as you please.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full

Habit of taking breakfast as the most important meal of the day, but also has been treated as a meal, there are meat and vegetables and fruits and coarse grains, supplementary nutrition and anti-hunger, so that you can reduce the desire to eat snacks, you know, snack calories are not low, but also contain more sodium and other additives, often eat more additives snacks are not friendly to health and maintain body shape.

Whole wheat shortbread without refined white noodles does this, the outside is crispy and soft on the inside, nutritious and digestible, and the coarse grain is very full
I am Allie who loves life and loves to make food, like my friends please pay attention to me, thank you for your support!

#Food##Eat in China##我的早餐日记 #