
Ukraine named China for guarantees, Japanese netizens could not sit still, and our Foreign Ministry has made its attitude clear

author:Heiner Observation Room

At a time when the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations have made a major breakthrough, the Ukrainian government hopes that 11 countries will become Ukraine's security guarantors, including naming China as guarantees, and the Chinese Foreign Ministry has made its attitude clear about this, but Japanese netizens cannot sit still, because there is no Japan in these 11 countries.

On March 30, at a regular press conference held by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, a reporter asked Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin about whether China can be the 'guarantor' of the Russian-Ukrainian peace agreement. In this regard, Wang Wenbin said that China supports and encourages all diplomatic efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, and is happy to see the dialogue and negotiation between Russia and Ukraine. China has always advocated attaching importance to the legitimate security concerns of all countries, is willing to work with the international community to advocate a sustainable security concept of common comprehensive cooperation and support the establishment of a balanced, effective and sustainable European security mechanism. China has been doing its utmost for peace, will continue to play a constructive role in promoting the relaxation of the situation in Ukraine in its own way, and work with all parties in the general direction of striving for the resolution of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict as soon as possible and the restoration of peace in Europe as soon as possible.

Ukraine named China for guarantees, Japanese netizens could not sit still, and our Foreign Ministry has made its attitude clear

As we all know, on March 29, local time, the fifth round of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations was held at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul, Turkey, in which the Ukrainian side expressed its desire to obtain neutral, non-aligned and non-nuclear status, refused to produce and deploy all types of weapons of mass destruction, including chemical and bacteriological weapons, and did not establish foreign military bases and deploy foreign troops on its territory. In response, the Russian Defense Ministry decided to significantly reduce military operations in the direction of Kiev and Chernihiv as a way to increase mutual trust.

Ukraine named China for guarantees, Japanese netizens could not sit still, and our Foreign Ministry has made its attitude clear

It can be said that such a result should be regarded as a major breakthrough since the russian and Ukrainian sides began peace talks. After the talks, Ukraine offered to make 11 countries Ukraine's "security guarantors," similar to the collective defense provisions of Article 5 of the NATO framework, which includes the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, namely China, Russia, the United States, Britain, and France, and six countries, including Turkey, Italy, Germany, Israel, Poland, and Canada.

Ukraine named China for guarantees, Japanese netizens could not sit still, and our Foreign Ministry has made its attitude clear

It is undeniable that the 11 "security guarantor countries" selected by the Ukrainian side must have their considerations, at least indicating that in Ukraine's eyes, these 11 countries have their influence in the international community. However, such a result has made Japanese netizens thousands of miles away very angry, they believe that Japan should also become Ukraine's "security guarantor country". The reason for this is that if Germany and Italy, which are also defeated countries, can become guarantors, then Japan should also become a guarantor, and Japan's military strength is far stronger than that of more than half of the countries on the above list.

Ukraine named China for guarantees, Japanese netizens could not sit still, and our Foreign Ministry has made its attitude clear

In fact, the reasons for the japanese netizens' displeasure should be more than the above two points, and one point is also obvious, that is, in this Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Japan "helps" Ukraine, and Ukraine does not choose Japan, which breaks the glass heart of Japanese netizens. It should be known that since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Japan was the first to follow in the footsteps of the United States to participate in sanctions against Russia, and at the same time provided weapons support to Ukraine, and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio did not hesitate to take the "risk" of provoking Russia to accuse Russia of "occupying" the so-called "four northern islands" while "invading" Ukraine. This series of moves by the Japanese side, in the eyes of Japanese netizens, is a manifestation of Japan's "deep affection" for Ukraine, but Ukraine has ignored Japan's "kindness" and excluded Japan from the "security guarantee country", which makes Japanese netizens "very hurt", and there is a little resentment after being "abandoned".

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