
"If you are well, it is a sunny day" Bai Xiaoman was unjustly expelled, zhu Haitian took advantage of the void?

author:Lily chases dramas

"If You're Okay, It's a Sunny Day" is an urban love drama starring Zhang Han and Xu Lu, starring Hong Yao, Wang Ruizi, Wang Jinsong, Zhang Chenguang, Wen Zhengrong, etc. The drama mainly tells the funny and fresh romantic love story between the domineering president Tang Mingxuan and the new designer Mo Fei.

"If you are well, it is a sunny day" Bai Xiaoman was unjustly expelled, zhu Haitian took advantage of the void?

Bai Xiaoman and Mo Fei, look at the official website introduction or college classmates, for the time being, I don't know what festivals these two people have had before, anyway, watching the two people pinch each other when they meet, Bai Xiaoman is also merciless when he shakes Up Mo Fei.

"If you are well, it is a sunny day" Bai Xiaoman was unjustly expelled, zhu Haitian took advantage of the void?

The two people who originally had contradictions, coupled with the destruction of Murphy's entry this time, Bai Xiaoman naturally became the biggest suspect. No matter how she explained, everyone also did not believe her, so she was quickly pushed to the cusp of public opinion.

Fang Xiaoyu had already seen That Bai Xiaoman unhappy, after all, the last time in the background of the Xiong Ying Show, it was obvious that Bai Xiaoman deliberately damaged his clothes with assistant scissors. Moreover, Bai Xiaoman also promoted her relationship with Fang Xiaoyu in the model, just by taking the opportunity of Mo Fei's clothes being destroyed this time, Fang Xiaoyu fired Bai Xiaoman.

"If you are well, it is a sunny day" Bai Xiaoman was unjustly expelled, zhu Haitian took advantage of the void?

However, Bai Xiaoman also recorded this account on Mo Fei's head, and Mo Fei learned after watching Tang Mingxuan's monitoring that the clothes had been damaged before they were taken, so Bai Xiaoman was wronged. It seems that the person behind this bad is really hidden quite deeply, deliberately diverting attention to make everyone suspect Bai Xiaoman.

"If you are well, it is a sunny day" Bai Xiaoman was unjustly expelled, zhu Haitian took advantage of the void?

Bai Xiaoman was expelled and could not find a job to drink alone, when Zhu Haitian, the general manager of Haiyao Group, who had been looking forward to the opportunity, appeared. Not only did he send the drunken Bai Xiaoman to the hotel, but the next morning he also sent an assistant to send clothes and invited Bai Xiaoman to his office, the purpose of which was to let Bai Xiaoman join Haiyao.

"If you are well, it is a sunny day" Bai Xiaoman was unjustly expelled, zhu Haitian took advantage of the void?

Although Zhu Haitian tried his best to say that he was a righteous gentleman, we could see from his eyes and his restless hands that he took advantage of the void and did not have good intentions towards Bai Xiaoman.

"If you are well, it is a sunny day" Bai Xiaoman was unjustly expelled, zhu Haitian took advantage of the void?

But then Bai Xiaoman was really with Zhu Haitian and became his girlfriend to the public, and for the time being, he really couldn't understand why Zhu Haitian was with Bai Xiaoman? As for Mo Fei, Zhu Haitianming knows her relationship with Bai Xiaoman, and still wants to sign a contract to let her be Hai Yao, this man's mind is really unpredictable for the time being?

"If you are well, it is a sunny day" Bai Xiaoman was unjustly expelled, zhu Haitian took advantage of the void?

Bai Xiaoman has too deep a grudge against Mo Fei, and it is estimated that he will not give up so well. What's more, now that I have Zhu Haitian to support me, I don't know what moths will come out next! Looking forward to the next plot revealed!

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