
How to fall in love with a water elephant person? Accept this set of Venus 12 constellation love raiders, Scorpio Pisces Cancer should look

Yesterday, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, entered Pisces.

On this day of great sensuality and fluidity, we will take you into the three most "love" related constellations of love.

Last week, we launched the first in a series of Venus 12 Zodiac Signs of Love Guide written by Frank, Dean of the London School of Astrology, Wind Elephant Man's Emotions.

The sign of Venus represents the way we feel love, how we express it, and how we need to love and how to achieve the consummation of our relationship.

For Venus in the sign of water, they focus on emotional nourishment and feedback.

This article takes the seat of Venus and the house position as a priority reference, and is also suitable for friends whose emotional field is particularly emphasized by the water sign.

May we all remember the true original intention in the invisible world in this visible world.

No one understands that original intention better than the water elephant man.

Other references:

Venus is in the 4th house of Cancer

Venus forms phase with the Moon

The 7th house head is Cancer

How to read the "water" of Cancer?

The symbol of Cancer is a crab with a hard shell and a strong defensive heart, but soft and moist on the inside. The Venus Cancer man is also like this: very sensitive and does not like to get too close to strangers. And once they give you a pass, you feel their unusual positivity and enthusiasm.

Often, it takes a long time before they make a big commitment. So before they can really put their guard at ease, those who have a crush on them may need to face a cold protective shell.

Perhaps, this is because they once trusted others with all their hearts, but they were ruthlessly betrayed and deceived. Cancer's memories will not be easily erased, and it will not be easy to forgive the previous betrayal. This kind of emotional scar, only by waiting for time to heal, can they slowly find the courage to trust again.

Golden Cancer men often cry when they watch movies or perform, but they never worry that their masculinity will be questioned and do not care about the eyes of others. Women in Golden Cancer will play the role of strong women until they find a partner they can trust.

All Golden Cancer people are very eager to have a nest of their own, even if there are only two people. Most of them are naturally good at housework and are proficient in cooking. This little nest is heaven for them, a haven that they can rely on no matter what.

What is the love of Venus Cancer?

Building a spiritual connection with your partner is more important to Golden Cancer than anything else. Two people in a relationship must be two intimate souls who combine understanding, love and companionship, which is the belief of the Golden Cancer people.

Golden Cancer is willing to be a housewife and is proud and fulfilled to take care of every need of her partner and family, which makes them feel worthy of themselves.

They are born with constant care and affection for their partners, and of course they need feedback from each other. A special anniversary, a bouquet of flowers, and a touching second honeymoon can rekindle their passion.

The life of golden Cancer is full of memories and nostalgia. In the process of looking back on the past, they often easily beautify their former lovers and scenes. I want to remind you that instead of dwelling too much on the past, it is better to learn to integrate those memories with ideals and dreams, and turn them into a beautiful vision of the future to pursue.

What kind of lover does Venus Cancer need?

This is one of the most sensitive locations in all Venus constellations. Therefore, the ideal partner of golden cancer crabs must be able to accept their fluctuating mood changes, which is undoubtedly a difficult task for the other half.

The perfect companion for Golden Cancer requires the acceptance of a new "two-in-one" couple model. They'd better remember Golden Cancer birthdays, as well as various other special anniversaries, and definitely not criticize their family and friends. No matter how bad their mother's qualities were, they would never allow others to attack her.

Never ask them who they choose between their family and their loved one. As their partner, you must know that it is their past that has made him what he is now, and that will also affect their future.

Guiding a partner through tough times has a lot of significance for Golden Cancer. Although at this time the proportion of two people in the relationship will become unbalanced, golden cancer will feel the pressure of one person to work several times - lover, parent, cooking woman, counselor, however, the golden cancer woman is looking for a partner who can play the glory of their motherhood. Men with Golden Cancer tend to look for someone who can take care of them like a mother.

It's worth noting that if you or your partner have the thought that if you don't love me, then I may not be able to live anymore? If so, this red flag needs to draw your watchful eye.

