
Cure all diseases without eating or drinking? Stop being "cut through the valley" to harvest the IQ tax


Zhongqing commented

No matter how deceptive the appearance of such a valley-breaking training course is, it is impossible to change its pseudoscientific nature.

The "Valley Breaking" training class, which claims that it can cure all diseases without eating or drinking, has recently been exposed by the media again. In an undercover investigation of a valley-breaking training class, the People's Daily reporter found that the 3-day offline training fee was 2380 yuan. At the training site, the instructor told the trainees not to eat any food, and through practice to "collect cosmic energy" to fill their stomachs, and also claimed that the valley can cure any disease, including cancer. The lecturer also gave students a "point point" to cure rheumatism on the spot, claiming to be able to use their minds to take things from the air.

Cure all diseases without eating or drinking? Stop being "cut through the valley" to harvest the IQ tax

The instructor is giving the trainees a point (Source: People's Daily News)

For normal people, not eating or drinking simply can not maintain the nutrition required by the body, which is a common sense of life that does not need to be emphasized too much. Compared with normal people, the patient's physique may be more special, need to have more meticulous and healthy eating habits, if you do not eat or drink, not only will not eliminate the disease, but may make the disease worse.

This is not alarmist. Just a few years ago, there were media reports that women credulously believed that the valley could lose weight and lower blood sugar, and as a result, they died of fasting 2 days. Because of the psychology of holding people's urgent medical treatment, the training class can often give psychological hints to anxious patients through some mysterious propaganda, and some artificially exaggerated and untrue patients cannot withstand the myth of patient healing, and it is easier to harvest people's IQ tax.

Many valley-breaking training courses will describe the relevant content in "Zhuangzi Getaway" as the source of "drinking wind" and "breaking the valley". It seems that with the blessing of classic ancient books and traditional culture, we can ignore the laws of medicine and hype its health care and cure diseases and save people. From this point of view, the training class to publicize the wind and valley to the trainees is also a hot spot in rubbing traditional culture, taking advantage of people's blind belief in traditional culture, in fact, it is still "hanging sheep's head to sell dog meat".

No matter how deceptive the appearance of such a valley-breaking training course is, it is impossible to change its pseudoscientific nature. Some lecturers claim that the qi is a cultivation immortal, which is already a naked feudal superstitious statement. Some people choose to enroll in online courses, but ignore the qualifications of training institutions and lecturers. Under such circumstances, not only is it difficult to evaluate the efficacy of the course, but once the money is paid, the institution runs away or there is a subsequent dispute, it is also difficult to recover the economic loss in time.

Cure all diseases without eating or drinking? Stop being "cut through the valley" to harvest the IQ tax

The lecturer led the trainees to "practice gong and serve qi" (Source: People's Daily News)

The public's superstition of the effect of maintaining health and curing diseases in the valley may stem from the blind imitation of the behavior of some public figures or celebrities, or it may be caused by the lack of in-depth understanding of the real role of the valley and the scientific and healthy health care method. Relevant regulatory and law enforcement departments should increase the intensity of supervision, exert efforts in both online and offline channels, and fight at the outset of some institutions that play the edge ball and have bad course content orientation, and strictly prevent their comeback.

In addition, the relevant regulatory departments may wish to unite with medical professionals and media to expose the deception and routine of relevant training institutions to the public, while doing a good job in health science popularization, just like authoritative experts can alleviate the public's panic about the virus when popularizing the knowledge of the prevention and treatment of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and the big coffee in the Chinese medicine community has stood up to point out the fallacies in the wind of breaking the valley, and can also correct some of the misunderstandings in society, guide people to scientific health care and correct health care.

Written by Bai Yipeng

Editor/Shuai Huang

Produced by China Youth Daily and China Youth Network