
This orchid is suitable for novice breeding, the maintenance difficulty is low, and the extensive management of a pot of flowers blooms dozens

author:Flower raising class

Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum orchid, gentleman's sex, fragrant and elegant, pleasant and pleasant. To exaggerate, there are only two kinds of people in this world, one loves orchids and raises orchids, while the other loves orchids but does not dare to raise them.

Many novice friends, Ailan is afraid of Orchid, in their hearts think that orchids are good-looking and not good to raise, the price is expensive, it is not easy to raise, it is very simple to raise to death, and the cost of learning (trial and error) is too high.

In fact, the orchid is not all delicate, cheap and worry-free is also the same good-looking orchids there are many, novice entry, home-raised training, recommended golden little prodigy, extensive management, now start, before the summer can get a pot of yellow and fragrant orchids, the circle of friends sent up.

This orchid is suitable for novice breeding, the maintenance difficulty is low, and the extensive management of a pot of flowers blooms dozens

The flowers are large, the amount of flowers is large, the flower color is positive, and the floral fragrance is long

Large flowers and many flowers: The golden prodigy is one of the eight kinds of Jianlan, Jianlan has many flowers, and the number of flowers in Jianlan is the leader in the amount of flowers - the golden prodigy, compared with the orchids known for the amount of flowers such as phalaenopsis orchids, it is not less than 10, and more than one flower can bloom more than 10.

And the golden prodigy's flower path is long, the flower type is large, and after the flowers are completely released, it can be said to be more than 5 centimeters, and the largest can reach 10 centimeters, and the petals and lips are stretched, sparse and handsome.

This orchid is suitable for novice breeding, the maintenance difficulty is low, and the extensive management of a pot of flowers blooms dozens

The family bought two pots of golden prodigies last summer, one pot has four seedlings, after maturity each plant grew at least 3 flower leaves, this year's Spring Festival is just in bloom, the largest one flower leaf blooms 12 flowers, the large flower diameter to 7 cm (before this has bloomed twice).

The golden prodigy can flower 4 times a year, with a long flowering period and a controllable flowering period.

Chinese New Year's Eve that night, the flowers are gorgeous, dozens of yellow flowers are competing for glory, in recent years, the city does not let the cannons, fireworks in previous years are not seen, but this pot of golden prodigies has added a lot of flavor to the family.

This orchid is suitable for novice breeding, the maintenance difficulty is low, and the extensive management of a pot of flowers blooms dozens

The color is positive, bright and vulgar: the flower color of the golden little prodigy is extremely positive, the yellow is not sinking or dull, the flower color is very bright, and there is no trace of variegated color, pure and natural. When the weather is clear, put the golden prodigy on the balcony, under the sun, the golden prodigy shines, the temperament is elegant, very beautiful.

Fragrant and long: the fragrance of orchids, the empty valley, the fragrance is elegant. The flowering period of the golden little prodigy is as long as one to two months, and it is conceivable that dozens of flowers bloom, each fragrant, and the fragrance of a pot of flowers can fill the whole room, and going home is the happiest thing of the day.

This orchid is suitable for novice breeding, the maintenance difficulty is low, and the extensive management of a pot of flowers blooms dozens

Put a pot in the living room, daily cultivation of the body and mind, floral fragrance to help you concentrate. Put a basin in the office, and the visitors show their elegant taste. The flowers are large, the amount of flowers is large, the flower color is positive, and the floral fragrance is long.

It is precisely because of these characteristics that many friends who do business often put two pots in the office, friends who like to raise flowers, are also willing to start, and the amount of gold prodigies in the market every year is very large.

This orchid is suitable for novice breeding, the maintenance difficulty is low, and the extensive management of a pot of flowers blooms dozens

See dry to wet, thin fertilizer does not need to be applied frequently

The golden little prodigy is recognized as a good breeder, and it is a bit exaggerated to live with soil, but the difficulty of maintenance is indeed to have hands, and water and fertilizer do not have to be diligent.

Of course, if you want to raise a good flower, you must also have some skills.

Raise a pot of golden little prodigies, remember the six words on the line "see dry and wet, thin fat" friends who often raise flowers must be more familiar with these words.

This orchid is suitable for novice breeding, the maintenance difficulty is low, and the extensive management of a pot of flowers blooms dozens

See dry and wet: orchids like moist soil, many friends think that orchids are difficult to raise, that is, do not know how to control watering.

The so-called dry and wet, simply put, is to water through, can not be watered half cut, the basin has water seepage, this time even if it is watered thoroughly.

That second watering, you need to observe the surface of the soil, the surface is slightly whitish, the soil is semi-moist, put your hand in, the inner soil is slightly moist but there is no water, at this time, we have to water the second time.

This orchid is suitable for novice breeding, the maintenance difficulty is low, and the extensive management of a pot of flowers blooms dozens

The same principle applies to other plants that prefer to be moist, such as camellias and rhododendrons.

Thin fertilizer: the good breeding of the golden little prodigy is basically no need to fertilize, if you raise a period of time to perceive that the amount of flowers is small, at this time we can use a little nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, remember the thin fertilizer, remember the thin fertilizer.

This orchid is suitable for novice breeding, the maintenance difficulty is low, and the extensive management of a pot of flowers blooms dozens

At the beginning of raising flowers and water fertilizer is very easy, always feel not enough, at this time, you can change a way of thinking, what is thin fat, is less fat, how to be less, less to think that some are not enough, just good. After that, it is still necessary to observe the amount of flowers, and determine whether fertilization is needed and how much fertilizer is needed according to the amount of flowers.

Golden little prodigy is easy to raise, but also easy to raise, want to raise orchids new friends can consider starting, the first practical lesson of raising orchids, golden little prodigies give you the opportunity to trial and error, can help you easily pass the novice period, advanced to the lan master.

Orchid Gold Little Prodigy Home Office ¥38 Purchase

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