
Frequent nightmares? Probably a precursor to this disease! 5 million people are targeted by TA!

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Remember to read the following popular science

Hands are shaky, stiff, sluggish

When these words are associated with life

Can't help but feel heartache and helplessness

And that's exactly what Parkinson's patients face

Parkinson's disease

It has become the only tumor, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease

The fourth biggest killer who seriously threatens the health of the elderly population

There are expert predictions

By 2030

There will be about 5 million Parkinson's disease patients on the mainland

For this incurable disease

Early detection and early intervention are the best treatment methods

April 11

World Parkinson's Day

Let's focus on Parkinson's disease together, pay attention to Parkinson's disease patients

Uncle Hangzhou often has nightmares

Still hitting people in dreams

Wang Dabo (pseudonym), a 65-year-old native of Hangzhou, has lived an enviable leisurely life after retiring from a civil service position, playing tai chi in the park in the morning and walking with his wife at night.

From about the end of 2018, Uncle Wang was entangled in a "nightmare". This nightmare is a real nightmare! Always kind and kind, he often dreams of quarreling, fighting, being chased and beaten, and falling into the abyss with people... And accompanied by shouting, punching and kicking behavior, sometimes even because the behavior is too intense and fell out of bed, but also often woke up the wife from sleep.

Although every time he woke up from a nightmare, Uncle Wang would be in a bad mood and sore, but because there were no other symptoms, he did not care, but went to the Chinese medicine hall to dispense a few pairs of "tranquilizing" medicines. However, things didn't get any better, with nightmares going from once a week at first, to more than three times a week, and even for days on end. So Uncle Wang went to the community health center near his home and was given sleeping pills, and the situation was still good and bad.

One day in August 2021, Uncle Wang, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, wanted to pick up the remote control to change the station, but suddenly found that his right hand would shake involuntarily. "As I get older, my health is getting worse and worse." Uncle Wang sadly told his wife that after this, the symptoms of his right hand shaking gradually worsened, and things that were easy to do before, such as picking vegetables and writing, also began to feel laborious.

The only daughter of the old couple is far away from beijing, and due to the epidemic in recent years, she has not returned home for a long time, and the old man has not told her daughter about her physical condition. In the New Year of 2022, when the daughter and the elderly video, they carefully found that Uncle Wang's right hand was shaking, and under careful questioning, he urged him to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

It turned out to be targeted by this "elderly killer"

Peng Guoping, chief physician of the Department of Neurology of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University, received Wang Dabo, and after learning more about Wang Dabo's "nightmare" experience for many years, said that this may be a typical "rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder" (RBD). Human sleep can be divided into REM sleep period and non-REM sleep period, the two alternately, "REM sleep disorder" refers to the occurrence of nightmares, behavioral disorders and so on in the reM movement sleep state.

"According to clinical studies, RAPID EYE movement sleep disorders are often accompanied by neurological disorders, the most common of which is Parkinson's disease in the spectrum of neurodegenerative diseases." Deputy Director Peng Guoping said that according to studies in recent years, the proportion of rapid eye movement sleep disorders in the entire course of Parkinson's disease patients is as high as 35-55%! At the same time, considering that Uncle Wang has already experienced symptoms of trembling in his right hand, this is also one of the typical symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

After a series of tests such as cranial magnetic resonance, polysomnography monitoring (PSG), Parkinson's comprehensive scale assessment and medopa test, Wang was diagnosed with "Parkinson's disease, rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder". Subsequently, the expert team carried out personalized drug treatment for Wang Dabo, and after 1 month of treatment, the symptoms of Wang Dabo's nightmares at night disappeared, while the trembling and inflexible condition of his right hand also improved, and his life became more comfortable.

