
Mom's 6 kinds of universal sauce methods, the sauce is rich and easy to learn, and the next meal is fragrant to the extreme

author:Think more
Without fireworks, life is a lonely journey. Today to share with you to teach your mother to master the 6 kinds of universal sauce methods, the sauce is rich and easy to learn, the next meal is fragrant to the extreme, quickly collect it!
Mom's 6 kinds of universal sauce methods, the sauce is rich and easy to learn, and the next meal is fragrant to the extreme

Shiitake mushroom sauce


Fresh shiitake mushrooms Millet spicy garlic minced ginger cooking oil

Done 法️

1) First prepare fresh shiitake mushrooms, millet spicy, garlic and ginger, all cut into foam and set aside.

2) Heat the oil in a pan, first sauté the minced ginger, then add the minced garlic and stir-fry to make the aroma, then add the millet spicy and stir-fry evenly, and finally add the diced shiitake mushrooms.

3) Season with salted chicken essence, add 1/2 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp white sesame seeds, simmer until 3 to 5 minutes.

Mom's 6 kinds of universal sauce methods, the sauce is rich and easy to learn, and the next meal is fragrant to the extreme

Garlic minced chili sauce

Ingredients: 200 g garlic, 200 g millet spicy, 1 small piece of ginger, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp white wine


1: Wash the garlic, millet pepper and ginger, then suck the surface water dry, crush and set aside.

2: Add 3 tablespoons of oil to the pan, add minced garlic and ginger in cold oil, stir-fry for 2 minutes, add chili peppers and stir-fry evenly, stir-fry over low heat until the color of the peppers turns red. (If it is too dry on the way, you can add more oil)

3: Add 1 spoonful of soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, a little salt, 1 spoon of white wine and stir-fry for 3 to 5 minutes. Boil the surface of the golden bubbles can be served and let cool.

Mom's 6 kinds of universal sauce methods, the sauce is rich and easy to learn, and the next meal is fragrant to the extreme

Cumin flavor dipping sauce


3 spoons of soybean bean paste, 1 spoon of original soybean paste, 1 spoon of Pixian bean paste, 1 spoon of sweet noodle sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of sesame sauce, 40 grams of onion, 15 grams of green onion, 30 grams of garlic, 1 spoonful of sugar, 5 grams of ginger, 5 grams of cumin powder, 2 spoons of white sesame seeds, 120 ml of cooking oil, about 15 peppercorns, 1 star anise

1: Take 30 grams of onion and beat ginger and garlic into puree, add 1 spoon of original soybean paste, 3 spoons of soybean bean paste, 1 spoon of sweet noodle sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of sesame sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, 5 grams of cumin powder and stir well.

2, small and medium-sized hot pot in the hot oil, put in the peppercorns and star anise, green onion and onion 10 grams of simmering incense to fish out the oil, and then put in a spoonful of Pixian bean paste, 5 grams of sesame seeds sautéed until fragrant, put in the sauce and stir-fry for about 3 minutes, stir without stopping.

3: After stir-frying, turn off the heat and sprinkle a little chives to eat.

Mom's 6 kinds of universal sauce methods, the sauce is rich and easy to learn, and the next meal is fragrant to the extreme

Korean hot sauce

Get ready:

1 apple, 1/2 onion, 2 slices of ginger, 6 cloves of garlic (finely chopped or beaten with a blender)

Sauce: 10 spoons of light soy sauce, 10 spoons of cooking wine, 3 spoons of vinegar, 4 spoons of sugar, 8 spoons of chili noodles, 6 spoons of soybean paste

1) Chop the apple onion, garlic and ginger separately or beat into a puree with a blender

2) Set aside the sauce in proportion

3) Heated pot with 3 tbsp oil, add garlic puree, mix and add ginger and onion apples and cook for a while

4) Bring to a boil, add the sauce and bring to a boil over low heat to bring out the water

4: When the sauce is thick, you can taste the taste, if it is not sweet enough, add some sugar, and then bottle it, remember to wipe it clean. Sealed refrigeration period of one month, Korean hot sauce bibimbap, or Korean kimchi can also be made with this sauce

Mom's 6 kinds of universal sauce methods, the sauce is rich and easy to learn, and the next meal is fragrant to the extreme

Secret chili sauce

Ingredients: 2 kg of chili pepper 120 g of garlic 500 g of tomatoes 140 g of white vinegar 100 g of sugar 100 g of salt 100 g of soybean paste

Preparation Method:

1) Wash the purchased chili peppers and drain them;

2) Prepare the ingredients needed: 120g garlic, 2 tomatoes, 100g soybean paste, 140g white vinegar, 100g sugar, 100g salt;

3) Peel the tomatoes, cut into chunks, then crush in a blender and set aside;

4) Remove the seeds and chop the chili peppers into pieces or place in a blender and crush;

5) Put the tomatoes, chili peppers, salt, sugar and soybean paste in the non-stick pan prepared in advance;

6) Boil until viscous; turn off the heat, add white vinegar and stir well, put aside and cool to room temperature; finally add garlic and stir evenly;

7: The super delicious and fragrant chili sauce is boiled; put in a pre-sterilized bottle, put it in the refrigerator, the longer the better, put it aside is not bad!

Mom's 6 kinds of universal sauce methods, the sauce is rich and easy to learn, and the next meal is fragrant to the extreme

Minced garlic mushroom sauce

Ingredient list

10 shiitake mushrooms, 4 garlic heads, 10 millet spicy, 2 slices of ginger

1) Chop or stir separately, stir-fry the minced garlic in oil and stir-fry until fragrant, add millet spicy, shiitake mushrooms and minced ginger and stir-fry evenly

2) Add a little salt and chicken essence ➕1 tbsp light soy sauce ➕1 tbsp oyster sauce ➕ 1/2 tbsp sesame seeds stir-fry and simmer for 3-5 minutes

3: If you want to eat granular texture, don't chop too much Ha ~

4: Oil is a little more than the usual stir-fry oil, can not finish eating put in the refrigerator refrigeration, eat a week no problem ~

5: Steamed vegetables, grilled.... You can use this garlic mushroom sauce, really invincible delicious

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