
I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important

author:Pickpocket some fashion

#What to wear today##Beauty Encyclopedia ##穿搭红黑榜 #

For middle-aged women, if they want to make their temperament and appearance look as good as other peers, the most important thing is to rely on maintenance and improvement of clothing. Care can make your entire face look less wrinkled and firmer, while lifting clothing can make you show a more elegant and attractive temperament, and also expose your body flaws less and less.

So in this article, Xiaobian will use several sets of styles by Jiang Shan and Jiang Wenli to interpret it with everyone, and the small skills that middle-aged women can learn from when wearing and the styling that must be cautious, hoping to help everyone.

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important

Different options for middle-aged women

  • Look1: Black zebra skirt

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important. This black zebra pattern can be said to add personal characteristics to the simplicity of the foundation, so that an ordinary dress is revitalized.

Even middle-aged women don't feel pompous and high-profile when they wear it. At the same time, the design of the A-line long skirt also creates a gorgeous and grand feeling, which looks super stylish.

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important

Increases color richness

Black dress is an excellent choice for middle-aged women, because the simple black can better show the decency and generosity of middle-aged women, and at the same time, it will not cause any trouble to the figure visually.

The only drawback is that it is easy to appear dull, so the addition of zebra pattern increases the richness of color while still maintaining the purity of the base color.

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important

The pattern sinks

Although the zebra can maintain the basic color of black and white, it is still easy to produce aesthetic fatigue when looking more, and if it is worn as a top, it will not be so advanced.

So let the pattern sink is the best way, the solid color of the upper part can set off the whiteness and translucency of your skin tone, so as to create a simple sense of luxury in the visual layer.

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important

Contrast between complexity and simplicity

When middle-aged women want to add a print to their looks, the black zebra skirt makes the best demonstration. It does not adopt a full-body pattern design, but makes use of the principle of contrast between complexity and simplicity.

Let the pattern not only maintain its fashionability, but also maintain the temperament that middle-aged women should have.

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important
  • Look2: Black jumpsuit

Of course, in addition to the skirt, the jumpsuit has also performed very well under the interpretation of middle-aged women. Although the black jumpsuit did not change in color, I could also feel the sense of fashion.

And this set of styles also makes many middle-aged women understand that a set of all-black wear can increase the highlights through these ways.

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important

Shape the high waistline

The all-black shape is actually easy to visually blur the sense of line of the figure, and the most important thing is to emphasize the position of the waist line. Like the shape of this black jumpsuit, a very clear waist buckle is used on the waist to reduce the width of the waist, and then matched with a neat pants shape, not to mention more figure.

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important

The choice of pants and materials is very neat and crisp, and the material with a very good drape feel is really versatile with straight wide-leg pants.

Whether you're a pear-shaped girl or an X-shaped girl, use wide-legged pants to make your body proportions better.

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important

Accessories add highlights

However, the full-body black shape is still a piece of black pressure from a distance, so it is still necessary to try to add some highlights in the wearing.

For example, you can make the neckline design more and more away from the neck, and then expose the slender shoulder and neck line, if you pair it with some strong presence accessories, it is perfect.

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important

These kinds of wear should be cautious

  • Glossy material

Glossy materials are actually divided into two types, the first is a high-grade material with a sense of luster like silk and velvet, which can look more gorgeous and grand after wearing, but this material is not ideal for the decoration of the body.

The second is a reflective material that looks cheaper, which is more suitable for contemporary young people to show their bold and avant-garde fashion attitude, and is not suitable for middle-aged women at all.

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important
  • Full body print

As mentioned in the previous article, middle-aged women must try to avoid the shape of the whole body print, so that it looks easy to become square dance mother-style clothing.

Or you can use a basic color such as black or white as a base color, and then use a large print instead of a fine print, the effect will be much better.

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important

Therefore, we must avoid the accumulation of clothing between the crotch and the buttocks, so that it will look like the whole person's figure is biased towards the apple type, which is also unfavorable for middle-aged women to show temperament.

I can't see that Jiang Shan is only 1 year younger than Jiang Wenli, and wearing black is too pure, and maintenance is really very important

I believe that after reading the tips recommended to everyone above and the minefields that need to be avoided, middle-aged women should know what is elegant temperament to wear, so they are not quick to learn it.

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