
Li Qi in the chaotic world from a young age to a cool autumn


Fly through Ba Zhan, Hong En and Xia Tai.

From heaven to heaven, man comes from the sun.

Here the Golden Gate is far away, when the jade is back.

Early Ping Guan Right Thief, do not wait for the edict to urge.

Li Qi, character platform show. His five-generation ancestor Li Xi (李憕), Tianbaonian (天宝年) served as The Rebbe Shangshu ( 尚書 ) , and An Lushan rebelled and was killed. His father, Li Qi, served as the governor of the Jin Dynasty during the reign of Emperor Duo of Jin.

Li Qi in the chaotic world from a young age to a cool autumn

Li Qi's poetry when he was a teenager was greatly appreciated by Wang Duo, but Wang Duo suspected that someone had written it for him. One day, Wang Duo summoned Li Qi to the office to discuss matters, and secretly sent someone to Test Li Qi at Li's house under the title of "Han Zu De Sanjie Fu", and Li Qi wrote it immediately. The end of the fu says: "If you get a sage, you will prosper, and if you don't have a sage, no one will work with you, and the fall of the Xiang clan is very natural, and even a Fan Zeng cannot be used." Wang Duo was very surprised when he saw it, and said: "This child will become a great instrument, and he will definitely be proud in the literary world in the future." This year Li Qi was 13 years old.

One day, Li Qi's father and son came to pay respects to Wang Duo, and just when the emperor's edict arrived, he appointed Tuoba Sigong of Xia Prefecture as the reconquest of the capital, and Wang Duo asked Li Qi to compose poems on the spot. Li Qi wrote "Feng Trial Commandment Uses Tuoba Sigong to Unify the Northern Capital of Beijing", which is the opening poem. After reading it, Wang Duo excitedly took Li Qi's hand: "This real phoenix hair is also." "Scholars are like cattle hair, and adults are like scales." This year Li Qi was 14 years old.

During the reign of Emperor Zhaozong, Li Xi's father and son were famous for their literature. Li Qi went to visit Li Xi with a gift. Li Xi was greatly surprised after reading it, and hurriedly put on his shoes to go out to greet him, saying to Li Qi: "I used to worry about the recent words of the literati, but they did not see the theme after a few sentences. You see the theme in the sentence, the duality is elegant and gorgeous, and the real afterlife is terrible! Li Qi was therefore more well-known and was admitted to the Jinshi. This year Li Qi was 18 years old.

In the early years of Tianfu, he was appointed as a lieutenant of Wugong County, and then served as a transport inspector, and then promoted to Zuo Shiyi and Shishi of the Temple. The eunuch sea is floating and sinking, and there are not many poems handed down by Li Qi, and there are "Two Poems Written on the Roof of the Heavenly Terrace", although there are defects, but they do not have the sharpness of their youth, and they are more heavy. The author feels that it was made during this time:

I am also a husband of the field, and I know that there is hunger and cold in the hut.

There were groans and groans, and a compatriot watched in pain.

The water is full of hidden mountains, and the wind and rain dare to be an.

The broken wrapped wrapped in the king □, and the grain should know the emperor Zekuan.

Driving on foot to ask the people about hunger, it is like when I am cold and negative.

The deserted village came with the households, and there were smoke cookers in several houses in Xiao Shu.

Pinglin belt throws mountains, and the sideburns guard the cold and wet rain.

The wild old man did not know the tour to meet Erru to talk about furniture.

Since Li Qi became an advisor, whenever there is something wrong with the current politics, he will definitely write a commentary on the sonata, the article is beautiful, and the people who read it will forget to be tired.

When Emperor Zhaozong was in rebellion, Tianzi moved west to avoid chaos, the world was greatly disturbed, the soldiers fled in hiding, Li Qi also drifted to live in seclusion between Jing and Chu, and when he called himself "Chief Li of Huayuan" was lonely and frustrated, he often sat near the stream, plucked leaves, made edicts, and then threw themselves into the water to sigh and not meet. This year Li Qi was 34 years old.

Li Qi in the chaotic world from a young age to a cool autumn

Liang Taizu Zhu Wen ascended the throne, recruited Li Qi, and appointed him a Hanlin scholar. Liang Taizu plotted the world and marched west to attack Li Maozhen; attacked Li Keyong in the north, using soldiers Yan, Zhao, and Li Qi to accompany the army, specializing in the management of documents, and drafting the will very much in line with the emperor's wishes, and received preferential treatment. Zhu Wen was very fond of him, and Li Qi's reputation spread in The Sea.

