
The efficacy and function of combing hair with horn combs

author:Bath Biotechnology

In recent years, there are more and more tools for combing hair, from the beginning of the use of plastic combs to peach wood combs, sandalwood combs, etc., plastic comb material is lighter, and the teeth of the comb are relatively hard, and the electrostatic reaction to the hair is more severe, it is easy to pull the hair down during the combing process, and the peach comb and other wooden combs, after all, are made of wood, even if the surface is smooth and smooth, it is inevitable that there will be burrs and the like, and it is easy to scratch the scalp during the combing process, thus making the scalp injured.

The efficacy and function of combing hair with horn combs

Therefore, under the crystallization of human wisdom, the horn comb gradually appeared in people's daily life, and the horn comb, as the name suggests, is a comb made of buffalo horn as a raw material and polished. So what are the functions of the horn comb that are different from other types of combs and beneficial to the human body during use?

Does not hurt the scalp

The efficacy and function of combing hair with horn combs

Unlike other combs, the surface is very smooth, the touch is not as rough as the plastic comb and the wooden comb, and there is no electrostatic reaction between the horn comb and our hair, and it will not damage the scalp and cause the problem of hair falling.

Blood dissipation and antipyretic

The efficacy and function of combing hair with horn combs

Horn is not only a material for making combs, it is also a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" once recorded: "horn, salty, cool, non-toxic", from which we can see that horn has the effect of blood dissipation and heat reduction. Therefore, in the process of use, the effect of the horn comb itself will penetrate into the scalp little by little, in the case of feeling the scalp fever and irritability, combing the hair with the horn comb can alleviate the anxious mood, promote blood circulation in the scalp, and maintain good health.

Antipruritic and dandruff removal

The efficacy and function of combing hair with horn combs

The superior quality of the horn comb, its comb teeth are relatively warm, and the tooth head is not sharp, can effectively inhibit the spread of fungi in the scalp, prevent fungal infection, for the scalp itch, dander situation by combing the hair with the horn comb can also be alleviated.

Slows down gray hair

The efficacy and function of combing hair with horn combs

In addition to the above-mentioned effects and efficacy, the horn comb also has excellent hair care and health care effects, which can continuously expand the ability to absorb nutrients on the basis of improving scalp nerve excitability, thereby promoting hair growth, and also inhibiting the production of white hair and yellow hair, slowing down aging and other effects. It is recommended to be able to use it consistently every day, and in the long run, you can often get a relatively good hair care effect.

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