
99% of people are blindly losing weight

author:Dr. Qiu said

"Weight loss is a comprehensive and systematic science, not a whim."

As we all know, I am a beautiful man who knows a little about weight loss.

Weight loss is indeed a popular demand, I checked the data, the number of overweight people in the world is 2.1 billion; the number of deaths due to overweight is 2.8 million per year. Horror, right?

99% of people are blindly losing weight

So a lot of people try to lose weight.

However, according to statistics from unknown sources, the death rate of the mainland due to liposuction surgery and eating diet pills exceeds that of traffic accidents;

30,000-50,000 people die each year in the wrong way of losing weight.

Equally terrifying!


Weight anxiety

Many people have weight anxiety – most people are not because of health, but because of beauty and ugliness.

The definition of beauty and ugliness in the current society is deformed.

For example, chopstick legs, for example, good women are not more than a hundred.

99% of people are blindly losing weight

I don't know if there is capital behind this deformed aesthetic.

However, there are too few people who really promote healthy beauty, and most people are pursuing thin beauty, even to the point of perversion.

The king of Chu had a thin waist, and many people starved to death in the palace.

Many people lose weight, not because they are fat, but because they want to be very thin and thin.

For example, whether it is one meter six or one meter seven, it must be reduced to less than 100 pounds.

Essentially, it's inner weight anxiety.

99% of people are blindly losing weight
  1. Weight anxiety due to obesity discrimination
  2. The wrong method leads to a decrease in rebound and metabolism
  3. It is necessary to learn systematic weight loss methods and concepts

That is, if you are a little overweight, you are inferior.

Over time, many people will want to lose weight without compromise – even if it is a little fatter.

In fact, there is capital at work behind this


Method error

Weight anxiety is just the beginning; the next step is the mistake that many people make:

a sick doctor

99% of people are blindly losing weight

I often have fans come to me at the Yishoutang Clinic and say:

Dr. Qiu, I have a lot of experience and have lost more fat than you have ever soaked.

But I'm getting fatter and fatter, whining, why is that?


Because the method is not right.

99% of people are blindly losing weight

People who should not lose weight want to lose weight, just like soaking in the wrong girl, Di Si wants to chase bai Fumei.

Lose weight in the wrong way, like using the wrong way to make a girl, a girl who likes to stay up late and bounce, you tell her to drink more hot water every day.

Then you can only do a lifetime of licking dogs.

The consequences of the wrong way to lose weight are impaired health and decreased metabolism.

A female fan told me:

Dr. Qiu, when I was young, I lost weight, just like you bubbled up, effortlessly, and lost weight after being hungry for two days.

But now losing weight, like a chick soaking you, took a lot of effort and turned out to be motionless.

99% of people are blindly losing weight

The root cause is that you use too many wrong weight loss methods, the body's metabolism is seriously damaged, and you are immune to the repetition of your old skills.

If you always send flowers to eat and watch movies to open the house, unless you are a talented and rich second generation, the battle-hardened chicks will not pay attention to you at all.


Systematic learning

Therefore, according to dr. Qiu's experience of perennial bubble girls:

Whether it is dealing with stubborn fat or stubborn chicks, there are only two words to achieve final success:


99% of people are blindly losing weight

Routines are unreliable.

What ketogenic weight loss / cupping weight loss / Copenhagen weight loss / fruit and vegetable juice weight loss / do not eat dinner and so on, are not reliable.

Weight loss should start with the most basic diet management.

Go learn about the scientific and healthy approach and then stick to it for a long time.

99% of people are blindly losing weight

It's like a bubble girl;

No matter how crazy you say it, you can't do it yourself.

Salary 3500 but bragging to buy a big house of 120 square meters in Shenzhen, do you think you are Wang Sicong?

Striving to improve yourself is the most practical and effective way.

If you want to speculate in stocks, you have to learn financial knowledge, why do you think that you can get rich overnight by buying a few stocks?

If you want to lose weight, you have to learn nutrition knowledge, why do you think that you can lose weight overnight if you are hungry for two days?

You don't make money outside of your perception;

Nor can it lose fat outside of cognition.

So, in this world, the real weight loss success rate is less than 10%.

Because those 10% have enough systematic three-dimensional cognition of weight loss.

Note: This article has been authorized and reproduced from the public number [Dr. Qiu said]