Li Qi values commitment and pities talents. During the years of Zhenming and Longde, Li Qi and Xiao Qing were both prime ministers, Xiao Qing had a cautious and meticulous personality, and Li Qi was conceited, informal, and courtly. Zhongshu's upper reply was more in accordance with his will.

Li Qi in the chaotic world from a young age to a cool autumn

Once, Li Qi conferred on the position of an official, which was supposed to be the title of the official position of the trial photographer, and Li Qi changed the name of "shooting" to "shou". Li Qi, who was played by Xiao Qing, changed the bribe giver from a probationary agent to a full-time official without authorization because of accepting bribes. Li Qizhi was overjoyed, somewhat unruly, and indeed overwhelmed. The late Liang emperor Zhu Youzhen was furious and prepared to exile him to a remote land, and under the mediation of his favorite minister Zhao Yan and others, he was removed from the post of chancellor and made prince Shaobao. This year Li Qi was 50 years old.

After Emperor Zhuangzong of Tang destroyed Liang and entered Beijing, he had already heard of Li Qi's reputation. In the early years of Tongguang, Li Qi successively served as Taichangqing and Shangshu of the Bureaucracy. In the autumn of the third year, when the flood was strong and the treasury of the capital was empty, Emperor Zhuangzong ordered officials to write a letter to state the strategy of governing the country. Li Qi wrote thousands of words to discuss the country as:

Li Qi in the chaotic world from a young age to a cool autumn

“...... Bread feeds man by bread; the earth grows by grain; man, ruled by kings. If there is grain, the country's strength is strong, the demarcation of land will make people stable, and the people of Mingcha will be given a balanced servitude; these three are the top tasks of the state. ......

...... Therefore, he knew that the serious illness of the people was a tyrannical expropriation, and that the expenditure of the army should be based on preferential treatment of agriculture as the national policy. Confucius said: 'The people are rich, how can the king not be rich'...

...... Those who can transport money and grain to the Beijing Division are more than 500 stones, and the commoners are awarded to state or county officials, and those who have official positions are promoted according to the rules, and alternative officials are arranged for actual posts. From 1,000 stones to 1,000 stones, regardless of civil or military, the reward is clearly indicated. ......”

Finding problems, analyzing problems, and solving problems is a masterpiece. It can be seen that in which dynasty, the three rural issues are the primary problem, and Li Qi cut to the shortcomings of the times. Emperor Zhuangzong took his advice very seriously and immediately appointed Li Qi as an envoy to the state, and was about to appoint him as prime minister, but was stopped due to the rebellion. This year Li Qi was 55 years old.

After Emperor Mingzong of Tang ascended the throne and Li Qi served as the Imperial Grand Master, an incident occurred at that time, when the chancellor Privy Counsellor, Shu Zhong, and Zhongshu Ordered An Zhongzhi to quarrel with the palace official Mayen in front of the palace gate, and An Zhongzhi actually drew his sword and beheaded Mayan on the spot. According to his duties, although Li Qi impeached An Zhongjie, his words were ambiguous and he did not dare to speak directly about An Chongjie's crimes. Afterwards, Li Qi pushed back that he was ill and wrote three times to request retirement, but the imperial court did not allow it.

Li Qi in the chaotic world from a young age to a cool autumn

From then on, because Li Qi was an old minister of Later Liang, he was even more jealous of the prime minister, and everything he did was ostracized and hindered. For example, Li Qi's sonata includes "Defeating the Khitan Fierce Party, Breaking the True Determination of the Reverse City" and being impeached: "The Khitan is the fierce party, and the True Determination is not the Reverse City" and was fined a month's salary; and Li Qi was ordered to write an inscription for Huo Yanwei, and when describing Huo Yanwei's later Liang, he did not say false dynasties and false posts. Played by Zhongshu: "Regardless of whether it is true or false, it is a mixed name, and it is hoped that it will be changed." And so on. In the middle of Changxing, Li Qi died. This year Li Qi was 60 years old.

Li Qi in the chaotic world from a young age to a cool autumn

Shi Guan's evaluation of Li Qi: "The talents of husbands and wives complement each other, rare from ancient times, cover literary and political affairs, perform conspiracies, and are indispensable, and Li Qi's articles are enough to praise the gentry and the sheng reeds." Ran Qi is erudite and talented, clumsy in obedience, obscure, knows what not to do, but judas is more enterprising, moving and seeing the platoon, by himself can not be calm. ”

Attached is Li Qi's recital:

The king of the courtiers is rich in the trillions of the people, deep in the nine weights, the heavy patients, the people wither away and do not know, the four seas are poor and can not be saved, the lower feelings cannot be reached, and the courtiers dare not point out. Now His Majesty is guilty of the calamity of the water, the lack of food and food in the army, the anxiety of self-inflicted guilt, the urgency of guilt, the avoidance of the main hall to blame, and the visit of many people and seeking reason, then why not think about it, why not discuss it? To stop at what is changed is enough to choose the good.

