
The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

Author | Zhang Xiaohu

Source | 4A Advertising Network

Speaking of the most out-of-the-loop car brand in cross-border marketing, it is absolutely impossible to avoid Wuling.

At the beginning of the epidemic, there was a shortage of masks, and Wuling immediately transformed the production line to produce masks and donated materials, which was praised by the public.

The stall economy has become a common practice, and Wuling has quickly launched a luxury stall car, which has become a stall artifact sought after by many young people.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

Snail powder is all over the country, Wuling cross-border online snail powder industry, in the marketing node of the Dragon Boat Festival, but also jointly launched snail powder rice dumplings with Hema.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

Holding high the banner of "what people need, Wuling will build", Wuling Automobile has become the focus of social topics, a regular customer on hot searches, and has been labeled as "the people's Wuling" and has become "The Wuling of young people".

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

Strawberry Bear IP is a villain in the Disney-Pixar animation Toy Story 3. It looks pink, furry, smells sweet strawberry, thick and cute under the appearance, but there is a "sick" heart, strong contrast cute deeply loved by the audience.

The hard-core Wuling car + pink strawberry bear also comes with its own contrast, which makes this joint name attract countless eyes as soon as it goes out on the street.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

The exterior design of Wuling's KiWi EV co-branded Strawberry Bear car can be said to be unprecedented in the automotive category.

The whole body of the vehicle is covered with two-color plush material, the side of the car is decorated with a 3D stereoscopic strawberry bear three-dimensional shape, the roof has bear ears, the tail of the car and the tail of the bear, simply make a car into a large plush toy, so that consumers see the body, it is naturally associated with the warm embrace of the teddy bear.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

KiWi EV Strawberry Bear Edition interior design, but also the whole use of plush material, seats, steering wheel, and even rearview mirrors are furry, not only i pink little sister, macho men look afraid that they will not be moved.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

At the same time, Wuling also launched the same peripheral, integrating cars and strawberry bear elements, the fluffy texture and pink elements that can be seen everywhere, cute and cute, and the personality pursuit of "cute things" by female target groups.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

Not only is it eye-catching enough on the outside, Wuling has also made this plush strawberry bear a topic marketing.

First of all, the strawberry bear car has its own internet celebrity attribute shape, which triggered the enthusiasm of passers-by to spontaneously watch the punch card when it hit the street.

Wuling grasped the characteristics that female consumers like to share, passed on ten or ten hundred, let the furry strawberry bear car set off a discussion boom on social networks, and pinched the "cute economy" traffic password.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

In the face of the hairy car, some netizens began to wonder, if it is a rainy day, is it not Barbie Q?

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

In this regard, Wuling's official account KiWi little assistant responded quickly: KiWi comes with a reverse charging function, which can be dried manually. Not only in the interaction, the brand topic volume is pushed up again, but also a wave of product advantages is output in reverse.

The doubts of netizens also reflect the marketing gimmick of Wuling's pink bear car from the side than the practical function.

Wuling is also well aware of this, so it launched a waterproof version of the electric vehicle with the same skin of Xiong zong at the same time.

The "impractical" plush strawberry bear car ostensibly satisfies the needs of some young people for personalized collection, but in fact, on a deeper level, it has accumulated topicality and heat for the same co-branded new car. I have to say that Wuling's trick of "sound east attack west" is really high.

In fact, the Strawberry Bear joint model is not the first time that GM Wuling has cooperated with Disney IP.

Previously, Wuling NanoEV and Disney's "Zootopia" jointly launched two versions of Judy and Nick limited edition models. This pair of Disney's famous fox rabbit CP has harvested a lot of CP powder love for Wuling.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

Earlier, Wuling also had a small and fresh inspiration collision with the net red new tea drink Xicha, so that the urban women who "have milk tea flowing in their blood" noticed this "salty and sweet" model.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

In addition, Wuling also cooperates with the cultural community B station where the young generation is highly concentrated, the fashion magazine "ELLA", the trend culture platform YOHO, and the Nintendo Gameboy... They all played a dream linkage, rubbing IP to the point of "outrageous".

Rubbing IP joint name, in addition to allowing the brand to harvest the heat, what is more interesting is that the attention of consumers is unconsciously attracted to this "clear stream of the marketing festival" and "a little different" Wuling.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

The marketing actions that seem to be "not doing business" again and again will multiply the brand's every move, accumulate a greater voice and consumer base for the next marketing action, and form a virtuous circle.

Rubbing heat, eyeballs are just means, Wuling's complicated cross-border joint name, the most important thing is to open up a new road for the brand to create a new path of young marketing with a different style.

In 2020, Wuling launched an electric vehicle, and the "transformation fever" quickly spread on social platforms such as Xiaohongshu and Weibo.

Once upon a time, there were shopping guides, home improvement guides, TV guides... And Wuling created the car loading guide.

In line with the "transformation fever" of the social platform, Wuling officially launched the "Car Sticker Guide" to encourage car owners to transform their bodies according to their hobbies, in response to the pursuit of personality and self-demand in the Z era.

This Baojun KIWI EV, which is jointly named Strawberry Bear Car, is directly transformed by the brand to help you, and consumers only need to put forward their own personalized needs, and they can customize it to an exclusive car with a personal label.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

In the Little Red Book search for Hongguang MINIEV, all the people who came were the cases of car owner modification. Full of pink breath, let the Akina Mountain God Car, transformed into a large hardcore tide for girls to play.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

According to Wuling's official data, Hongguang MINIEV's post-90s users accounted for 72%, and female car owners accounted for more than 60%. This also laid the marketing route of Wuling "more and more cute".

Catering to the aesthetic orientation of female consumers, Wuling MINI EV launched a special series of macarons, white peach powder, lemon yellow, avocado green, three net red numbers, sniping at the girlish heart of female consumers.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

Conforming to the macaron-colored ice cream, Wuling also imitated the classic ice cream of the Internet celebrity, and launched the car-shaped macaron ice cream, actively catering to the trend hotspots and playing with young people.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

Wuling continues to innovate, always keep up with hot spots, open up communication channels with young groups, especially female consumers, and the increasingly fierce "meng marketing" has pushed a new height in strawberry bear joint name, and constantly strengthened Wuling's new brand label.

The joint name of the crazy devil Wuling, and then against Disney

From the product side, Wuling's new product line MINI EV has a price of less than 30,000 yuan, which can achieve commuting freedom and quickly harvest a new generation of young consumer markets.

From the marketing end, Wuling continues to improve its appearance and quality, constantly chase hot spots, and cross-border linkage with brands with its own tide play attributes to better meet the needs of young consumers, especially female consumers, for personalization and quality.

In the past, Wuling's positioning in the minds of different consumers was a practical model with high cost performance for carrying and pulling goods.

Nowadays, through high-quality marketing, Wuling has given the brand a new label in addition to "cost performance", which has become synonymous with personality, trend and fashion, creating a phenomenon-level IP rise of exclusive Wuling.

Wuling, which keeps up with the young trend, makes people start to look forward to how the people's Wuling can play in the next step!

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