
Wanda is back on its feet, can other problem housing companies? Where will the way out be?

author:Hunting life

Wanda has been more active recently, not only unlike other real estate companies that have suffered financial problems, Wanda is now holding tens of billions of cash, and light assets are also ready to be listed in Hong Kong, and two days ago, wanda also saw relevant news Wanda and Henan Jianye cooperation to take over the 10-year operation of its commercial property. Some people say that now Wanda only has light assets, in fact, it is not the case, we know that Wanda is still recruiting the general manager of the project company, and it may also let people choose to do heavy asset projects.

Wanda is back on its feet, can other problem housing companies? Where will the way out be?

Time back a few years, Wanda was a very big problem with funds at that time, fortunately Wang Jianlin decisively sold a lot of assets, and then there was no sound in Wanda for a while, and basically the project was only light assets, but Wanda's biggest capital was actually hundreds of Wanda Plazas across the country and many merchants bound to Wanda Plaza, such resources are not available to many real estate companies.

If you think about it, once the residential real estate falls, it seems that there is not much left, do you say the team, once the company falls, basically the talent is gone, you see Sunshine City is not so. Do you talk about product brands, as if residential is not the same as commercial, even if the same company is in different cities, the popularity of products and markets is sometimes very different, and even the quality standards are different.

Wanda is back on its feet, can other problem housing companies? Where will the way out be?

Whether the company can come back to life is also related to the environment, Wanda was in trouble at that time, the environment was still very good, so that many of Wanda's assets can be easily sold, and even sold at a better price, just like Wanda Hotel sold to R&F and Sunac at the same time, so as not to sell a floor price.

But now the market is not the same, whether you can sell assets and projects to be related to the specific situation of the project, especially with the geographical location, real estate of course the most important location. Seeing that Sunac and Zhengrong have also successfully sold some projects or project equity recently, real estate companies that can transfer projects in a timely manner and get some funds feel that there is an opportunity.

Therefore, although many companies are in trouble now, the future development situation may be very different, some companies will survive the difficulties and continue to maintain the original size, but some companies should only be able to slim down, and some companies may even embark on the road of bankruptcy or restructuring.

Wanda is back on its feet, can other problem housing companies? Where will the way out be?

But Wanda's enlightenment to us is that the company needs to have core competitiveness, Wanda's brand and its subordinate businesses are an irreplaceable core competitiveness, and for residential real estate, the future direction may still be the core competitiveness of regional layout.

We have seen that in recent years, in the case of many national housing enterprises, some local companies are still actively maintaining recruitment and development, such as Heda and Qingte in Qingdao, which has a good reputation and market share in the local market. At the same time, we have seen many companies that moved to Shanghai in previous years and then moved back to their birthplace or base camp, which may be an opportunity for these companies to save their last strength and develop in a timely manner.

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