Golden Cancer is a devoted companion, but he also needs someone who can always pay attention to his emotional needs. They are very possessive of their lovers, especially when they feel neglected. But Golden Cancers, please don't use emotion to blackmail your partner to stay or make any long-term commitments, because they're likely to get disgusted by it and blame it on you later.

One of the main tasks of Golden Cancer's life is to learn to let go of a relationship at the end of a relationship and accept the ending. No matter how good the relationship is, you need to look forward.

Venus in Scorpio/8th house

Venus forms phases with Mars/Pluto

The head of the 7th house is Scorpio

How to read the "water" of Scorpio?

If the "water" of Cancer is a trickling river, then Scorpio, the fixed constellation in the water sign, is the way the river condenses into ice. The surface is cold and calm, but underneath it contains great power, unfathomable.

It's full of emotions and desires. Once you've decided to venture here, be prepared to board the roller coaster and grab the grab bars! Because the way will be full of extreme excitement, thrills and excitement, and it will be difficult to turn back.

For some people, they simply don't know how to deal with the golden scorpion's super high emotional concentration, and even the timid people are likely to run away before they start. But for those who are really attracted to the Golden Scorpion, they are looking forward to it with excitement.

The character of the Golden Scorpion man is complex. They are inherently very sensitive to secrets and fear rejection and betrayal. Therefore, they will want to possess each other completely in all relationships. In their world, black and white, there is no gray area in the middle.

Golden Scorpion has a strong sixth sense, which seems to be unexplainable by science, but ta can indeed immediately identify lies and quickly find the truth. So, don't hide and deceive them. Once mutual trust is established, they are definitely the ones who can keep secrets the most.

What is the love of Venus Scorpio like?

"Sex" seems to be a topic that Scorpios can never avoid, but that doesn't mean they're frivolous and superficial. On the contrary, for golden scorpions, sex is the highest level and most magical way of connecting two souls. Or rather, a way to sincerely express your animal instincts.

Golden Scorpion believes that sex is an experience that can be transformed, able to extract them from ordinary daily chores. Sex occupies an important dominant role in a relationship and is the ultimate embodiment of love and commitment. There are many golden scorpios who have no sex at all until they find someone they truly love and are willing to connect with.

So, those who make small talk or show concealment and dishonesty during sex will be sneered at by them. Golden Scorpion never bends over backwards to compliment his partner, and all you hear is all they want to express.

In fact, Golden Scorpio has more affection than anyone else. They belong to the category of either "all" or "nothing". This obsessive-compulsive and uncompromising attitude can cause some kind of damage to the relationship. Because other people are not necessarily in such a tense state as the Golden Scorpion all the time.

The end of a relationship may reveal the darkest side of Golden Scorpion. In extreme cases, they may intimidate you with vicious language, annoying phone calls, or be pestering. Because they can't accept that their partner has no love for them anymore. The biggest challenge for Golden Scorpion is to accept this change and get back on his feet and move on, rather than self-destructive and do some negative behavior.

Remember, you're definitely going to get out of the relationship. And when you are born from the ashes, you will once again usher in a new, loving future.

What kind of lover does Venus Scorpio need?

Golden Scorpion needs genuine respect, unwavering commitment and complete trust. What they need is a loyal partner who loves them deeply. Those who stir up their jealousy through emotional games, or those who reveal their inner secrets, cannot get into their eyes and are even hated.

Golden Scorpio is only interested in intense, passionate relationships. When they find themselves beginning to be jealous of someone else, they will find that they have fallen in love with that person.

In their daily lives, Golden Scorpio will always want to explore the unknown side of his partner's personality, like a detective, always obsessively chasing unknown stimuli. Therefore, it is best for partners to always maintain a certain sense of mystery to attract them to keep interested in you at all times.

Golden Scorpions are like this, always want to have what they don't have, and once they get it, they quickly pursue new ones. Is it hard to do? Well, "friendly" and "easy" weren't originally in the style of golden scorpions.

