
AG Zhang Jiao found the problem of cat, Zhang Fei always likes to go around, cat wants to argue that it is interrupted by Zhang Jiao

The regular season of the KPL Spring Season has been carried out to the penultimate week, and the performance of the AG Super Play Club this season has been relatively average, the first two stages are the third in Group A, and there is still a certain gap with Group S. Recently, the AG Super Play club made substitutions, JiuCheng and Aisi returned, cat and laughing shadow became substitutes, the first game seemed to work well, but more games were needed to prove it. Recently, AG also released a documentary of the team's matches, and Zhang Jiao found the problem of cat before, and the playing habits did have some flaws.

AG Zhang Jiao found the problem of cat, Zhang Fei always likes to go around, cat wants to argue that it is interrupted by Zhang Jiao

This conversation comes from the first small game of AG Super Play and TES, TES took the big Joe system, and AG was a combination of Zhang Fei and Lü Bu. Zhang Fei plus Lü Bu is the best KPL field more popular system, the double front row can ensure that their own C position has a good output environment, and the opening ability is also very strong, belongs to the combination of gold oil, in the face of the big Joe system is not afraid. But this game AG has been dragging on for more than 30 minutes to win the game in the case of advantages, that is, it has more mistakes.

AG Zhang Jiao found the problem of cat, Zhang Fei always likes to go around, cat wants to argue that it is interrupted by Zhang Jiao

Zhang Jiao felt that Zhang Fei of cat always liked to go around the back, and this lineup should not let Lü Bu take the lead, it should be Zhang Fei who sprayed the big move to open the group first, and then Lü Bu's backhand big move to divide the battlefield or take control. Then cat explained that he didn't want Ah Ze to open the group first, but he was opened, and Ah Ze came to pick him up. Zhang Jiao directly interrupted cat's words and said, "Don't be stupid, don't be stupid", and seems to be not very satisfied with cat Zhang Fei's performance.

AG Zhang Jiao found the problem of cat, Zhang Fei always likes to go around, cat wants to argue that it is interrupted by Zhang Jiao

AG in the cat on the field in fact has a very obvious phenomenon, that is, mainly rely on the wolf to open the group or the group to play a wave of 50, if you can open it, it is the opening of the cat is very spiritual, if you can't open it, the wave may collapse, and the gambling component is too big. The general team is also auxiliary to open the regiment, and the side road is to divide the battlefield, but the opening of other teams may be more stable, the timing is better, and it is not so "broken".

AG Zhang Jiao found the problem of cat, Zhang Fei always likes to go around, cat wants to argue that it is interrupted by Zhang Jiao

After Ace replaced cat, everyone found that the operation rhythm of AG was obviously much better than before, the team played more methodically, and other teammates seemed to be more comfortable than before, and the death rate was significantly reduced. Maybe a game can't see anything, but from the objective fact that after cat played, AG last season was the first round of the playoffs, and both stages of this season are third in Group A, and there is really no result that can be done. Aisi's worst result when he played was the quarterfinals of the World Championship, and he had never made a top four other than that. AG has given Cat a lot of opportunities, maybe he has improved a lot this season compared to last season, but it is still far from enough.

AG Zhang Jiao found the problem of cat, Zhang Fei always likes to go around, cat wants to argue that it is interrupted by Zhang Jiao

After this cat substitute, it is most likely difficult to return to the starting lineup, no matter what results Aisi plays, it must be finished this season, otherwise it will not be fair to Aisi. Cat's professional attitude is worthy of recognition, he does work very hard, but the single turn assist is really not an easy task, the hero pool is good to say, the most important thing is the idea of the game, the two positions do have a difference. Cat may be good if it transforms the training behind, and the chance of staying on the field may not be great.

AG Zhang Jiao found the problem of cat, Zhang Fei always likes to go around, cat wants to argue that it is interrupted by Zhang Jiao

What are your thoughts on the problem of AG's pointed out cat? Feel free to discuss it in the comments section.

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