
The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

author:Liu Hao, pharmacist of Zhongshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Clear the heat

Wet products

Kapok, also known as climbing branches, blooms in late spring, and the flowers are large and beautiful in red. Kapok can be eaten while viewing. Whenever the kapok blooms, many elderly people and children pick up the flowers when they see flowers falling, and then dry them in the sun, which is used to make tea, boil soup, and put medicine.

Sexual taste: cool, sweet taste.

Efficacy: It has the effect of clearing heat and dampness and detoxifying.

Indications: diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids, hemorrhage and other symptoms.

Contains: rich in flavonoids, polysaccharides, fatty acids, tannins and other components and contains Ca, Mg, K, Zn and other trace elements.

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that kapok has a strong inhibitory effect on acute and chronic inflammation, the growth of yeast and mold commonly found in food, and has a certain anti-cancer effect.

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

(Source: Baidu Pictures)

Commonly used dietary therapies

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

Kapok kudzu lean broth

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

Ingredients: kapok, kudzu, coix kernels 20 grams each, lean meat 150 grams, salt to taste.

Method: Wash the above ingredients and put them in a casserole dish, add an appropriate amount of water and boil over low heat, change the heat to simmer for about 2 hours, and add an appropriate amount of salt.

Efficacy: This medicinal diet has the effect of clearing heat, dispelling dampness and detoxification, especially suitable for the prevention of influenza.

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

Kapok stewed seahorse

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

Ingredients: 12 grams of sunflower, 20 grams of kapok, 8 to 10 seahorses, 150 grams of lean pork, 3 slices of ginger.

Directions: Wash each thing separately, soak it slightly, and cut the lean pork into pieces. Put ginger in a stew bowl, add 1250 ml of cold boiled water (about 5 bowls), cover and simmer for 3 hours. Salt is added when drinking, which can be used by 3 to 4 people.

Efficacy: This medicinal diet can clear the heat and nourish the yin and tone the qi, and is a beautiful soup for the family of the heat and yin in the summer heat.

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

Kapok dandelion stewed pork lean meat

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

Ingredients: 20 grams of kapok, 12 grams of dandelion, 8 grams of honeysuckle, forsythia, and green sunflower, 400 grams of lean pork, 2 dates, 3 slices of ginger.

Directions: Soak the medicine slightly and wash it; wash and cut the lean pork; pit the dates. Together with ginger, add 2000 ml of water (about 8 bowls), boil over low heat and change to a simmer for about 1 and a half hours, then salt. For 3 to 4 people.

Efficacy: This medicinal diet can assist in the treatment of sores and skin diseases in spring, or the therapeutic soup in the hot and wet season of spring.

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

Healthy spleen to remove wet porridge

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

Ingredients: 20 grams of kapok, 10 to 15 grams of locust flowers, 30 grams of lentils (or 15 grams of lentil flowers), 30 grams of barley, 30 grams of coriander, 150 grams of japonica rice, 10 red dates.

Directions: Wash and boil the kapok, locust flowers and lentil flowers for 15 to 20 minutes, then remove the flowers to retain water, then add japonica rice, lentils, barley, coriander and red dates, and cook until the lentils, barley, coix and japonica rice are cooked. Add an appropriate amount of brown sugar to taste, the taste of porridge is better. Serves 3 persons.

Effect: This porridge strengthens the spleen and stomach, relieves gastrointestinal damp heat, and is suitable for people with gastrointestinal heat, bloating and stomach discomfort.

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

Kapok tangerine peel porridge

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

Ingredients: 30 grams of fresh kapok, 10 grams of tangerine peel, 100 grams of japonica rice, honey to taste.

Directions: Wash the kapok and tangerine peel, add water to fry the juice, remove the dregs and set aside; wash the japonica rice, add water and kapok tangerine peel juice to cook the porridge; when the porridge is about to become, add an appropriate amount of honey, cook it slightly.

Efficacy: This medicinal porridge is healthy spleen to dispel dampness, moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, especially suitable for the elderly and weak.

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

Kapok three-flower drink

The kapok is blooming, and it is time to enjoy the flowers

Ingredients: dried kapok petals 15 g, honeysuckle 10 g, white chrysanthemum flower 10 g.

Directions: Wash the kapok petals, honeysuckle and white chrysanthemum flowers and bring to a boil in water for tea.

Efficacy: This medicinal tea clears heat, detoxifies, cools blood and stops diarrhea. In the summer, drink this drink often, and also have the effect of relieving the heat.

Dai Weibo, Faculty of Pharmacy, Zhongshan City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Editorial Department of Zhongshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Editor: Huang Lin

Second instance: Liu Weihong

Third Trial: Gao Dawei

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