Many people regard the Golden Scorpion as mysterious, deep, dangerous, but irresistible temptation, constantly weaving layer after layer of lullaby on their lovers, binding them to their own side. But scorpions need to understand that they are your companions, not your objects, and some may not be able to tolerate your intense love.

During the consultation process, we also often meet some of the partners of golden scorpions, some of whom are more in line with these descriptions than golden scorpions themselves.

Venus in Pisces/12th house

Venus forms phase with Jupiter/Neptune

The head of the 7th house is Pisces

How to read the "water" of Pisces?

Pisces is not only the last sign of water, but also at the end of the 12 signs. TA is the water that changes, and no one can grasp it exactly. Ta has no clear direction, but at the same time points to all.

Ta is a collector, with the chaos and inclusion of the universe, so that all the planetary energy that falls into TA becomes blurred and addicted. Venus Pisces is therefore more like a melodious lyrical chord, the most romantic and sensual of all Venus signs.

When Venus Pisces enters the state, they can feel almost everyone's feelings, and can clearly understand what these people are going through, easily discerning whether people are lying or not.

The Pisces have infinite tolerance for all people, so all kinds of people are willing to associate with them. However, they sometimes ignore their intuition and have no ability to recognize people. Their good nature is particularly vulnerable to exploitation and harm. Learning to listen and believe in your own inner voice will help the Pisces get rid of many of the potentially negative relationships.

What is the love of Venus Pisces?

The Pisces will give themselves endlessly in love. They are very rare friends and lovers because their awareness can truly achieve empathy with others, with a strong sense of empathy.

This is the strength of their talent, but it is also easy to become a weakness that is exploited by others. In extremely negative situations, some people will tell them that there is no gain without suffering and convince them of this, but this is not the case. If the Pisces happens to meet a character who uses the TA emotionally and makes the TA obey, then the TA is likely to embark on a destructive path.

What Pisces needs to remember is that what you need to build is a healthy relationship that doesn't require you to give up your independence or unconditionally transform into what your partner wants overnight.

Pisces, on the other hand, know that you can never change your partner's true form.

As astrologers, we often see situations where you try desperately to help them out of sympathy for them, but the results are still disappointing. Stop thinking that love is humble! You forgive them time and time again, making countless excuses for them, but eventually you will resent them for hurting you.

If the Pisces can set boundaries early in a relationship and face the problem head-on rather than suffer in silence, it will be easier to build a long-term, respectful relationship.

Take off those beautiful filters and accept the reality that any relationship can have both good and miserable. Only by working hard to develop your discernment can you become a good friend or partner, while also avoiding a relationship that is "completely dependent on the other person".

What kind of lover do Venus Pisces need?

Venus Pisces is a full dreamer, an idealist. What they seek is the perfect partner.

Their ideal lover is a knight in shiny armor, a personable doctor in Ship of Love, and a beautiful mermaid girl in The Little Mermaid who attracts a prince.

For them, the world of love must be filled with fairytale fantasies, and poetry and music are their way of expressing their romantic feelings. Of course, there must also be a happy ending.

They are easily attracted to attractive and mysterious people and crave gentle and sensual emotional experiences. They are constantly giving themselves up in their feelings and enjoying the other person's response to themselves. It's important for them to have something to look forward to, such as, a romantic trip, a fancy musical, or a limousine ready to celebrate a special anniversary.

People who don't respect their feelings, or ignore their desire to slow down the pace of relationship development, will be rejected by them. What The Pisces need is someone who can express love to them at any time, who is fully engaged, who respects their feelings, and who is willing to give.

It's just that there may be only one such person out of a million who can provide you with everything you need: sensibility, understanding, support, and beauty.

Even so, the Pisces never gives up looking for someone special who is willing to share their romantic vision with them and work with them to realize them. The Pisces believed that the man must be waiting for him somewhere, not just imaginary.

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