The treatment and follow-up of Parkinson's disease patients is a long-term process, taking into account the needs of patients at different stages of the disease, the First Hospital of Zhejiang University gathers multidisciplinary strength and sets up a team of Parkinson's disease diagnosis and treatment experts, which is composed of medical forces such as neurology, neurosurgery, rehabilitation, mental health, imaging, etc., combined with substantia nigra ultrasound imaging, polysomnography EEG monitoring, DAT-PET and FDG-PET imaging, familial Parkinson's disease gene analysis and other diagnostic technologies, as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), Multi-dimensional rehabilitation training, deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery and other non-drug treatment methods, patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease are included in the whole management system, regularly monitor the improvement of medication and clinical symptoms of follow-up patients, accurately monitor changes in patients' conditions, realize individualized management and comprehensive treatment, and comprehensively improve the diagnosis and treatment effect and quality of life of patients.

Early detection Early intervention is key

Parkinson's disease is considered to be the "fourth largest killer" of middle-aged and elderly people after cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, tumors and Alzheimer's disease, and some experts predict that by 2030, there will be 5 million Parkinson's disease patients in the mainland. Parkinson's disease itself is not a fatal disease and generally does not affect life expectancy, but the symptoms it brings about, such as slow movement and limb stiffness and easy falls, can seriously affect the quality of life of patients.

At present, the cause of Parkinson's disease is unknown, may be related to genetics, genes, environment, etc., although there is no complete cure, but early detection, early intervention, can effectively delay the progression of the disease.

"The most important symptoms of Parkinson's disease are tremor, limb stiffness, slow movements, abnormal posture gait, etc. In addition to these motor symptoms, patients may also have non-motor symptoms such as depression, pain, sleep disturbances, loss of smell, constipation, etc., which are very common in Parkinson's disease and can even appear before parkinson's disease motor symptoms, which may be the precursor symptoms of Parkinson's disease." Therefore, if the middle-aged and elderly people have the above symptoms, they should pay special attention to it, and seek medical screening and diagnostic evaluation as soon as possible. Professor Luo Benyan, director of the Department of Neurology of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University, said.

April 11 is The World Parkinson's Disease Day, and the First Hospital of Zhejiang University will hold the "2022 World Parkinson's Disease Day Large-scale Science Popularization Online Education Activity" of "Hand in Hand in Health, Jointly Resisting Paarland" on April 9. At the same time, on the evening of April 9 and April 10, two online training seminars for primary doctors and nursing staff will be held.



April 9, 9:00-11:00 a.m


Online locations


Activity content

1. Special lectures

Professor Luo Benyan, Director of neurology, delivered a speech

Professor Peng Guoping, Deputy Director of the Department of Neurology: Comprehensive Management of Parkinson's Disease

Department of Neurology Yuan Yuan, Deputy Chief Physician: Drug Diagnosis and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease

Neurosurgery Chief Physician Wang Feng: Surgical diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson's disease

Second, experts face to face

Online consultation activities, including neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, rehabilitation, nutrition and nursing department expert teams, answer questions from netizens online.

Parkinson's disease related outpatient arrangements

Qingchun Campus

Specialist Clinic: Specialty Clinic for Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders on Monday afternoons

Specialist Clinic: Tuesday morning Chief Physician Peng Guoping Specialist Clinic

On Friday morning, Yuan Yuan, deputy chief physician, was at the specialist clinic

Headquarters Phase I

Specialist Clinic: Wednesday afternoon Specialist Clinic for Sleep Disorders

Specialist Clinic: Monday morning, Thursday afternoon Chief Physician Peng Guoping Specialist Clinic

On Friday morning and Sunday morning, Deputy Director Liu Ping's special outpatient clinic

Thursday morning, Sunday morning Chief Physician Wang Feng Specialist Clinic (Functional Neurosurgery)

Zhijiang Campus

Specialist Clinic: Tuesday afternoon, Deputy Chief Physician Yuan Yuan's Specialist Clinic

More warm and interesting medical things

Please pay attention to the video number of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University

This article is the original of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University

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