  The ancients had a saying: The valley is also the command of man; the earth is born of the valley; the man, the king is also reasonable. If there is a valley, the country will be prepared, the land will be fixed, the people will eat enough, and the people who will see it will serve the people, and knowing these three, it is also the urgent task of the country. Xuan Huang has been in front of him and cannot be remembered in detail. Since the flood of Yao, Yu Zuo Sikong, at the time of discerning the land of the ninth class, collecting tithes, at that time more than 13 million households, about 9.2 million hectares of land reclamation, the most peaceful and prosperous. And the Shang Revolution Summer Order, the re-establishment of the field system, each private land ten acres, planting public land one acre, water and drought are the same, but also tithe righteousness. The Zhou Chamber, the Law of Lijingtian, the Kingdom of About a Hundred Miles, the Ten Thousand Wells, the Hundred Carriages, and the Four Hundred Horses. There are 10,000 chariots and 40,000 horses, which are also the system of tithes in the field law. Therefore, in the world of Chengcheng and Kang, than the dynasties of Yao and Shun, the hukou increased by more than 200,000 yuan, and before the three generations of Gai, they all lived and went out, counting farmers and establishing an army, although they were in the disaster of floods and droughts, they were prepared for fierce desolation.

  Downgraded to the Qin and Han Dynasties, heavy taxes on industry and commerce, the levy of the city of Qianguan, the calculation of double boats and cars, the households are both reducing consumption and the ancient system is still practiced, according to the household registration at this time, there are still more than 12 million, and the reclamation of land is also 8 million hectares. As for the three kingdoms to rise together, after the two Jin Dynasties, there were fewer farmers than the army, more war horses than cattle, more for the army to seize the agricultural grain, and the horses would invade the cattle and grass, so there were only more than 2.4 million in the world. The Sui Dynasty, the Two Han Bilong, and the Year of the Emperor Of The Emperor, another third.

  I Emperor Taizong wen of Tang, with the initial determination of the Four Yi, the people are not prosperous, extended to the group of ministers, each Chen saw, but Wei Zheng alone advised Emperor Wen to practice the royal way, by being light on thin endowments, not taking the peasants, entering the virtuous, Yue Zhongzhi, the world's millet price, fighting straight two dollars. As for kaiyuan, there will be 19 million households, 53 million mouths, and 14 million hectares of reclaimed land, which is very much higher than that of Yao and Shun, and they are those who know how to save people and take heavy accumulation as the source of illness; those who feed soldiers, and Huinong as the military and government. Zhong Niyun: "The people are sufficient, the king is the king and the insufficient." This remark of the subject was wei zheng who persuaded Emperor Wen to stay in Chenjian deeply. If the six armed forces are que, they must not be taken lightly, and in addition to the two taxes, they must be heavy, but they should not be discounted, and everything will be lost in their true colors, and they will not be in the name of new matches, and they should be happy to be at the right time, and they should not go into exile. In the present day, when the east is done, the cattle will drive, the land of several states, and the grain will be transported for thousands of miles, and if there is such a difference, it will hinder the spring planting, and if there is no grain and grass this autumn, it will ensure the support of the army.

  When Emperor Wen of Han wanted to work as farmers, he recruited people to join the millet, and he had to pay homage and atone for his sins, and Emperor Jing did the same. During the reign of Emperor An of the Later Han Dynasty, there was insufficient water and drought, and the three dukes were invited, and the rich people entered the millet, and the Marquis of Guannei and the secretaries of state were scattered. This was also the case in the Qianyuan Dynasty. Now That His Majesty does not want to enter the Imperial Household Bureau, he wishes to lower the orders of the various ways, and where the people are transferred to the warehouse, there are those who can contribute to transport official materials to the Beijing Division, more than 500 stones, and the white body is given a first-time prefecture and county official, and those who have officials are transferred according to their qualifications, and those who are not elected will be released. Above 1,000 stones to 10,000 stones, regardless of civil or military, and the reward is clearly indicated. To avoid the dispersal of Fang Chunnong's people, Si Yi saved the people and turned to the warehouse to support the army.

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